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Services.exe help this is a virus

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so i woke up earlier to do some research on the net. i turned on my pc and suddenly my microsoft antispyware (thank goodness!) keeps popping up a message that says "microsoft antispyware has blocked a possible windows trojan d:\windows\services.exe from being running". i've searched it on the internet and most of the sites that i saw said that it was a virus, since the true services.exe is located inside the windows\system32\folder not the windows\ folder.so i've run updates on avg, ad-aware, spybot and microsoft antispyware and ran scans simultaneously. it fixed some "possible hijack" attempt on my pc (some errors, i guess), but it didn't fix this problem. in fact, the first three applications doesn't even detect this virus. microsoft antispyware detects it at startup but never detects it while scanning.the only hope i have right now is the fact that microsoft antispyware blocks it everytime it tries to run, but i'm worried that sooner or later it might affect my pc. i really need help right now because the entire time i'm supposed to be researching was consumed by the scans that i've done. it's already morning and i haven't done a single thing in my work.i've seen a similar instance that it occured to someone over the internet, but the details on how to fix it was not shown because i have to be a member (and pay them) in order for me to see the solution. and please, please, please don't tell me to reformat my pc and reinstall windows, because it's not really the best option that i can think of right now, and besides, as i've said, i've wasted too much time just on scans alone. this is driving me nuts and i'm already having a headache...please help me!

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here's a page from symantec on the services.exe issue:



it requires editing of the windows registry, so heed warnings on the page about editing your registry. Incorrect changes to the registry can result in permanent data loss or corrupted files.

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but it says that the services.exe is located under the %system%/services folder. the services.exe that i was talking about a while back is located under the d:\windows\ folder. the website you gave said that the %system% in xp prof is the \windows\system32, as i've mentioned in my post.would that link refer to the same services.exe? because i don't want to risk doing anything, especially if it requires editing the registry, until i've seen a closer solution.

Edited by mbacarra (see edit history)

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i've disabled system restore and ran the scans again, but the scanners didn't detect the services.exe virus. @_@ this is insane! i don't know what to do anymore!!!.... oh and one more thing, the link you gave... they're requiring me to get their product...

Edited by mbacarra (see edit history)

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i've found a software that was able to detect the virus. it's called xoftspy. the only problem was, it was able to detect the virus via free scan, but that's just about it. i have to pay like 40 dollars or something for me to be able to remove the threat on my pc, which translates to me buying the application in the first place...what a bummer....

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i've found a software that was able to detect the virus. it's called xoftspy. the only problem was, it was able to detect the virus via free scan, but that's just about it. i have to pay like 40 dollars or something for me to be able to remove the threat on my pc, which translates to me buying the application in the first place...
what a bummer....

So I guess you have to ask yourself a question. Is the information I have on my hard drive worth $40? If it is, then buy the program. If it's not, then do nothing. Pretty simple really.

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honestly, what i did was i had to find a crack for the app to work, so yeah, the virus is now gone. i've ran out of options, and obviously reformatting and reinstalling windows on my pc was not an option for me, so there.

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While your idea could work, I highly suggest running Hijackthis, a great hijack prevention tool.




If you run it, you will get a log. Show this log to anyone who can analyze HijackThis logs.


If that doesn't work, try running these three antivirus/spyware/adware programs.


Of course, you will want to update your definitions first.

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Welcome to the club, but mine is worst, I downloading some crack for mixcraft 4, then all of a sudden, my AVG picked it up as trojans & back doors... Next thing you know, my desktop icon and my task bar started flashing! then I was getting porn installers... And I got xp antvirus (virus)... So then I restored my computer back to a couple hours, because this junk cant even restore back to another day, which blows... So then, the desktop still flashing, but then it stop, and I got pop ups saying that I need to insert a cd because files was being replaced... I didnt even have that cd man.. Next thing you know, I turned my computer off, then I turned it back on again...


And everything have become unresponsive. My real player didnt work, my games, the only thing that work is firefox and windows task manager... And thats not even the best part...


When I open windows task manager and I go on process...


I see like millions of


Services.Exe JamesKelly 00

Services.Exe JamesKelly 00

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Services.Exe JamesKelly 00

Services.Exe JamesKelly 00

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Explorer.Exe JamesKelly 00


And so-on... Can someone help me, I wanna wipe this junk alive, but I don't have a CD, and I cant even download stuff, I downloaded norton anti virus, and I cant even open the setup...


What should I do.. Help me dearly please!


-reply by James

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