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Albus Dumbledore

Cpanel E-mail Management Set-up Part 1.1 of My 7 Part Cpanel Tutorial

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This tutorial is an extention to my 7 tutorial series about the Cpanel. The 7 different Cpanel tutorials can be found below.
Part 1: E-mail Management
Part 2: Useful Site Management Tools
Part 3: Useful Site Management Tools2.1
Part 4: Analysis/Log Files
Part 5: Advanced Tools
Part 6: PreInstalled Scripts, Extras, and Cpanel Options
Part 7: Fantastico

Detailed Cpanel Tutorial Part 1.1: E-mail Management

Posted Image

In this tutorial i will, in detail explain all of the uses for the E-mail Section of the Cpanel.

Then, if this is your first time in the cpanel and you havent done this before, you will see one e-mail address listed and that is CPANELNAME@yourdomain.com.

Adding a New E-mail Account
1) You will need to be in the Add/Delete E-mail Account(s) Section

2) Find the link near the bottom that says [ Add Account ], click on it

3) In the E-mail Address Feild put the name in which you want the e-mail to be (ex: chris) then select the domain that you want it to be under if you have more than one.

4) Enter the password you want to e-mail address to have, make it hard nothing easy for people to crack into.

5) If you want this user to have a limit on how much space they have in their e-mail box so they dont take up your webspace, then enter it in the next box in MB

Deleting E-mail Accounts
1) Once again, you will need to be in the Add/Delete E-mail Account(s) Section

2) Simply find the e-mail account you wish to delete and find the button that looks like a trash can Posted Image and click it,

3) It will take you to a page that wants you to confirm that you want to delete it, just click yes. Then Its deleted.

Reading Webmail for a Certian Account
Option 1:
1) Go to http://ww38.yoursite.com/

2) Enter the account username that you want to check with @yourdomain.com (changing yourdomain.com to Your Domain!) then the password for that account

3) Selecting whether you want to use Horde or Squirrel Mail (Squirrel Mail is faster) Then you're in!

Option 2:
1) Go into the Add/Delete E-mail Account(s)

2) Find the account you want to check the mail for

3) Click the icon to the right that looks like an envelope with a Magnifying glass on top of it. Posted Image

4) Enter the password for the account

5) Select whether you want Horde or Squirrel Mail, then you're in!

Setting Aging
*note* this feaure will allow make it to where e-mails will be removed after a specified amount of days, ALSO That apparently it will only work with pop3 Sessions *note*
1) Once again, you will need to be in the Add/Delete E-mail Account(s) Section

2) Find the e-mail account you want to set aging for

3) Find the icon to the right that looks like two envelopes, one big and one small. Posted Image

4) Click it, then you will be taken to a page that asks for Number of days to keep e-mail, in the box enter the number of days that you want to keep your e-mail in the inbox for the account that you selected.

5) You're Done

Setting a Quota after the making of the account
1) Once again, you will need to be in the Add/Delete E-mail Account(s) Section

2) Click on the icon to the right that looks like three envelopes on a row. Posted Image

3) In the box, enter the new Quota for the e-mail address that you selected then you're done!

Changing The Password
1) Once again, you will need to be in the Add/Delete E-mail Account(s) Section

2) Click on the icon to the right that looks like a pad lock. Posted Image

3) Simply enter the new password that you want the e-mail account to have. Once you change it, the old one will no longer work. And then you are done. Just click Submit

Configuring Mail Client
- have not tried these
1) Once again, you will need to be in the Add/Delete E-mail Account(s) Section

2) Click on the icon to the right that looks like an envelope that has a blue arrow around it. Posted Image

3) Select the Client that you will want to use. (These are the only ones that Cpanel Accepts for Auto Configuration)

4) Click Ok to the screen that just poped up x3 -Be sure to read what the windows are saying-

5) Download the file it is promting you to download.

6) Find the area that you downloaded it to and open the file that was downloaded

7) I have not done anything past this because i could not get it to work. So, cant help you past this. If you have please reply to this post and tell me :lol:


Edited by BuffaloHELP (see edit history)

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