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Gift Sig For Albus Dumbledore

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A gift for a quality member of the forums, keep up the good work. If you're wondering what I'm talking about, take a look at the text in his signature. Enjoy AD! :(


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Added matching Avatar, somehow the Starwars trooper he currently uses just doesn't seem right. :(

Edited by Avalon (see edit history)

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thats a killer design 10/10 in all areas of a sig, bet that took some time to design nice job indeed.

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havent gotten a response from me becaus ei havent seen them ;-D they are awsome! thank you! lol i expecially like the burnt edges..did you do that or was it a pic you found? i love the quote "I will only have truley left hogwarts when no one here is loyal to me"...once again, thanx!! these are awsome! im uploading them to my photobucket as we speak then i will put it as my signature, i would agree with SM a 10/10once again thanx :-D and i find it fun to be on these forums :-D

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I made all of it except the render, the burnt edges are done with a filter I have. I used that render because I didn't want to pick between the 2 actors that have played Albus Dumbledore in the HP movies.

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