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Denied By Google Adsense In Past Getting Approved second time

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In the past i tried signing up with google adsense. I was denied i think because my site was not fulle developed. So id like to know from anyne out there if this will affect my chances on getting approved this second time around..I truely dont think I should have a problem but I just want to make sure before i try to sign up and get denied again.So if anyone outhere has any input let me know.Also if i can get some help on once i do get them if i get it How do i add it to my phpbb board..thnx fellas any information will help.

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It depends on why you were denied. If your site is complete now, they will accept you. :)

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ok then so im guessing I will have to wait until after i launch it to get the google ads on there.

if they do check to see if a site is complete, i am sure they only check the main index page as they have better things to do so when your main index page is complete, make sure there are no dead links within that page(not sure how they check if your site is complete but safegaurd yourself)

BUT! why would you sign up for adsense before your site is complete anyway and getting very little visitors if any? impatience i would presume. remember, to make money in adsense, you need a lot of visitors per day so that of the low percentage of those visitors that click on your links, it can draw you a check of over $100 soyou can cash that out. if you only get 100 visitors per day, it's really not worth it to put adsense on your account unless you want to wait 1 year to get $100 from them.

the idea behind a new website is to attract visitors and concentrate on those marketing efforts. adsense doesn't help attrace visitors, and sometimes, it will detract visitors from returning unless you offer an exceptional service or continuously updated original content

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Well thats a problem that I see with websites now a days its pretty hard to think of original content with you have 5000 other sites doing the same thing. I'm trying to figure out how people do it thats my question.But yeah I would complete the whole site before applying and basically make sure your site doesn't fall into the illegal stuff.

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Well thats a problem that I see with websites now a days its pretty hard to think of original content with you have 5000 other sites doing the same thing. I'm trying to figure out how people do it thats my question.
But yeah I would complete the whole site before applying and basically make sure your site doesn't fall into the illegal stuff.

it's true....sometimes it's hard. why having a website isn't for everyone. you not only have to be creative minded, but you also have to have a bit of a writer in you to update your site regularly. it's not for everyone.

but this is only for people who want high rankings in the search engines. you can drive traffic to your site other ways without having to optimise.

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I think google has the policy to deny adsense on personal sites. I wonder if any of you building a personal site is being denied by google. I think for me a personal site does not need ads. THat's why google is not aiming at this market. After all, they have gmail, which serves as their main income for personal advertising.

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If you were denied due to lack of efficient content, sure you should be approved if this site is better and follows the program policies. But if you were denied because you were a person who used to be banned, then you might want to contact Google about it. Sometimes, numerous emails and persistence mixed with politeness will get you far.

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Well, the best way of getting approved by Google for adsense is that you signup through Blogger.com, they take very less time in approving anyone for the adsense account if they are using Blogger.comSimply, signup for blogger.com account.then make 2-3 posts and then in the templates tab, select Adsense - it will ask you signup and with in 2 days you'll be having your ADSENSE ACCOUNT!

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It depends, if your site was incomplete/lack of content, and you have since improved the site. Then your chances of getting in would be greater now.But if it was for other reasons (ie banned in the past or something), it's better to contact google about it. As others said, Persistence and politeness does work at times.

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If you have fully developed your site by now I suggest you should apply again. I also did the same mistake in applying google adsense before I actually finish my site with its authentic content and they had denied it saying that they don't accept sites with .... whatever they had mentioned in the acceptable policy and your site doesn't seem to fall on this category and whatsover. I applied again after two months with more contents and more unique contents in it. And they approved it. Construct your site with a proper content, you will have google adsense running rightaway. They accept even blogspot personal blogs. So, they should accept it even if it's your own personal blog site.

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