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Making Template/layout Using Cms ?

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I want to use CMS for my website.Can anyone tell which one is better .Actually i tried to install couple of them but i dont understand how to make the layout for them ? In almost every CMS ? Somebody pls tell me how i can make the template of my website , using CMS ?

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A CMS comes with a pre-defined layout, generally 2 or 3 columns with links and tools down the sides and the main content in the centre. One of the main reasons people use a CMS is to avoid coming up with their own design and code. When you say you don't understand how to make the layout do you mean design the theme or position everything on the page? Either way it varies with each CMS.Generally, no CMS is better than any other, as each has it's own advantages and disadvantages and extra features. Also, look at the support community available, the number of themes and extras and things like that. See if you can find other sites being run by that CMS and have a look round.If you want an easy install of a CMS then there are loads in cPanel. Just go to the pre-installed scripts section, or Fantastico and have a look at what's available. THat is an awful lot easier than downloading one and installing it manually.

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As rvalkass said, each CMS comes with it's own default layout. The layouts are generally stored in 1 or more files. These are usually html files, but they can come in shtml, php or other file types. I'd recommend going to the CMS' website and taking a look at their Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's), guides, or try searching the forums for layout/theme etc.. There is usually some very well detailed guides on the CMS sites.

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I would just say get a template with a nice layout, then replace it with your own images and edit the CSS code. It takes like a day or two to do, but the result is really nice, that's what I did to my site. As long as you have a color scheme in mind your fine. You may want to get the gimp (http://www.gimp.org/) if you haven't allready, or photoshop, they come in handy when it comes to making these kind of GFX works (the gimp is free btw)

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Another member has taken the time to post a topic about their search for a Content Management System that you may find useful. They have posted a couple of links you should checkout. There is one link that takes you to a site which lists all the Open Source CMS downloads and lets you view and modify them live online. Use the Admin log-on to get into the guts of them and see how they work. It may take some amount of time to correctly identify which CMS you will need, but this would be a good starting point for your search.


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