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Web-based Gtalk Messenger Finally Arrives Its Alive Kickin Folks - WOW - that was FAST

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WOWW - Google is FAST. Guys - IT'S ALIVE - it's already been implemented.. I just logged into one of my accounts and found the messenger right below the Folders list.


Here's a screenshot:

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Looks terrific - am just waiting excitedly for someone to log on and test it's features :) Looks like an exact replica of GTalk.



You can pop the chat dialog out as a separate window or simply keep it floating inside your Gmail page. Awesome.


Here are the pop-in and pop-out mode screen-shots



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And I found some more cool features... as shown in the following snapshot


1. Say you aren't observing the IM window - only checking your Gmail - the contacts name in your list becomes dull amber and flashes indicating new message..


2. Also hovering your mouse above ANY EMAIL address in your messagelist, pop's out a new window prompting you to Invite to Chat or Mail.


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3. Also another feature I missed out - that Hraefn pointed out - is a little link called Off-the-record right below your IM window. If you click on that, starting from next line you type, till you turn it off, NONE of your CHAT MESSAGES are LOGGED.


Here's what they say about Off-the-record


What is 'off the record'?

Chats that have been taken off the record aren't stored in your Gmail chat history, or in the Gmail chat history of your contact. You and the person you're talking to can both see when a chat is taken off the record, and you'll be notified if off the record mode is disabled. Your off the record settings will apply whenever you chat with this person, until one of you makes a change.


To take a chat off the record:


1. Click Options in the bottom-left corner of the chat window.

2. Select Go off the record.


A message will appear confirming that future chats with this particular contact will be off the record, unless one of you changes the setting. If you decide at any time that your chats no longer need to be off the record, click Cancel at the top of the chat window, or Stop chatting off the record in the chat window's Options menu.


Keep in mind that if you're talking to someone who is connected to the Google Talk service with a third-party chat client, it's possible that his or her software is keeping a separate copy of the chat history.


4. Also they're got their own cute little B & W simleys :rolleyes: The smileys appear as normal text at first and then through AJAX, they become graphical smileys - at first sideways, and then with a minor smooth animation they turn and become straight - which I find real cool. The animation can be re-enacted if you hover your mouse over the smileys.


5. It saves your chat-log in realtime. So anytime just pop into your Chat folder in Gmail - and you'll find the updated conversation log there.


That was my initial findings posted at Xisto: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/88733-web-based-gtalk-messenger-finally-arrives-wow-that-was-fast/




The following review was published by Hraefn at Xisto along with mine.


One thing I've learned about Google is that when they say they'll do something, they really deliver. The said that Gmail Chat will be out soon, and it is. I just never reckoned on how soon that would be. Barely 24 hours after the initial announcement, Gmail Chat has gone LIVEat least for some users.


I've just left a short chat session with m^e to test out the features of the new Gmail Chat, and I liked what I saw. It's not as heavily decked out as Yahoo! Messenger, MSN, or AIM, but that's exactly why I like it. It's a simple, no-frills type of IM client that does exactly what you'd want an IM client to do: chat.


So what do I think of the new Gmail Chat? Here's what.



Gmail Chat is light on the browser. Normally you'd expect a web-based browser to be heavy on browser resources. I'm happy to say that this isn't the case. My browser worked normally the entire time the chat session was open, with no hangups or crashesand this is on a machine with limited RAM running Windows XP, and using the Flock browser (which is only a developer's preview and not even a beta).

Pop-out mode. I like having a pop-out mode because this allows me to browse other websites and still keep my chat session open without having to return to my Gmail page. It's almost like having a desktop IM client. =^^=

The smileys. m^e told you about Gmail Chat's cute little B/W smileys, right? Well, I just love them! They're certainly a departure from the usual smileys we see everyday, and so simplistically stylish!

Realtime chat logs. Say you accidentally close your chat window, and you didn't get to read your chat-mate's last message. Well, since chat sessions are logged in real time, just head over to your saved chat logs and that message that you missed is there. Nifty, isn't it?

Off-the-record mode If you have a conversation that you don't want anybody to save, either yourself or your chat-mate, then is the perfect way to do it.

Ability to block a contact from chat. Really handy if you have a contact that spams your chat. Just hover your mouse cursor over the contact's name to bring up the following popup, then choose block.


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Or you could use the 'Options' menu in your chat screen.

Ability to quickly add chat contacts straight from your address book. Yep, you can add a chat contact straight from your address book (you still have to send them a chat invite, though). All you have to do is go to your address book, click the checkbox next to the contacts you want added, then select Add contact to... Quick Contacts, as shown in the screenshot below.


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Being a new feature, of course there are some kinks they still need to work out. Here's my list of things that I think they should implement or that they could have done better.



No conference chat or chatroom yet. Chatrooms aren't available for Gmail Chat yet, but I have hopes that Google will soon implement it. As mentioned in the Gmail Chat help center:


Can I set up a conference call or chat room?


No. But we're always working hard on improving Gmail, and look forward to announcing new features and improvements as they become available. You may also want to download the Google Talk client so you can get the latest features we add to our free voice calling and IM service.

No easily visible warning of new messages when using pop-out mode. Currently, the only way to be notified of new messages is when you see your contact's name flash in your Gmail screen. However, that's not really effective when you're using pop-out mode because your main browser window is usually looking at other pages instead of the Gmail screen.

No text formatting. This could be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on whether you like text formatting. Myself, I like it the way it is, but there are times I wish I could use simple formats like bold or italics just for emphasis.

No nickname feature available. As it is now, it's your Gmail account name that's displayed on the screen.

Those are the only downsides that I can think of for now, and they're relatively minor ones. Despite it all, Gmail Chat still looks to be the best upcoming IM client. It's certainly one I plan to use in the future, especially once my main Gmail account gets it.


Oh, and I almost forgot. For those of you who don't want to use the Gmail Chat feature, you have an option to turn it off. Just go to the bottom of your Gmail page and select to view the page as 'Standard without chat', like in the screenshot below.


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-P.S.- I just love how efficient Google is about this. They even have a troubleshooting knowledgebase for the new Gmail Chat even though it's been live for only a few hours. Way to go, Google! =^^=


Source: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/88733-web-based-gtalk-messenger-finally-arrives-wow-that-was-fast/


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Shortened topic title to reduce warpage on main page.

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this look so good has all the features of msn with the added bonus of it being google...only one problem thou it will take a lot for a avid msn fan to leave msn for google as msn is computer based and so faster you dont have to reload a page everytime you want to see the next msg...I think googles new msgenger will only hit off of current google fans and msn or aol fans...

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This looks really cool, and the logging feature seems to be incredibly useful. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to have been implemented in the UK, although we can use Google Talk. Hope they bring it over here soon as I really want to try it out, Google have really worked hard, and everyone seems to like it.

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The Google Chat option is listed in the Left side of GMail. But there are no options there to start a chat or invite a friend to chat. May be Google is implementing in GMail in limited number per day. May be all the feature will be added soon. So now I can chat with Google Talk client when I am in my home and can chat with GMail account on the move. Google is really Great.

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only one problem thou it will take a lot for a avid msn fan to leave msn for google as msn is computer based and so faster you dont have to reload a page everytime you want to see the next msg...


Not really - you're missing the whole point here. This system DOES NOT REQUIRE you to refresh the page AT ALL. You'd be extremely surprised to know that it acts at the SAME SPEED AS ANY OTHER IM. The messages come up automatically just like any desktop IM without refreshing. Not only that, you can even see when the other person is TYPING A MESSAGE or PRESSED ENTER. The tranmission speed is like maybe half-a-second slower than a standard IM.



The Google Chat option is listed in the Left side of GMail. But there are no options there to start a chat or invite a friend to chat. May be Google is implementing in GMail in limited number per day. May be all the feature will be added soon.


What are you saying ?? Of course there's an option to ADD/INVITE A FRIEND/CONTACT. Read my review above - I've even provided screenshots of the feature. Once you can see your contact online, clicking on the nick will immediately bring up the chat console. And yea - the chat feature is being implemented in limited numbers everyday. It has turned up on two of my secondary accounts - but NOT on my main account. That's what I'm waiting for.

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It hasn't arrived for me yet. Maybe the decided to not really release it yet and just had like a sneak preview for some time and see how people thought of it. I don't know. All i know is its not on my gmail yet. I'll keep waiting. Can't wait to see what it does and use it really.

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No no it's not a sneak preview - they're installing it bit by bit into all accounts. Did you notice this little announcement on the mail Gmail login page yet ??


New! Chat is coming soon


Chat with your friends from right inside Gmail. There's no need to load a separate program or look up new addresses. It's just one click to chat with the people you already email, as well as anyone on the Google Talk network. And now you can even save and search for chats in your Gmail account.


We've started rolling this out to all Gmail accounts, so yours should have it soon. It's good to chat. Learn more


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The Google Chat option is listed in the Left side of GMail. But there are no options there to start a chat or invite a friend to chat. May be Google is implementing in GMail in limited number per day. May be all the feature will be added soon.
So now I can chat with Google Talk client when I am in my home and can chat with GMail account on the move. Google is really Great.

According to the Google Gmail with Talk FAQs, the chat feature only works in FireFox and IE (from M$). Yeah, I know that's kinda annoying, but hey, what can you do (aside from switch to FireFox)? Hopefully one of these days it will make it to Netscape 7.2+, which I use.

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Why bother ? In case you're using something other than Firefox or IE - use the GTalk desktop client itself. It acts the very same way. Your chat logs still get stored in your account realtime.BTW - it's been installed in all my four gmail accounts. And I SIMPLY LOVE IT :huh:

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I see myself online in gmail and I often see some of my friends also there. But till now, there seems to be no conversation going on between us. Perhaps the email interface is not the ideal place for a chat. That?s why even people are online, they don?t tend to exchange words that way. Probably, Gmail should find a way to work around this. I really like Gmail?s sorting of emails into conversation, which looks a bit like online chatting massagers. But to set status and go for an instant chat, it is another matter. We don?t really like to be bothered when we are checking emails, especially with important emails. Also, most people have more than one account, and they don?t want to be seen online with the account, say, at work. The GUI is also too primitive for an instant massagers. Nowadays, chat clients like MSN, Yahoo and Skype tend to be very fancy, with a spectacular display of artwork and special effects. People also like to use emoticons and special effects during chat. If Gmail is going to provide all these, they should consider making an instant messenger of their own, instead of putting them in Gmail.

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Awesome featutes, now I just have to find someone who wants to talk to me.This beats Hotmail for the start, because hotmail requires MSN MEssenger (Or a compatible IM client) to login, or you use a webbased solution which are arround pretty much, but dont merge in with your mailbox as good as Google Mail + talk does. Also, the cross compatibility between the Google Talk IM client and Gmail Talk web client is a very neat feature.

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I really like Google policy - they say they are working on something and in a single month that really comes out shiny as always!! This is how you should run a company...Well this gtalk, i don't know, i really like and use msnmessnger a looot! And since all my friends are using it, it will be veeery hard for google to take it from msn....Well there is achance if they are goin to have much much better functions and good advertising...greetz

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Well, as heavensounds has mentioned that it will be difficult for Google to beat the war of messenger and that he will not like to change the messenger..I am sure there will be lots of people like he thinks, who will not like to change the messenger and just for that reason itself Google has come up with this idea.Google knows that GMAIL is already a super hit in the web-based email service and to make sure that there messenger gets hit..they've integrated it with GMAIL...now, the tactic is that most of the people check there email each and everyday and for that they will login to gmail account and once they'll do it...they'll be automatically logged into GOOGLE TALK and if any of there friends' is logged in...they'll chat with them over there itself...instead of loading up another program...and this way the customers will increase...there no. will increase!Well, heavensounds..if you use GMAIL then just wait and watch..I am sure that you'll quit using MSN messenger and will make a switch to GOOGLE TALK and I can assure you for that!However, it may take some time...but if you think the way I am thinking or in bigger terms..the way google thought...you'll be one of those customer's who will make a switch! :huh:

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OMg wat more ecan GoogLe do..i jsut found out that you can listen to music there but now it has messenger.. the people behind google must eb realy proud and happy about it. Wow they are really expanding now. Although i love google i dont think i will ever be able to leave msn messenger for it because i grew up basically on msn.. thats where i learnd to type fast and how i can chat to many of my friends

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