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PlayPump An Invention That Serves Humanitarian by Trevor Field - Johannesburg, South Africa

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I'm holding a fundraiser this weekend for some device called the PlayPump. At first I had no idea what this device did. This fundraiser was just a part of my company's project and since it involved humanitarian efforts, I simply thought, "hey I'm a nice guy I can do this..."


Trevor Field is an entrepreneur. He had an idea to invent something simple that can be effortless and be useful at the same time (his previous company was an advertisement company). Now, enter inventing company merging with Mr. Field's brilliant mind. And you have a device that does, in my mind, at least three things at the same time.


PlayPump - think back to your playground days where a simple plaything that spun around which was powered by other kids, pushing, running and going round and round... That's what got Mr. Field's idea. The untapped and harnessing the free energy generated by kids playing. This PlayPump looks like an ordinary playground equipment. But every time it is turned, it cranks a manual motor that pumps fresh water from the ground up to the water tower. And the water tower than can use the gravity to send water to far distance or just simply act as a reservoir.


How PlayPump Works


Posted Image


Manual pump is very tough to work and it takes long time to pump anything from the ground. Manual pump is operated by hand, much similar to how you pedal a bicycle. We take it for granted how fresh water is delivered to us in advanced world, but in much of Africa fresh water is as precious as gold sometimes. There are water reservoirs under the ground but drawing it to the surface takes money, i.e. electricity to run powered motor to draw it out. We sometimes can't imagine places without electricity but it is very common in the 3rd world counties.


This PlayPump not only provides easier means to turn the motor but it also provides local and village kids something to do for fun. As kids play, as they often do, it turns motor whether they know it or not. Mr. Field's design then allows drawn water to be rushed up to the water tower and store for later usage. This means far away dwellers do not have to travel by walking 40~60 minutes and pump for another 40 minutes to fill a 5 pound bucket to carry it back. They may have to walk close to 2 hours of journey but they no longer have to labor over getting fresh water--they simply turn the faucet to fill their buckets. I suppose the next logical step is to lay down pipes to go closer to near by villages. The gravity would easily create needed pressure to deliver water to certain distance without any power or motor necessary.


So why not have these PlayPumps in every village? The cost to produce one PlayPump is nearly $7,000 USD. It is costly. But each PlayPump can gather 400 gallons per hour when effortlessly played by kids. The current manual pump can only do 20~40 gallons per hour.


The PlayPump's detail can be found at this site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


The inventor's website /legacy

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Wow this is probably the best idea I have ever heard of since electricity lol I mean this is really great, kids have something to do and can have fun while pumping water at the same time. I wish it said though just how much faster it is to pump the water spinning than pulling buckets or whatever. I really like this idea and it pays for itself with the ads which is cool and helps with HIV awareness. If I can convince my parents or brother to make the donation I will do it if I can. And look at that it's tax deductable too. I remember playing on one of those at a park when I was like 6. It was fun.

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I wish it said though just how much faster it is to pump the water spinning than pulling buckets or whatever.

As it was mentioned :)

each PlayPump can gather 400 gallons per hour when effortlessly played by kids. The current manual pump can only do 20~40 gallons per hour

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Good Luck with this Project, BH.Is there any way we (the Xisto membership) could assist with this Fundraiser?

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Ha just kidding BH I just realized. I guess I missed that. I went and searched the site too and just couldn't seem to find it.

Jlhaslip, on the site there is a donation page that you can donate.

* $6 provides water for one person for 10 years * $36 provides water for a family for 10 years
* $100 provides enough water for a school
* $240 provides enough water for a small community

I think that is quite amazing how that little can do so much. I guess the ads do a lot to help as well. I'm gonna try and get my Mom to let me make a donation. Maybe I could just mail in money even though it says checks they should accept it. I don't need the tax deduction but that's ok. I have told everyone I know about the invention and they all thought it was a great idea.

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What a great innovation. It's really amazing how such a simple invention can not only provide entertainment for kids, but can also provide water to a community. Here's an interview I found with Trevor Field, the inventor of the pump. Pretty interesting stuff...<a href="http://www.blackandwhiteprogram.com/interview/trevor-field-playpumps-international with Trevor Field of PlayPumps International</a>-reply by Andy

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Interview with Trevor Field

PlayPump An Invention That Serves Humanitarian





Our publication did an interview with Trevor about a month ago. What a great guy he is and a pleasure to speak to.


Above is the link directly to it.


Thank You


-reply by John Eastman

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