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Trap17 Forum Without Ads

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i wish if the admin change the forum page to make the ads on the right on left side of the forum(i.e: in a frame) i think this makes it looks better and easier to all users, sorry too say that the current view is not good, nor handsom. the page is croweded with that ads and there colors elminates the beauty of the page appearance. :)

i wish also to see a link to the main forum page:
main forums

also one more think is to make available is to allow the topic editor to edit his post instead of adding a new reply to add a forgetten word.

Notice from serverph:
merged posts.

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Ya I too agree with adly3000 an Edit option is very necessary and must enable the topic editor to edit their posts and reduce the seeking of mods help for correcting small mistakes.

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Well it might be nice if the ads were missing altogether, too, but please remember that those ads are what is paying for this Forum and the Hosting Accounts here at the Xisto, so in my humble opinion, OpaQue can place them wherever he wishes to.
When you cruise around the Net these days, there are many site that are 3 Column layouts like what you are suggesting and Ads fill up pretty much the entire screen. They are excessive with the ads. I don't think that the ads are 'over-bearing' here (except that one smilie one that screams at you).

As for returning to the Index Page, there is a 'Breadcrumb' trail of links just below the shoutbox area that contains the path in the Forum that you are presently located at. It looks like this :

  Free Web Hosting, No Ads > Have your say > Support and Feedback > Questions & Queries
If you hover on any one of those labels, the colour changes. When you click on them, it links you to the Topic chosen. The first one: " Free Web Hosting, No Ads" will return you to the Index page.
Near the bottom of the page, there is a Drop-down list to select the particular Form Topic you want to go to. Unfortunately, there is one additional click invovled, but it works good, too.

And the Edit feature will be returning as soon as the new version of the Forum is ready. OpaQue is working on it right now, but I don't know what the schedule is for the changeover.

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"better and easier" is a relative term. :D but perhaps when Xisto forums redesign a new template, it may be put into consideration. :angry: the main purpose of the forums is to provide a place of discussion of things of interest and knowledge and fun, etc. at the same time, it gives an opportunity for members to get hosted here via hosting credits they earn via relevant posting. :) being "handsome" and "beautiful" is not the priority. the ads in the forums, on the other hand, is the main reason why we get Xisto.com hosting WITHOUT ads. it's how our "FREE" hosting is supported by members. :angry:


as for the main forum link you're asking, you just have to click the "Free Web Hosting, No Ads" link below the shoutbox. it's the same thing, just search-engine optimized. :)


as for the EDIT button, it will be available soon as we upgrade IPB later. modules for credit adjustment tied up with the posts are just being polished thoroughly, as per admin's announcements. in the meantime, just use the REPORT button to report an instance of anything you want edited from your posts. moderators will look into it for proper action.


please review the Xisto forum rules & TOS (use the HELP menu on the top, or go directly to the README as linked in the shoutbox). lastly, please make use of appropriate titles and descriptions. "Xisto.com Without Ads" doesn't quite describe the thread you started, as it is about other things entirely. :angry:


anyway, welcome to Xisto and enjoy your stay with us.

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ALthough ads are always troublesome, i would have to say that this site is great with the way they handle their ads, they are there for you if you wanna click on them to give this website business but they aren't throwing it in your face saying CLICK HERE CLICK HERE....or like some websites do, they don't even care what you post in their forums as long as you click. This website has shown that it is a more business like approach and that is why i have chosen to come here because the mods are great and the posts are even better. You can't get away from BANNERS and ADS but this site gives you freedom to work around them...

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they don't even care what you post in their forums as long as you click

That isn't really true. They want to make sure the posts are clean and have meaning. It has to stay on topic and stuff. Notice how they are very strict on posts because they want to make sure people earn their hosting using their own words and not copy it from someone else or start a topic already started. As for the ads, I don't really see what the problem is. I haven't really paid attention to them, you get used to them. I will click them sometimes though to help support Xisto. As for the edit button, you can use it now that the upgrade is here. Use it wisely though.
Edited by Plenoptic (see edit history)

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