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Hello! From Markymark Alias Mark420 Hey there Ive wondered over from Astahost...

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Hey guys,Just popping my head round to say Hello to you all..I am Mark420 and Im English and live in The Netherlands..I am hosted over @Xisto but I heard you can have an account at both sites so I decided to make my next project over here at Trap.I am really into my music and I have been a DJ for about 15 years now (got the grey hairs to prove it too!!) and also Im a computer techy for my job.So I think on the forum im going to be trying to help out on the computer help posts as well as general rants and raves about life these days..So thats all for now..more to follow as you get to know me :lol:Cya! Mark420

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Welcome to the Xisto. Life is a little less serious on the dark side over here at these Forums, but we have fun in spite of our situation.Glad to meet you. Have a look around and pop a PM if you need to. Not many rule changes from the Xisto Forums, so you should be good to go.

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Welcome to Xisto Mark. As i am sure you have allready done, is to read the Xisto readme :lol:UMM just remember not to post the same things here that you post over there and vice versa, its a big old thing about original content. Enjoy Xisto :( I think you will like it more than Xisto because it is allot more active, and has the most updated stuff, like the shoutbox.

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Hello MarkyMark Posted Image and welcome from Mich, in Michigan, USA. So you already have a site @Xisto. How about the url so we can take a look-see? You are into music. I minored in music in college, instrumental, and love all kinds of music except for that twangy, fiddle accompanied country and bluegrass. You will find all sorts of friendly helpful people here on Trap 17. Sounds like you will be a fine addition to the forum.

If you haven't read the Trap 17 Forum Rules, please do so. They are important to keep this forum up and running in a wholesome informative fashion.

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Welcome Mark to Xisto. I also live over in the USA like Mich and Albus. You already talked to me a little bit in the shoutbox earlier today. I'm sure you won't find things too different than over at Asta. Get to meet some different people though.

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Hello Mark! Like everyone else, I am also living in the US. We have to brang over here at Xisto and say we are better than Xisto. :blink: DJ seems like a cool job. What's your favorite kind of music? Have fun and enjoy yourself here!

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