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Albus Dumbledore

Script Error With Domain Name Changing

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I am trying to change my domain name... and it is not working for me...

Warning: mysql_real_escape_string(): Access denied for user: 'nobody@localhost' (Using password: NO) in /home/Xisto/public_html/process/changedomain.php on line 71Warning: mysql_real_escape_string(): A link to the server could not be established in /home/Xisto/public_html/process/changedomain.php on line 71Warning: mysql_real_escape_string(): Access denied for user: 'nobody@localhost' (Using password: NO) in /home/Xisto/public_html/process/changedomain.php on line 72Warning: mysql_real_escape_string(): A link to the server could not be established in /home/Xisto/public_html/process/changedomain.php on line 72Warning: mysql_real_escape_string(): Access denied for user: 'nobody@localhost' (Using password: NO) in /home/Xisto/public_html/process/changedomain.php on line 73Warning: mysql_real_escape_string(): A link to the server could not be established in /home/Xisto/public_html/process/changedomain.php on line 73INVALID USERNAME AND PASSWORD!

i am getting that..and i know that i am using the right username and password because i tried it like 10 times, and i even logges off of Xisto, and back in by entering the passwor dmanually and it worked...so maye there is a bug in it...

if there isn't why does the domain name change hate me soo much?!? lol

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It is a coincidence, I am having the same problem: I can't do anything related to https://support.xisto.com/ Not terminating my hosting account not changing domain etc... So I reported this to BH. Here is the link for my report: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/37950-i-cant-terminate-my-hosting-account/ So as you see Buffalo Help told that it is a problem in the server:

I'm sorry about that. The newly installed PHP stable version isn't stable at all it seems

I hope that OpaQue will fix it soon. I am waiting for 3 days almost and every day I try and I get the same message that you have with making sure that I entered the correct Username and password every time.

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oh, i see well lets hope it gets fixed soon, lol imma ened to change my domain twice here soon lol but thankd Hadi, i didn't know that topic related to the whole /process page thanks

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Same thing happened to me, and there's a topic about it in the staff section too. Seems like a firewall is disrupting parts of the hosting center. No worries though, OpaQue is working on it. :)

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Trap17 has attempted to upgrade their PHP to the latest version, but it seems to be unstable and is incompatible with a lot of scripts, the main effects being on the Xisto Account Processes.OpaQue is attempting to see what he can do. By the looks of things, he may need to reinstall the original version of php from a backup. I think SqlByte's sig comes well into play here :) . Hopefully nothing will be badly damaged *crosses fingers*

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yeah same here NDPA, hopefuly nothing gets damaged baldy... but maybe while they are trying to work this error out they can put the old section up so people can continue with their site..lol just a suggestion though

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To end your wait, AD, please PM me your desired domain/sub-domain name and let me see if I can change that under hosting account control.Hadi, I've asked you to PM me with confirmation if you wanted to terminated your hosting by me... didn't you see it? :)

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well, ive pretty much fixed that now...i am deciding to open up my website again (lol) and so i am signed up on another site like Xisto, and my domain is currently on my Xisto accoount, so i just wanted to change my Xisto account to somthing else so i can register it with the other host, but instead i went out and bought an actual domain instead of the free .be domain...now i am just waiting for the webamster of the site that will be put onto my Xisto account to come on...again...anyways, if the script is not working by the time that he comes online, can i have him PM you asking you to terminate his hosting account, and then i can pm you asking you to change my domain..?? blast this is getting confusing even for me!

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