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I'm a big fan of Morrowind because of it's size and variety, but absolutely hate paying monthly dues for games like Everquest and World of Warcraft. Lately, I've been reading up on Guild Wars and Dungeon Seige II to tide me over until Oblivion comes out (what is it back to now? March I heard...). Also, something.. London ... Hellgate I think... Hellgate London? Anyways, I heard that's coming out that's supposed to be like a Diablo II for today's age.Problem is, I'm picky. :DThe thing I loved about RPGs back in the age were unlimed online character creation, free servers, FREE ONLINE PLAY, and you were only limited to level 99 (which hardly anyone made it up to thanks to the logrithmic scale of XP)... of course I'm talking about Diablo II. But of the RPGs I'm looking into that don't require you to continually paying monthly fees just to play, you're either limited to level 20 (tops! wtf! <Guild Wars> ) or isn't that popular to start with ( <Dungeon Seige II> ). I most definately plan to get Oblivion, but I need something to tide me over until then. So what's my best bet?Thanks

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Actually I don't really know... I had played diablo for a short time... But I game only on ps2. The only RPG's on the ps2 I like are turn-based... so I can't help you with this.and don't mind. Everyone is a little bit picky. I'm sure you'll find your game :D

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Actually I don't really know... I had played diablo for a short time... But I game only on ps2. The only RPG's on the ps2 I like are turn-based... so I can't help you with this.

and don't mind. Everyone is a little bit picky. I'm sure you'll find your game :D


I love the real-time RPGs. Never really caught onto the whole turn-based genre of FF or those other japanese games. I guess it's the middleground between my FPS and RPG loves. Need that real-time action to maintain consciousness :D


I've never actually had a console game. I think the closest thing to consoles would have to be the origional gameboy I bought from a friend. Y'know, that big beige/grey box thing. lol I feel so old. Regardless, I'm inclined to get the Xbox 360 seeing reviews on the graphics output by this thing! too bad there's some hardware flaw with them. 2/3 friends had to RMA theirs'. But I'm getting offtopic here... :D

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All the Baldur's Gate's would be very good. Or Guild Wars, which is like Diablo II.Also, you can't forget about all the Pay-Per-Month RPGs, which I hear are very good. Personally, I don't want to pay-per-month, but it may be something to look in to. World of Warcraft looks pretty sweet when I saw a friend play it...

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I played baldur's gate on the... PS2 I think... maybe xbox... anyways, it was a while ago. I'd pick that up but I was hopign for something newer. I walked through the game aisle at the local walmart (I KNOW ITS NOT THE PLACE TO SHOP FOR GAMES) and was looking into Guild Wars II. Looks like a buldur's gate mix with some WoW teamplay. Seems ok. Free online play, etc, etc. Black and White got great reviews online... but you make and nuture a creature and then it fights your battles? seems a bit too much like one of those DS minigames to dish $40 for. I picked up COD2 just because I hate going to a store and leaving with nothing, gonna try that out. Maybe it'll last me until March (hA! right!)I will check out Spells of Gold and Grandia 2, maybe read more into Guild Wars to see if I can balance out the max-out at lvl20 with something good.I'll keep you guys updated. and thanks again!

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Theres this really cool free Rpg that just came out, though its in spanish, the concept is really good. It appears that when your character reaches a certain level he can pick a god from the prehispanic era. Right now the gods are the mayan, the incan and the Aztec. Its still in beta, but its fully playable and it really is fun, though I recommend you learn spanish or just post here for help, and I can help, I dont play much because of my job, but sometimes I play like at 1 am whenever I have a chance.Oh, almost forgot.. Lol. The game is called Imperio.the link is:http://neoimperio.com/
the download is like 400 megabytes, but its well worth it.

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Have any of you played AdventureQuest by Artix Entertainment? Its a cool RPG altough it dose have a few bugs in it but comparitivley its a really good RPG. You can have a free account to begin with but if you like it then you can become a Guardian for a one-time payment of 25$ and if you want to go more advanced then you can become an x-guardian. By becoming a guardian you can unlock all the areas in the game and all the class levels and not to mention cool weapons! You people should really check it out and i forgot to mention if you pay for the guardian upgrade then you can get access to games like ArchKnight and DragonFable both made by Artix Entertainment. The graphics for ArchKnight arent so great but the graphics for DragonFable are simpley outta this world. The URL's for the games are:




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Oblivion is the best real-time roleplaying game, period. It is a vast improvement over the earlier, amazing, roleplaying game Morrowind. Definately save up for it and go buy it before you buy anything else!

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I may be mistaken, but I thought Hellgate London was an FPS? I think I remember seeing a really nice looking FPS by that name.

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Amazing true RPGRecommended Rpgs

Illarion is a free, graphical fantasy game that focuses on true roleplaying. Come and join the world of Illarion. You'll fully emmerse yourself in this world, as though your character is a real being. All of the characters around you will behave as real people in this independent, mysterious world. They'll tell you about magicians, ghosts and fairies in some of the most unbelieveable stories and rumors. Pick a race you would like to play: human, dwarf, halfling, elf? Maybe an orc? Or even a lizardman?Please don't expect experience points or other numbers inside the game which reveal your skills. Just follow the role you want to play, in time you will see whether you become a great warrior, fighting against the various evils of Illarion, or the most respected master smith of the town. Perhaps even the most popular barkeeper because practice makes perfect. Druids and magicians will cast mysterious spells with herbs and runes. In addition to all of this, each race speaks its own language but all are able to speak the common language of Illarion to make themselves understood.We are offering our own server, a Java client (which can be used with Linux or Windows) and the guarantee that you will never, ever, pay anything for this game. To ensure this we founded a registered society and it became contractual in the statute. Illarion has been online since February 2000 and is always being developed by programmers and volunteers to satisify the wishes of the player community.Even you can't resist the magic of this world!

-reply by Ryan

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An RPG i played and totally loved was The Witcher. You should really give it a try. It's actually an action RPG, but it's got a whole new unniverse going on and a great story and gameplay. Here's the gamespot link. Enjoy !

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I'm not necessarily sure what your looking for in terms of an RPG whether its for online play or not, but I'm not sure if you heard of a game called TorchLight? Its basically like diablo but with cartoonish tone towards it. Its a very excellent game in fun and smooth looking graphics. I think a lot of computers can actually play this game as it doesn't harness that much out of your computer but there is still the option to just lower the graphics which doesn't seem to change much but a higher output in fps is provided. Quick to understand, fun to play and really innovative as you level up and gain more spells, techniques, powers etc. The three main classes are Warrior, Alchemist and a Rogue. As for the online realm I haven't seen any free mmorpg games that have taken my attention as of late... I definitely haven't seen any free mmorpg that has kept my attention. Perhaps Ragnarok Online was a good substitute for a time (well playing on private servers) but that like 6-8 years ago when it was much more popular and the community wasn't so >__> yes... However if your looking for a p2p mmorpg that has great promise within the future, I would have to direct you towards Tera-Online. Its a beautiful next-gen game made on the unreal 3 engine and from the former creators of Lineage 2 game. It probably won't be out till December though so it may be a long wait. But trust me real time fighting into any mmorpg is a plus to me as well as enticing lore within the game.But I guess I can just name one free mmo while im at it that did take my attention for just a bit that was Mabinogi Online, it was a great game until if you want to compete with others you had to keep re birthing which obviously cost money. But it was a cute game more or less, fairly easy fighting system, it was sorta like a rock, paper, scissors type of battle system. So it was more about strategy and knowing what your enemy had prepared to attack you with. Lots to do in this game, you don't must have to fight as their even part time jobs you can do to get money and special items. You can even bring up your fame within villages etc. It was fun, but I quit really because ... well my friends were no longer playing it so I lost a motivation to continue it. Considering dungeons are instanced you don't really meet up with people much unless you force your way into conversations and social environments.

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