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My Schools Full Of Posers...

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haha lol that's heaps funny cause i know what you mean :ph34r: don't worry about it man, all kids are stupid like that at some stage or another. i mean, you can't say you've always liked good music, and never tried to be cool yourself.seriously, they'll get over it, it's just a matter of time.

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hi,guys,take it easy you need got some rest and take a cup of coffee.

I just feel like knocking them out

and here,give you a sort of fps shooting game then you played it so release your hate?guangdian :ph34r:

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:ph34r: I'm in high school and its full of stupid little posers.


That's high school for ya. Here's a hint, it doesn't get much better...posers are everywhere.


They wear their retarded AC/DC shirts and pretend they're from the last generation.


I hope you're not taking a shot at AC/DC...they are some of the greatest rockers ever....and I'm from that generation. Someday you'll understand.


I just feel like knocking them out.  :D


I really have no reply to this part, except the Nike slogan...'just do it'. :(

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Meh, you get posers everywhere. It's worse among kids. Just finished college (I think that's high school for you Yanks) and it was full of them. People trying to be what they aren't pisses me off too because they look so stupid you just want to smack them.I'm sure it's no different out in the adult world. For some reason people want to be someone they're not and are always going to try just to fit it.I guess some pull it off and know when they are going oo far but there are those that take it too far and don't know when to stop. They are the ones that need a slap.

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Honestly I see a bunch of kids almost every single day dressing up like that, I have absolutely no problem with it. In my mind I shouldn't judge or give others a label such as 'poser' or what ever. In my now former school they have so many different styles of apparel but in the end everyone treats everyone as an equal. I think that maybe that's why I don't believe in calling others posers or what ever kind of label people are trying to live up to.I'll admit that I was once like that though, I would sit in my corner of friends and talk about how so and so were such posers. I think that when my one friend told me that I shouldn't judge because they all of a sudden decide to dress in a certain way or do things in a certain way. I felt like an absolute prejudice which in reality I was. I was just as bad as a homophobic (which I am not!).

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yeah, dude, people were calling me pozer for a while cuz I got so cool so quick, it scared them. :ph34r: I went from dressing in whatever was in my drawr to dressing in only "in clothes" and now I like skating, my bass guitar, and a lot of cool things. don't worry bout it man, I know what you mean, there's a few pozers at my school. And remember: just cause you or I or anyone's good with computers doesen't mean that they are a NERD! (that I get pushed around with ALOT at my school.

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:ph34r: I'm in high school and its full of stupid little posers. They wear their retarded AC/DC shirts and pretend they're from the last generation. I just feel like knocking them out.  :D


Wearing an AC/DC shirt has nothing to do with being a poser. A poser is ....


1.one who pretends to be someone whose not.

2. who tries to fit in but with exaggeration. It doesn't really have much to do with how they look. It's just a shirt. I could understand if you said that they acted like someone else. Like if some girl just wanted to fit in and started acting like another girl to fit in. There's a few at my school. Frankly, I really don't pay attention to them. They want to be fake than that's their own fault. I'd rather be myself. Just ignore them. They might make you angry but it's not worth it to do anything to them.

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Hey Jae-unit! Yes, school is full of posers. You're in high school but it doesn't get better in college. There are still posers in the university! Not as many as in high school but yep there's still hanging in the lobby posing.

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Wearing an AC/DC shirt has nothing to do with being a poser.

I was gonna say. At my school, we didn't call people wearing AC/DC shirts posers, we called 'em 'bogans'. You get posers everywhere, not just high school.

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also wos gonna say, posers tend to be a type of person, not a particular group of ppl. . . i.e. ppl who wear AC/DC shirts etc r labeled as dirty in the UK, pretty much.Anyone can be a poser . . . . poser is jus sum1 who shows off i guess. . . . like sum1 going slow in a drop top sports car playin music loud. . .

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I have to say that you can't necessarilly accuse someone of being a poser just because of one thing. OK, so if you have a person in your class that wears what you view as cool clothing (whatever that is), does that make them a bad person? Does that even mean that their the kind of person that shows off? I would suggest that sometimes jealousy could be clouding your judgement. I'm not saying that your not cool or kind, switch, but I know that sometimes when people are dressed better than me, or are more popular than me etc., that that clouds my judgement. They haven't done anything to me, but I judge them from a distance without even talking to them. Does that explain anything?

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school is full of posers especially junior high school, i was a poser myself too you know pretending to be a 'gothic-bad-girl' stuff but then 'OMG 7'o clock! run we must get home quickly or mum is gonna be mad' yes, that was my 1 year of junior-high-school life until I realize what i was doing and just start to dress like myself, and act like myself, some people doesn't like my way to be, some do like it, but i really dont mind a lot if they do or not, today im at last year of high school and when i see this girls 'gothic-style-bettie-boop' that they are visible posers I just smile at myself thinking that someday those girls will found out too :ph34r:

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I don't think there is anything wrong with wearing classic rock band's t-shirts. I personally love classic rock. I do blare it on my really loud car stereo. But, its better than all of the wiggers playing rap with their lincons with 15in subwoofers, blowing out peoples eardrums. The people I consider posers are those who only listen to punk rock, and think that everything else is stupid. Those people should be the ones to get slapped, because they have no taste in music, and they think theirs is the only way to go.

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