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Oss Internet Speed Booster THE BEST

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I've been searching the web for the idle speed boost for internet!! and I have found the best one which is for free its called OSS Internet speed Booster. With this tool you can configure yourself or use a configuration which is already there to optimize the speed of your internet. Not only does it speed up your internet but also speeds up your startup time by a fraction.


Hope you guys find it useful, I sure did

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Boost and optimize the speed of your Internet connection with this set of tools. Internet Speed Booster helps you keep your system healthy and responsive. This program is a package of 3 utilities. Network pinger prevents you from being disconnected by your ISP (Internet Service Provider) with full control over the Ping interval, host, and sound. Internet Speed Booster optimizes the way your Windows PC can send and receive information across the Internet in real time to prevent fragmentation of data transfers. FreeMem utility allows you to free physical memory or RAM on your computer. Just select a target amount of free memory and click the Optimize button. You can also schedule it to automatically optimize RAM when it falls below a certain target level. Internet Speed Booster can increase the performance of your existing modem/network hardware by optimizing Windows modem/network settings to maximize the efficiency of your current hardware.

Sounds interesting. Guess I'll give it a try. Thanks for informing.

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So does it work? I always wanted something like this because my school internet is so slow that I could have done so much more in that time... Maybe i wont be able to install it :) but hey always worth to try... Thanks for the info + link

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May increase the speed but I wouldn't install it:


It gives you adware and i tested my down load speeds with system mechanic before and afterwards before i was averageing my download speeds at 400000 Bytes per second afterwards it droped down too around 125000 bps. It also installs alnet which is spyware and bullguard which is the stuff that makes kazza a cruddy P2P networking software.

I downloaded this speedbooster from anther site a while back. It did work really good,but!!!!!!!,what happened was I ended up with computer voodoo,trojan hoarses, malware, and adwre. Its really a shame caue its really a very good product.I would never download it again only caue of the computer voodoo in it.it would benefite companies so much better just to ask for donations, than to load up there programs with voodoo.



Basically, it increases your speed if you install it but after you uninstall it, your speed is decreased by more that it was increased in the first place. And you get a bunch spyware.


Unless you have the patience to uninstall all the malware, steer clear!

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hmmm i'm not interested, i downloaded like tons of those on my old computer, but it didn't really get any quicker.

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I don't trust little programs that claim to speed up one's computer (especially not "free" ones). The only programs that claim to speed my internet that I trust are ones such as System Mechanic, which includes an internet optimiser feature (it doesn't install any specific programs, but instead supposedly configures your connection to work at peak efficiency, and it seems to make a difference).

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Hm...I think that this is another program that doesn't work. Maybe i am a bit too critical, but as far as i experienced this sort of programs - they dont work as good as they promise in advertisements! Maybe you do gain a bit of speed because of better settings and stuff but that is minimal...all in all you shouldn't forget that the most important things is your ISP or Internet service provider, because he gives you the amount of bandwith you pay for...you are never going to get higher speeds with any program because of this bandwith-limitation!But i do agree that it is a pleasant thought that a certain program will make you internet connection faaaaaster :) This is also the reason I am about to try this program too...i enjoy in testing those things but i am quite sure that it won't work as promised..greetz

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These type of tools almost never work. On modern computers with up-to-date software the configuration is pretty well tuned to achieve the fastest speed efficiently possible and doesn't require any help from a program to do this, in fact lots of them make your computer run even slower or compromise your computer in some other way. The ones that do work such as google web accelerator make your connection even faster by putting you on a proxy with the pages already pre-loaded. They do make the connection somewhat faster but it is not very noticeable.I'm not suprised that the OSS Internet Speed Booster has adware. You should always be skeptical of programs that claim to make your computer faster and is created by a company that you have never even heard of.

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i don't think it has an effect on high speed internet.

What ever gave you that idea? Could it have been the 5+ people before you that said just that?

Anyway, there are some reviews here. From what I can see, it does optimise one's internet if using dialup, but if one is on broadband, it apparently doesn't help any (and may even have negative effects).

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I dont think that any of these dont work at all...I tried some when I was on dialup and they did nothing.But, if you do proxy through a web server that compresses it before sending and you decompress it to look at it, that might work...But you'd have to pay for that

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Yea, I don't really trust the at all. Although there is a program called OnSpeed that is meant to be very good. However, it is �25 a month so havent tried it yet. If anyone has, give me a shout. I'd like to know what its like-reply by Pliskin

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