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For Admins : Important Issue About Invision Power Boards

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I have Invision Power Board 1.3 setup files and I want to install on my hosting on Xisto.It was an open source on that time and it was free of cost.So i can install it and i hope it is not involving any legal issues and no any moderator / server admin should have any problem.But just wanted to let admin know , so that it wont create any problem with my account later.

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You have started the same topic question here http://forums.xisto.com/topic/33953-is-invision-power-board-131-free/ and it was answered. You should have continued your reply there since it's the same topic issue. As replied from Invision Board sales department, since Xisto cPanel is no longer offering self installation any method, after Xisto cPanel stopped offering, of how you obtained will be viewed as illegal.

The proper method is you should notify Invision Power Board the website which offers now considered piracy activity of spreading the software. Invision Power Board has online piracy notification submitting form.

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You have started the same topic question here http://forums.xisto.com/topic/33953-is-invision-power-board-131-free/ and it was answered. You should have continued your reply there since it's the same topic issue. As replied from Invision Board sales department, since Xisto cPanel is no longer offering self installation any method, after Xisto cPanel stopped offering, of how you obtained will be viewed as illegal.
The proper method is you should notify Invision Power Board the website which offers now considered piracy activity of spreading the software. Invision Power Board has online piracy notification submitting form.

Altho I fully admit Invision Power Board has full right to restrict usage of their forum software, and seeing a website shouldn't be used for warez, running IPB is not nice to the authors, still I think it was a very lame thing to rescrict usage of IPB to people who buy a license to use it. :(

Oh well, phpbb2 for the win. :(

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okay !!! I wont use the invision power board but its really stupid that they cant let use the forums which are free versions.Atleast for softwares,when they make it close source and put price on it , they dont have any problem with the people using their free versions(most of the software companies).anyway , i think "pHPBB Plus " is also good thing.By the way does Xisto hosting supports "phpbb plus" ??

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If (Invision board = 1.3 && Is_free){ if(check_with_invision_if_they_allow()) { print "OK! Go ahead and install!"; }}else{ print "Sorry, you cannot install it. Since its illegal according to Invision.";}

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okay !!! I wont use the invision power board but its really stupid that they cant let use the forums which are free versions.Atleast for softwares,when they make it close source and put price on it , they dont have any problem with the people using their free versions(most of the software companies).anyway , i think "pHPBB Plus " is also good thing.By the way does Xisto hosting supports "phpbb plus" ??

If phpBB Plus is free (or you paid for it), and it uses Perl or PHP (which the Trap has both of), you can use it. But you might as well install either phpBB or SMF (Simple Machines Forum, which I happen to like) through Fantastico, to save you time and possibly frustration. As far as getting an old version of IPB, I've never downloaded any software off of file-sharing networks, and the rest I got from their authors or a legitimate download site.

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