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Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire... Ruined.

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I just came back from watching "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" for the third time, and I gots ta tell ya, that Dan Radcliffe is one hot piece of tukkas. While I was busy fantasizing about Dan, my musings were cut short when a girl of about 3 started crying quite loudly. Why? Because apparenly, it was "scary" when Mad-Eye Moody was morphing back into Barty Crouch Jr. It was a full five minutes before her cow of a mother shoved popcorn down the girl's throat to shut her up. Earlier in the movie, this same demon-chiNow, the premise of this post is to complain about how parents take their children to a PG-13 movie and expect it to be all flowers and puppy dogs. They just end up covering their childrens' eyes or silencing their cries half the time. Therefore, it is not only a waste of time and money on the parents' part, but it also makes for an unpleasant movie experience for everyone else. To the pissed of soccer mom reading this post:It's rated PG-13 for a reason, hun.~Michelle~

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Yeah i know exactly what you mean. We all do. When i was younger, my parents never took me to a movie unless it was G until i was like 10 or so and could actually handle a PG-13 movie. I think little children under 10 should not be allowed into a PG-13 even if their parents are with them because they ruin it for everyone else. However, earlier today i went and saw Narnia and a young girl (i dont know how old cause i couldnt see her) was so halarious with her niave commentary that she actually made the movie better which was a first for me since ive never had a little child make a movie better.

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Wow, third time eh? Nice! I know what you mean... I wish that people would save everyone a lot of bother, and think before they bring certain people into the theatre. Sure, in a perfect world, the young children wouldn't get scared, and even if they did, they wouldn't cry, but the world isn't perfect, and neither are about 99% of the young people that end up in movies that aren't even appropriate for their ages.What I find worse though... are those annoying people who insist on talking through the entire movie, all the while kicking the back of your seat and driving you nuts. That's what happened to me, when I went to see that movie. Ergh, some people get on my nerves! And it's not even like this person was young either... they had to be in their 30s!

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The same thing happened to me in the passion of the christ.. mothers(sorry to say, but I didn't see any men bring their children in) were bringing in their young children to watch the movie, and they would start crying or would scream or whine. They could've shown some common courtesy and brought them outside.. but no, they were too busy indulging in the movie to bring escort them outside.. and ended up ruining many other's movie.o.O Seen it three times now? lol I bet you can't wait until it comes on out Dvd..

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I didn't know 3 years old could understand Harry Potter, I didn't even know they could read [that's if.. she read the book]. Yeah I understand how annoying it is. I was watching King Kong and this kid wouldn't stop jumping around and mimicking what they were saying. Very, very annoying. I didn't enjoy King Kong much anyway, and the kid had to make it worse for me. :D

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Paying for a movie ticket is probably chaper than paying for a babysitter for a few hours, so I would guess parents just bring their kids along. Still, if it was a third viewing I'm sure you've seen it enough times to know pretty well what they're saying/what's going on :D

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Now I agree that paying for a child's movie ticket would be cheaper then a babysitter. However, the movie is rated for a reason. And this is something I can not put onto the mother.I would have to say, why is the picture cinema allowing a child this young into a movie that is rated as it is. It is partly there responsibility. They would be able to tell that a child that young is way to young to be able to see the movie. So why allow them in? Well the answer to that one is also simple, money. It's more money for them so they allow it. Everything these days is all associated with money. How can I get more money? Where will the next dollar come from? etc etc etc

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Don't the ticket sellers check who they're selling the tickets to BEFORE they sell it to them? Don't they ever go, "Sorry, you can't let your son in since this is a PG-13 movie." do they let little kids into R-rated movies?yes, little kids jumping around in a pg-13 movie is so freakin annoying.why are those little kids there in the first place?!watch little kids view unrated movies...that'd be horriable...

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man, passion of the christ was a really hard movie to handle. i dont think there was a woman in that theater not crying. i was almost in tears myself. but to take a little kid to a movie like that? the bible says how he was tortured, would you really want little kids to see that? gawd, talk about nightmares for life! seriously, mothers, be responsible and dont take your little 7 year old to a rated R movie.well, back to the topic. hmm 3 harry potter movies rated pg and then all of a sudden, the goblet of fire movie is pg-13. i wonder what that means...... maybe just maybe there could be a bit of fantasy violence or frightening images? *gasp!* so maybe its not as ok for little kids to watch as it was for the last three. if the mom had seen any previews/special outtakes like on extra or other shows who dedicated a whole show for behind the scenes looks at hp4, then she woulda known that maybe her daughter wasnt ready to watch it yet. everyone says harry potter is getting into more danger as the books/movies progress. he's going to battle the dark lord and has to overcome other dangerous things to do that, it was quite obvious that in the 4th movie he wasnt going to be playing in a field of flowers and welcomed to a quaint little cottage by a bunch of animals who would look after him. and we actually saw mad eye moody changing back to barty crouch this time instead of it being like in the bathroom stall like it was in the 2nd movie. as everyone in hp gets older, so do the people watching it so the hp story gets more mature as well as the ratings. and of course, like everyone said, ratings are there for a reason

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That is annoying. I haven't had a kid cry for a long time while I was watching a movie but had some people talk loud and don't turn off their cell phones. Which really ruined my excitement in getting involved in the story. One thing that was really annoying to me when I went to go watch a movie. Was a black a couple came in with like a small "blankie". The guy was sitting in a one of the confortable chairs leaning back while the girl was sitting on his lap and resting her legs on the next empty seat next to them. I was a row above them. Throughout the movie they were snuggling and kissing each other. It was like really anoying because I didn't want to see people kiss while I was watching a movie. And my mom was like covering my face and all. Which was really embarassing. All through the movie the couple kept kissing and I just moved seats. It was getting really annoying.

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well 2 things, first i am saying i can fully sympathize with what your saying as I hate crowds of people to begin with.2nd I thought this was a post in regards to how much of a let this potter film was, I feel this was a huge step backwards in the potter series the story was less then filling in my opinion and there wasn't much to the climax before you were on your way back down in the film again.I am loving the series just was disappointed in this one in particular I look forward to seeing the other 5 there are supposed to be but I had also read somewhere that the kid playing potter is going to do other films and is done with the potter films can anyone confirm or deny this. If this is the case that will be a huge hit to the series as being a main character it is hard to replace him and still get a good bond with the crowd.again just my 2 cents and saying i can sympathize with your brat at the theatre problem probably should of created my own vent in regards to letdown i had from the film.

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well, being a BIG harry potter fan erm..i read somewhere that they are NOT planning on changing the MAIN charectors but might change some of the other charectors..yes daniel radcliffe will be doing other movies but he will also be staying on i believe! i forgot what the name of the movie was but it was an X-rated movie about a teen who went around scraping horses eyes out with steaks or somthing like that...personally i DO NOT want ANY of the charectors to get changed at all.and OoTP is planed to start filming next month... which i hope is true maybe ill be able to see it before im 17 * im 15 now :)

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