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Show Credit In Cpanel one Comment

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Hi dears and Xisto admins Dears admin do you can show users credit in cpanel account ?i think every day users login at cpanel and see creditesorry my en is not good :D i think this job help users to dont miss creditat end : show users credit in cpanelthanks .

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all they have to do to see the amount of credits that they have is log-in to Xisto and look for a split second, then leave..i understand that most people login to their cpanel on a dailybasis, but why bother changing the code and writing a new one just to do somthing that the people who want to see their credits would do by loging in daily.the general ideal of this site is to have people log-in dialy to post, and so when they do that, thay can see the amount of credits they have too..

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Its a good idea, since ppl may not know that they are having low credits and did not come down to Xisto to make a post... And maybe a pop up warning to the user with low credits and direct them to post at Xisto to keep their host running... Because that some of the ppl do not visit Xisto that often since they know they have more than sufficient credits and do not need to post...

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that is a good idea i don't think that much doing has to be change since all your doing is adding piece of the coding that is used on the forums to the cpanel coding.

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Adding that info to cPanel would take some work, because cPanel and the forum use different database systems, and writing the necessary code for that and merging it with the skin isn't exaclty child's play.

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I think that there is absolutely no need for the user to show the number of credits in CPanel. Everytime we log into the forum, we see the number of credits we have left before it expires. I think this in a way encourages the users to log in to the forum everyday and at the same time, they could browse the forum and add more credits to it. And it is additional work for the admins if they are to edit the CPanel coding just to suit a certain number of users, I am sure majority of the user do not mind the CPanel not showing the number of credits they currently have. However I am all for the reminder notification. For example, should our credits go dangerously low below 5, then it would be a good idea for a pop up to appear in the CPanel notifying the user that his credits are running out and it would be a good idea to go into Xisto.com and post some valuable content.

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Personally I don't think we need that number of our credits showed in cPanel because you have to log in to Xisto before to cPanel then you can easily see your Credits so no need to show them in cPanel. But of course , if Xisto intends to show them , then it would be better :D

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Like michael helper said, it wouldnt be easy to change it. I dont have any trouble remembering my hosting credits, i always try and keep it around a fixed number, you lose 1 a day so they are not that hard to keep track of.

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I agree michaelper22 and Saint_Michael
Cpanel codeing is very hard and different , becuase you must save a security
i think you can doit this idea with javascript and php and url forwarding
for example in cpanel skin make one link or (part) to show hosting creadit

for example : http://forums.xisto.com/show.php?id=farsiscript
and show.php give Id form url and return Creadit form database

thanks all for posting for this idea

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No need to put credits tally in cpanel. :D


"Nothing comes free in this world. Somebody has to pay for the service"


Then how are we getting this free hosting service (with all the facilities like Paid one)?

Some one is paying for that.

Yes, it is the ads you see in this page, they are paying for you. You are not require to do anything, just see your credits and shut down the browser and Xisto will get some $. So why we want to lower the revenue of trap.


I have seen many web hosting sites who give free hosting for postings going bankrupt only because people don't post after getting hosted but Trap's mechanism is great and we should support it instead of suggesting things to lower it's revenue.


However I am all for the reminder notification. For example, should our credits go dangerously low below 5, then it would be a good idea for a pop up to appear in the CPanel notifying the user that his credits are running out and it would be a good idea to go into Xisto.com and post some valuable content.

I like this suggestion, but instead of a pop up in Cpanel a mail can be generated from this forum itself. Admins please take a note of this.

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I like this suggestion, but instead of a pop up in Cpanel a mail can be generated from this forum itself. Admins please take a note of this.[/size][/b]


I think an email would not be the best solution. Because for me, when a certain websites email me, I would simply dump them off as a junk mail. I am not sure whether many people would bother about reading such mail sent by Xisto. Though a pop up might be a little irritating, I am sure this is the way to go as it notifies the person no matter what. The users may not read their email very often and it is through this CPanel control where they are spending the most time in because of the sites they are running on it especially if it is a forum of some sort whereby daily supervision is needed.

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Mass emailing members of the forum every few weeks, giving them there credit count, would be bad. We have enough problems with members mass mailing with Xisto and then our MySQL will go down..So..bad idea.I kinda like the idea of credits in your cpanel, but Xisto gets ad impressions for visits, which will help pay for the site. So maybe i'd just be better to keep it how it is.

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i like the idea posted a few posts back of the warning message when you forget so it wont die on youi have been below 0 credits a few times because i forgot all about it and i thought i had more credits so yeah... maybe have it warn us when it gets down to a few credits left so we can come and post.Now that i have free time tho ill be posting more often so meh what ever merging 2 databases is a pain i know... lol

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MySql goes down when people send mass spam e-mails because it easts up allot of the MySql's umm how to put it... it uses up allot of its power to run... lol anyways, when people send mass spam e-mails it basicly slows MySql down so much, it shuts it down.the MySql databases are used in the sending and recieveing and saving of mail messanges, so if someone sends out 1,000 spam e-mails, the server has to work extra hard eating itself up trying to send out those e-mails

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