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Avatar Suggestion For Admin And Mod from members

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I believe this is a good place to put this topic. But, i've made 2 avatars for Admins and Mods. Encouraged by Wassie. I'm not really sure how to post images from the gallery here at Xisto into posts, so i'll just provide a link to my gallery and hope that's sufficient :P.

My Gallery.

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An example of how to post a gif or jpg here. See:


Posted Image


This came from a photobucket dot com account. You might also try hosting it at Imageshack dot com. Unfortunately, the bbcode doesn't allow you to size them with a width or height attribute, so make sure they are the right size at the Host before posting them. :P

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Holy moly! I thank you all for coming up with so many great avatars! Our staffs are still in deciding whether to go ahead with this idea. In fact we started our own thread not so long ago.Compute, you have no idea how your suggestion is so close to what I've been searching ever since I became a mod few months ago! It's too freaky it's almost The Twilight Zone scary~ :P

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@Cool Freaker - Yea, i added a dropshadow to the text. I didnt want the other stuff to distract the attention from "Admin" or "Mod".@Jlhaslip - Heh, i know how to add images to posts :P, i'm just not sure if copying and pasting the url of the image will work. But, having an option on the side, when posting, to insert images that one has uploaded to the gallery would be nice.Hmm, I believe an animated GIF would be better than a flash avatar.

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hmmm with the gif avatar do a shine through like the color red for the admins and the color blue for the mods and heck even the color maroon for the hosted members as well. Also for the animation spin the globe around too.but the one thing that i don't like is the chain like background, it takes away from it. Plus you have a little room to make the text a little bigger as well, go 2 sizes higher and test the anti alias setting to make it look smooth as best you can.hmm I'm out of ideas now for this project.

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we have seen truefusion's pretty works before,i really like those avatars.i think admin group's avatar should be representative ones always for our community.i made two logo for our admin group as well but they look clumsy a little :P.just show that...i uploaded them to gallery just now.



any comment and feedback would be appreciated(no spam welcomed) :P



administrator group avater



Posted Image




moderator group avater



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Man, these are some fantastic avatars! I wonder if we can do some kind of rotating avatars for moderators and administrators. :P We can use either St. Michael's or snlildude87's sig rotating scripts modified.And then anyone can submit and it'll all show up. Hummm what collaboration!

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Interesting Admin/Mod avatars you've made there Hulunes. I would like to see what other people can come up with, as well. Also, nice suggest about the Avatar rotation, Buffalohelp. Lets keep them creative minds working, :P.

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that's correct..."Lets keep them creative minds working"well,mod or admin should do work for the post to be a pinned thread. :P in order to collect more good creation.

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I just wanted to let you all know this is the official words from OpaQue (which I deleted). But basically you have the green light to place your graphics in your gallery instead of using image shack or photo bucket. In fact, OpaQue will be delighted if someone would actually use the Gallery!!! :PThis means, you can create an album called "SIGS" and "AVATARS" and let people browse them and give comments--at the same time you can use it to link it to your post. So it's all in the same area and no need to worry about image not showing up.I would like to make the same announcement in the graphics area but I'm sure the word will spread.Thank you all.

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