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Can Someone Clarify A Rule For Me?

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You must not post any referral links to any services on the internet which may lead to any personal advantage or profits. Posting such messages may get you banned.

This is the rule i need clarifying, I have joined a game where by giving out a link to people andthem clicking on it i will get soldiers and gold (kingsofchaos.com if thats any use). If i posted this link in a no-credit forum and clearly told readers what it does is this in violation of this or any other rules? This was the only rule i fond that might be relevant.

My plan was to make a thread where people playing this game could exchange clicks on their links and therefore advance in the game. Is this allowed?


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What you can do is you can make the post giving the link to the game itself (not the referall link) and then make a side note telling people that if they would like to give you extra gold to pm you for the referall link. That way they can go to the site and then if then if they read your explanation on how it helps you they can pm you or email you and recieve the referall link there. I would only do this though for the game I wouldn't do it for anything that gives you real money or whatever.

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plenoptic's advice is what you should follow, shadowx. dont even risk posting your referral link (even in the non-credits forums) since it will simply be removed, and you get warned as a result.also, since you're a hosted member already, you can simply make a page for that in your site, and post your referral link there in case visitors who pass by your site would be interested. but here in the forums, it would be frowned at. we would not want to allow it since then the forums would be overrun by people who would come here and post the same kind of links as yours (SPAM in short).

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Ahh ok thanks, i think ill put it on my website then! Feel free to drop by at any time though! hint hint!Thanks for the advice :)

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