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Roe Vs Wade Might Be Overturned Scary stuff

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Well crap.Alito has been on the bench for less than a month, and already conservatives are preparing to over turn Roe vs. Wade.South Dakota legislators just outlawed abortion except in situations required to save the life of the mother. If this is brought to the supreme court there is a very good chance that they'll uphold it, striking down Roe vs Wade.The supreme court is already tackling one abortion case: weither to reinstate a feberal ban on late term abortions.Either of these cases (or many more sure to be on the way) could be the catalyst to send us back to the days of coathangers. Disguesting. If this happens there better be an uprising in the streets.Time to do a photo project based on it. Get support going.

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that case will never be overturn to many people back that case up, well of course it would only take an idiot (bush) to get it overturned.Abortion and gay rights are going to be the biggest issues until the catholics accept it. (fat chance that will happen in the next 1000 years)

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I do not think that Roe Vs Wade getting overturned would be such a big deal. You are taking something that is murdering innocent unborn babies and trying to get rid of it. Sure people have freedoms but they are not allowed to murder. The reason Catholics will not accept it is because it goes against what they think is right.

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I do not think that Roe Vs Wade getting overturned would be such a big deal. You are taking something that is murdering innocent unborn babies and trying to get rid of it. Sure people have freedoms but they are not allowed to murder.

Ah, now we get into the idealogical discussion...which is fine. The only thing is tempers tend to flare up around these sort of subjects, so lets all make an attempt to keep it civilized.

I think the disagrement between pro and anti abortion people can be traced back to one main conflict of beliefs: weither an unborn fetus constitutes a human being. Personally, I don't believe so...especially in the first and second trimesters where the brain remains largely undeveloped. Hell, babies arn't even self-concious until a few months after birth (not that i would advocate infacide ofcourse).

The reason Catholics will not accept it is because it goes against what they think is right.

And that is perfectly fine--they can believe whatever they want to. No one is forcing them to get abortions. The problem arrises from the fact that they then try to force their beliefs upon other people. This can be equated having a law requiring all fetuses conceived from rape or incest to be aborted--regardless of the mother's personal preferance or religion.
Asking for a law to be created/inacted based on a religious or "moral" (i.e. specific set of morals, not the end all be all) argument is contrary to how our legal system is supposed to opperate. Our laws are, supposedly, based on logic. Hence the seppeartion of church and state. Now that is not to say that this is how the system actually works in reality--but that is the basic premise that we're supposed to be striving for. Unfortunatly our courts tend to get cluttered with religion and politics (from both sides).

I'll post an argumentative essay i wrote about abortion based on Mark Timmon's Logical Contextualism when i get back to school in a week (its on my home computer).

Hopefully we can continue this conversation in a fruitful and civil manner.

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The reason Catholics will not accept it is because it goes against what they think is right.

What about the rest who aren't Catholics? Don't they get a say? Or do Catholics speak for all of us? :(

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What about the rest who aren't Catholics? Don't they get a say? Or do Catholics speak for all of us? :(

There are many religions that say the same.
My 2 cents:
Roe vs. Wade cannot be overturned...to many riots would happen and such.

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The big question is When does life begin?

Roe Vs Wade Might Be Overturned


When the question is raised is it a fetus or a baby many people will go on the choice of the mother. Does she want the... Whatever... Or not. If she wants it then it is a baby and is treated with love and respect, care and valuable above all other things. When the mother does not want the... Whatever... Then it is a blob of tissue that is a medical procedure consideration much like skin cancer, something to be removed. Regardless of the desires of the mother the process of life has begun. If a person intentionally destroys an eagle egg it is a punishable federal offense. Why, is it an eagle? It could just be something like breakfast. Why is a preformed egg an eagle when a first trimester human a blob? There is a conflict in truth? Life begins at conception. Bottom line. What we choose to do with that life is the choice people will vote on this November.

Replying to wariorpk


-feedback by Bill G.

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Honestly, I think abortions are wrong... especially late term abortions where there's obviously a living being "in there." If you're worried about having a baby then be safe and if an accident happens use the morning after pill...it's seriously safer than aspirin.However, on the other hand, I understand why many people believe it is a woman's right to have an abortion. I guess if someone really wants to have an abortion, it's their choice, but isn't an abortion, especially if we know for a fact that the baby is already sentient, (which we don't really...) just like murder? We don't have the right to choose to murder someone.I dunno. It's an interesting issue. I guess in the end it's a person's own choice because it isn't for me or anyone else to say if the baby is alive or not, and I really hate the government telling us what to do, but there are cases where it is good, as in cases protecting human life...but there's a huge debate about when a human is even alive....and honestly, we don't know. Sure, we can sit around squabbling over trimesters, but that won't get us any closer to the truth. I'd rather error on the side of not killing someone, but if someone wants to live with having gotten an abortion, it's not my place to stop them.

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