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A Model Un Based Website would anyone be interestd in joining ?

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I've been thinking.... I'm an active member of my town/states model un and I'm truly in love with the organization. It's the most fun I've ever had.Anyway, I was wondering if I made a site that would have forums that would model the UN where members could join as a country, and there would be a secretary general and the forum directories would be the different UN committees (there would be off topic discussion too), and issues that arise are posted in the corresponding forum. Then countries debate away and propose resolutions and what not, and we'll have voting procedures and whatnot go on, just like model UN and just like the real UN.If I made a site like this would anyone be interested in joining?

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I belive that there is already a site kind of like the one that you're describing. I can't think of the name off the top of my head, but its free and allows to to make your own country and request admission to the U.N..If you were to make a realistic U.N.-like site that was diffrent from the above site, I'd probably feel compelled to join.

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Yes, sounds like a cool idea. It would be interesting to participate in such a site. Count me in.

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Well that sounds like a really cool idea. I would definately join. I think it would be cool to try and run a country. Would we be allowed to have people under us as part of our country like a vice president and stuff? That would be cool. Then we could maybe have other people in the population and can build an army or something. I don't know. Maybe just the debate thing would be good.

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Thanks so much for the feedback!Well I was thinking more of people registering as current real countries to make it more realistic, but I might allow made up countries to join, too. The thing I like about registering as real countries is that we could realistically tackle world problems... and although I'm quite a dreamer, maybe, if we really had a good solution, then we could submit it to a UN delegate, or to some government, and maybe just MAYBE we could make a difference. :)Anyway, would you all still want to join if registration was limited to a real country?

Edited by PmH (see edit history)

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Thanks. Well this sounds like it'll get some members. I'll register a subdomain now, and work on it, and then when I get it developed in a month or so I'll get the top level domain.---------------------------------------------edit.just a quick question, if we want to get register another subdomain for our account do we need to get a request approved or can we just go ahead and do it through the cpanel?-------------------------what, like the third or fourth edit? after opaque's post.

Edited by PmH (see edit history)

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I would never give out my DOMAIN name suggestions If I were in your place. The net is an open place and it has no firewall for evil people :-)I hope you get my friendly point :)

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Ahh, thanks for watching my back opaque! Thanks!but I'm still wondering if we need to request to get another subdomain like something.trap17.com

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Well if you mean you want two seperate subdomains/sites you would have to start a second forum account and apply again and keep up with both hosting accounts. If you want two sub domains that lead to the same site then it would have to be talked over with the admins.

To answer your question about whether we would still join if it was limited to real countries, yes of course I would but I was just thinking that you might run out of countries.


Just found a site like the one you are thinking of making. https://www.gameservers.com/game_servers/index.php Check it out. Maybe you can use it as a base.

Edited by Plenoptic (see edit history)

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Hm, that's true, there are 100+ countries in the UN, but then again, once you fill up the first 50 or so, people might have a hard tim representing the smaller countries. I may allow made up countries, but the applications would have to be very good and very believable. I've made up my own country before. :) When I was young, some parts of my nation were ridiculous. The currency was 1 Blence (random name, right?) to 20 USD. lol *sigh* miss those times.Anyway, as for my question I was thinking two subdomains to one account. You know in the cpanel where it says domains 1/99 or whatever. I want to have let's say my current domain aio.trap17.com and another domain otherdomain.trap17.com on the same account, so that I have two different users but they share the same space. Kinda like parked domains, I think.

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To have two different users you wouldn't even have to have two sub domains. You could just set up a second FTP account. It is all inside the control panel. If you wanted a subdomain on your subdomain it would be blah.blah.trap17.com which wouldn't quite work. I used to play a game called Star Kingdom or whatever where you had your own kingdom I think or something like that. It was fun.

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To have two different users you wouldn't even have to have two sub domains. You could just set up a second FTP account

That's all I needed, thanks!

yeah, those subdomains on subdomains don't look too great do they now.

Star kingdom sounds like fun, I love running my own kingdom and things like that :). Every play age of empires II. I love that game, never gets old, even though it has those old '97 graphics, lol.

And I got the site link, I think I've been there before, always pops up on those google searches I do.

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I haven't played Age of the Empire but Civilization III. I think they are similar. They can be addicting. Good luck on the site. If you need help I am here for you.

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Thanks, I'll be starting soon. I need about a week or so to get the domain, and then I'll park it on my account and get trucking.I'm thinking of using phpBB this time, instead of punBB. I'm not sure though, I'll see what happens. phpBB seems really cuztomizable, which I like, and I've seen some really nice looking phpBB sites.Here are my ideas for the site rules. Since at my model un club we have to write working papers, then get them fixed and signed, then they turn into resolutions and then we vote on the resolutions, I'm gonna have a similar process on the site. And working papers and resolutions have written restrictions, like each clause needs to begin with one of a group of phrases, and there are different kinds of clauses and stuff. But I don't want it to get too complicated, so the only rules I will be strict on will be working papers and resolutions, and of course they'll be in quotes when posted. Anyway, as for the norma discussion, it'll just be regular posting, and whatnot. I'll explain further in a massive readme, when I get the site setup.As for moderators, I'm thinking of having 3 or 4 moderators, to help me out, so that they can start topic discussions in the different committees, but I'm not sure if the moderator and administrators should have a different account alongside their country or not, I'm thinking no for now.And for registering, I'm thinking that people have to register as their country name, this way if somebody already registered as lets say the UK, then if someone else wants to register as the UK, the name will be taken, and they know that that country has already registered. right?Anyway, I can't wait to get started, I hope my ideas make sense, it's a bit hard to get them all out at once. I'm really excited about this, I just wish I could get my domain faster! .net's are sounding good, right guys?---------------------------Edit:PS Plenoptic, thanks so much for listening and replying back and all, you've been a real help to get this project starting :)

Edited by PmH (see edit history)

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