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Looking For Some Feedback On The Upgrade

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I was wondering if you could enlighten us with what your plans are for the shoutbox? (I kinda miss it) Will it return or are you planning something better?Can you also explain the 'Rating' function that we see on posts now? What does it do and how does it affect users and posts?Something else I thought might be useful is to show how many credits a post earns, in the header of the post perhaps. This would help those that seem to have trouble earning credits by showing them what sort of posts earn good credits. I imagine this wouldn't be that easy to code, but maybe it's something worth thinking about.

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Well I know this isn't really an official update but from what I heard from OpaQue, the shoutbox is coming back. He is having some problems getting all of the mods updated on the forums to function correctly. There is a temporary chat over at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I don't think many people use it as of yet because they don't know where to find it. As for the rating system, I am not quite sure about how it affects us. Maybe it gets us more credits I am not sure. It just helps people see what is good and what isn't as far as I know. You have a good idea with the credit thing. Might have a bit of trouble having it coded to change when admins/mods reduce credits for spamming or whatever on that topic but it would be helpful to the new ones.

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Can you also explain the 'Rating' function that we see on posts now? What does it do and how does it affect users and posts?

I made a notice here http://forums.xisto.com/topic/33314-topic-rating-explained-a-part-of-new-v214-board-feature/ and hopefully this will explain the concept of topic rating.

Something else I thought might be useful is to show how many credits a post earns

As long as they are in complete sentences and used dictionary based full proper words, you will receive proper credits. The longer the post the more credits earn for that post. However, if a post is non-contributing, off topic, spam, same idea over and over again and just posting words to gain credits moderators will take away credits earn for that post. This is where quality contribution is stressed. If you have your say with fully explanation in detail, you will earn enough credits for that post. However, what is not implied here is that a credit earned per word. That is a myth and the factual information is a privilege to OpaQue's only :)
So what makes a good post and earns credits at the same time? For example, you asked for some help with coding and someone made a post helping you with the code. You tried the code and found to be very successful and working well. Instead of coming back to the thread and replying, "thanks!" how about: "thanks! It worked just like I was expecting. I made my page with the code help here (insert link) and thought I should share the work with you." This gives feedback on the advice given and the actual working model of codes posted here. Bottom line? Put some meat into your short post. But not unnecessary fat. Trim the fat and put the good meat on it :rolleyes:

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Visuals are good. The missing Shoutbox ( I know... it's coming ) is ... well ... Missed...!I liked the 30 topic lists for last Topics and Last posts better than the 10 displayed now. I find it easier to stay on top of the activity. I also understand that this has been a huge undertaking on the part of OpaQue and the crew, so I am being patient, and wish them sall the best in their efforts. Geneerally, I like what I see...

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