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Are Muds A Rpg Games? And, does some one still play them?

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I wonder, are MUds RPG games? They were great when Internet started to spread all over the world, I remember using PC without HDD :) Jajajaja, and you had to use a diskette in order to start the OS and another one to access the net. Well, old times. Does some one still play those?I liked kikcin' some ugly worms and when frustated, some sorry dogs :)

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What are muds? Are they those old text games? where you would get a bunch of symbols that would try and make an image and there was a lot of text and you would choose your path by selecting different text choices? I think I kind of remember something like that but I was like 6 or 8 years old so I didnt like them. The old games I remember are the first duke nukems, the crystal caves, commander keen, and lots of other games I would download from a bbs called chrysalis.

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A MUD is a Multi user dungeon it's sort of like a MMORPG like World of Warcraft or Runescape etc. The MUD existed before any MMORPG was created. I assume this was in the early 90's when the Internet was still devloping. Anyway a MUD is a text RPG thing where you character and items are displayed as characters on the screen. I never played any Text Based RPGs before. BTW.

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MUDs are still very popular among a lot of people and come in many different flavours. Some are a strict role-playing environment and some are basically a 'hack and slash' game where you type commands to travel around a world described in words and kill anything you come across, including other players at times. Then there are others that somewhere in between those two types.

MUD's can be very immersive if the desriptions to the rooms and monsters are well done. It's like becoming involved in an every changing story where you have the chance to change the outcome of certain parts of the story. The themes of the MUDs also vary immensley, from Medieval themes, (often Tolkien stories) to futuristic games based on Star Wars and the like.

I used play these games quite a lot a couple of years ago and found them very enjoyable. I helped run a few of them here and there by writing areas for players and helping as an admin. It was also the reason I started my web site, Mud Mall Fantasy Gallery so players could use images from my gallery for their characters. The games require patience, imagination and a bit of effort to play them. If you don't like to read, then they are not for you.

If you're interested in playing one to see what it's like, I suggest going to the most popular listing of these types of games there is at The Mud Connector, they currently have 1836 MUDs listed there. Be patient to start as it will be difficult to get the hang of how everything works, most times you can ask other players for help or there are designated helpers in the game. The best part about these games is they are usually free to play. Be warned though, they can comsume a lot of your time.

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Well, that was clear enough. MUDs are RPGs. And it seems they haven't been lost at all, yet many people have not even hear of them. What I liked most, was that you used your imagination a lot, of course, the descriptions had to be good. Thanks a lot for the replies, I learned a couple things I didn't know and I'll look for some existing MUDs. :rolleyes:

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MUDs rock! I tripped over them by accident a coupla years ago when I was looking for text-based RPGs after I read about text-based RPGs in some book or the other. The computer I've been using for the past 5 or 6 years is too old to play most computer games on, since the lack of RAM causes the game to lag so horrifyingly that there truly is no point in trying to play since the lag always causes my character to die a horrible and needless death. (At least, I think it's the lack of RAM that does it...)So anyway, to answer the question, yes, most MUDs are RPGs, although I have come across a few that aren't so much games as they are chat rooms of sorts which can still be considered Multi-User Domains. And yeah, there still are people who play it.I was actually trying to code my own MUD a while back, but the lack of coding knowledge did me in. I did manage to start a SUD (Single-User Domain), but the amount of bugs I ended up with and the sheer amount of coding that had to go into it just killed me. So I never did get round to finishing it...

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MUDs are still popular

Are Muds A Rpg Games?


Replying to xavierrd


They are still popular and can be consisdered RPGs since you portray a character you create. I currently own and operate a MUD that has ran successfully for 8 yrs.




-reply by Daos

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Yes Muds are sitll popular even to this date. Look at Vagabond Quest =) thats a perfect example of a game played by many players. If you have the time and patience you should probably take a look. =DI use to play MUDs but now I really... I guess you can say have become shallow. I need to see some movement of some kind than just words. Sorry if it sounds like a hate towards it and really Im not trying to discourage you from playing them. Its just a personal opinion of mine. ^^ Anyways enjoy!~

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Indeed, MUDs definitely sit comfortably within the RPG genre. I have never been a major fan or participater within a MUD myself, although I am rather partial to activities that very closely resemble them. I used to play games such as Nationstates and Kingdom of Loathing, which I suppose would somewhat classify as a MUD in nature, except with some very minimal graphics attached to them. And I've been known to lose myself occasionally within a nicely created story-based RP Game.

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I'm sort of confused by the meaning of MUD. If it means multiple user dungeon, wouldn't that mean that going in "instances" when playing World of Warcraft, for example, would be an example of this?Or is this more of a single player with the ability to have more than one person in the dungeon? Kind of like...Hm, I guess taking an old Final Fantasy game and making it multiplayer. I guess my problem is I don't have a solid understanding as to what is considered "mud".

Edited by rpgsearcherz (see edit history)

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