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LeAnn Rimes My Angel

Who's Your Favourite Character(s) In Mortal Kombat Games?

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My favuorite Mortal Kombat characters would be:


Scorpion: I love to play as Scorpion in all of the Mortal Kombat games he has his very cool weapon his spear you throw it at someone and he always yells "GET OVER HERE!!!". He's gone through a number of upgrades over the years but his powers and weapons are in some ways the same but he's one heck of a tough Son of a gun. :)


Reptile: In the first Mortal Kombat he was a hidden character that had both Sub-Zero's and Scorpions moves and finishing moves. He was 2 characters in one. Unfortunately in the first game he was a hidden character and was not playable. But he always gives people a good enough challenge hopefully someday some figures out how to play as Reptile in Mortal Kombat 1 game.


Shang Tsung: Who doesn't love to play as a character who is pretty much all the characters in one? I love playing as Shang Tsung and morphing into other characters without having to die and choose someone else to play as.


Shao Kahn: I like him because he's pretty much one of the easiest bosses to beat in Mortal Kombat II game he taunts constantly which always makes for an easy win.


what is everyone else's favourite characters in the Mortal Kombat games?

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Im not fan of FightingGames, but I do like MK. Espically for its Fatalities... I remember, I couldnt able to those combos so I made my big bro. to do fatality :)I say Sub-Zero, well becasue he's icy, blue and cool. About his fighting combos? I dont know, I suck at fightnig games ;)Yeah, I agreed Scorpian being sun of a beach... He has also got cool pixels

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Well if you ask me it is Raiden in Mkda (Mortal Kombat Deadly Aliance) He has the best moves.My most favorite is when he grabs you and holds you in the air and you are getting electricuted.Then he kicks you and you fly threw the air. To bad he cannot impale.(If he could stick in the eye! :) )

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Sub-Zero owns it all, but there are a bunch of them I like...-> Jack - I think that's the name... the guy with the metal arms.-> Kung Lau - He's just a great kung fu fighter :D-> Sonia - Because she's pretty lol-> Shang Tsung - Very deadly moves if you know how to use him...

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My other favourite characters are:


Kintaro: Goro's very big and very pissed off Uncle. I like how they made him. He's just like Goro except he hits even harder than Goro does and he has his famous Tiger Skinned Suit. Makes me wonder if Tigers exist in Outworld? lol


Chameleon: He's all the Ninja's in one character in Mortal Kombat Trilogy. With the cheats on in that game. It was alot of fun playing as Chameleon always guessing which character he'll change into if it weren't for the cheats in Mortal Kombat Trilogy he might have been a very confusing character to play as.


Sub-Zero: Yeah I like Sub-Zero too unlike Scorpion from what I have seen in the old tv series and the Mortal Kombat game Shaolin Monks he seems like a real cool customer and is even nicer than Scorpion is. :D


Rayden: If only I could have Rayden's power over thunder and Lightning. I wouldn't ever have to worry about ever getting mugged. And all of his fatalities are all pretty grusome.

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i have only 2 favourites: scorpion and subzeroscorpion: i just love how you can mess with your oponent when you jump forward, attacking, next second you re alreaddy attacking "from behind the screen"(or oppoite site). i always give impression of doing something, actually, i have tottaly other tactics as opponent thinks....subzero: cant get tired of people that just dont use block and get frozen over and over, also can be deadly if you know how to use him.

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i would have to say the 4 ninjas in MKsub zero- an ice ninja is there anything else to sayscorpion- come on he does that spear thing and his head is a flaming skull retile- a walking alagater dats shoots acid. i mean duh lolsmoke- well smoke is cool cuz he is like scorpion but better.

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Mine are Scorpion and Sub Zero. I really like Sub Zero becuase and he do the ice attacks. The way you use him in the mortal combat games is really cool. I like scorpion because he is very similar to Sub Zero just minus the ice attacks with his own.

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Well my favorite characters from the old Mortal Kombat games would have to be Sub-Zero, Scorpion, but from the new games probably Kung Lao.Sub-Zero is an excellent character to choose as he can freeze enemies from afar or close range if your truly skilled at the combos. His ice attacks are very hard to dodge and can stop the other players from doing combos, or getting out their weapon. His ice clone move is very good for dodging moves and getting out of the way of opponents. I especially like his weapon, not only is it sharp and spiky, in other words good for dealing lots of damage, it can freeze the enemy just like his attacks. The only downside of choosing Sub-Zero is that if you accidentally use his freezing move twice it will unfreeze your opponent and freeze you. But i always found a way to stop the enemy from getting me or just jumping and hoped that it wouldn't reach me.Scorpion is a very good choice for those who are good at close range combat, as he can shoot a spear into the opponent and bring them closer to you, also this move stuns the enemy. I used to always make him breath fire and sometimes it killed them. His weapon was good at doing damage except i always got hit and dropped it when ever i was about to attack. Those were my favorite and most used characters from the old games. From the new game my favorite character would definitely have to be Kung Lao. He is the best character i found as his hat has a razor around it and you can do all sorts of different moves and upgrades with it. My favorite is the one where you make it spin around you like a shield and you also damage enemies that you run up to. But I also liked the one where it flies off and spins in a crazy shapes. He has pretty good combos and also he can be very usefull for getting enemies far away.My favorite game of the series is definitely Mortal Kombat:Shaolin Monks. It allows you to choose, Sub-Zero, Kung Lao, and Scorpion aswell as another character for the single player adventure, there is also a co-op mode that you can play to unlock secrets in the game. This game is a must for anyone who likes the series and also for those who like fighting games.

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Johnny Cage was always cool because he punches you in the balls. I always liked Motaro as well. Honestly, how can a giant man/horse with a spiked metal tail not be awesome? Fighting him always aggrovated me, but fighting as him against my friends was always fun. :blink:

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Oh, it?s funny how almost everybody seem to like the same characters. Me too :blink: For me Scorpion and Sub-Zero were like the night and the day, good and evil (I don?t really know about the story, maybe they were both bad or good). I love them both for the ninja appearance, with that mask that didn?t let them show their real faces... the mystery factor I guess. Sub-zero because I love blue and ice... and characters with those colours... don?t know, always seem to be good ones.And Scorpion because he seems bloody cruel. Definitely in a videogame with lots of gore like Mortal Kombat, Scorpion seems like a good choice to beat your oponents showing no mercy.Rayden was cool too. I can?t even remember the fatalities... it was such a long time ago, maybe I should play nowadays with an emu and see how it has grown old.

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My fav character in MK games is Reiko. Altough he's evil, I like his look and especially his haircut in MK Armageddon. Very bad-***. I like what he became at the end of MK Armageddon. P.S. Like how he throws his shurikens :D

Other MK characters I like are Liu Kang (while he was human...), Jax, Johnny Cage, Shang Tsung, Shujinko and Nightwolf..

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