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What Makes A Great Community?

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I just thought of what makes me stay in this place. I joined this site not because I wanted a free web hosting. I didn't even know about it before joining. I decided to join first because I thought people here were very nice and then because I saw lots of interesting threads and opinions everywhere. :D Of course there are many other things that make a great community but these two were crucial for me. I just left one community because I felt people were cold and indifferent to one another. I'm very happy to find this site!!! Thank you guys!!! :D

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I believe that like-minded group of people make the best community. Their willingness to abide by the common courtesy and respect are the keys to building such a group. When each and everyone consciously decide to uphold the rules of a group is when the group can grow and elevate to the next level.Although I am a moderator, I see that the entire members of administrators and moderators are doing extremely well to keep this community clean and safe. When one or two bad seeds intrude this safe community they are quick to action. I am, at times, feel that we are segregating all people from joining this group however, the community cannot be safe if non-respecting member(s) stirs up a trouble and ruin it for all of us.Trust would be the second ingredient, in my opinion. Every member must trust each other that every member will be viewed at an equal level. Trust in administrators and moderators that they will keep the bad guys out so that everyone can play without apprehension.

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yeah this place is not so bad it lets you meet new people and get that good warming feeling that this is the place to be.

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Yes, that is exactly the reason why Trap has managed to make this long journey. Today, Xisto is equally famous for its community as its hosting service. We have support of people and I give this credit to the management who have made it possible.

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Yes..I am also very happy that I joined this forum..It has just a warm communiciation with each other.This is the best free web host ever.Mentain I have signed in for other forums also....but is is not very pretty..you have not much topics.Here as welll...You more than billions topics here..and that makes it is easy for members.But on other forums i had made a appliciation...but it looks like that the webmaster of that me just ignore..And then finally sets the site offline..I am very happy that opaque is nice.And not so could as the other webmasters.:D

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I think the best way to make a community is to make alot of options such as giving free services or talking about a good that hasnt came out yet. I have a community but due to errors the board didnt except any new members to register, so i made a new community.

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i think it makes our community much stonger that there isn't harldy spam. The moderators are doing a great job. and the problems within the community are hardly there... The hosting credits work perfectly... and the server uptime is great, also the packages are awsome. i just think we are the best hosting comunity here. because other hosts dont live much longer that about 1 year. but because we got the hosting credits thingy going on, the members must still be active else their site will be trown away. so "good people + good hosting = Good community"

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i think a community can be great only if it has people who actually care for other members...and understand them...i was with Liquidh before and the community over there was simply great...i was finding a bit difficult for myself to adjust in this community but i think this community is too good and the best about this community is that there is no spamming at all(thanks to the rules and mangement).

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Some of the rules might be a little strict but it's hard to argue with the end result. I think that not only is the hosting itself probably the best on the web but the community is also one of the best on the web. It's definitely refreshing to find a site that cares so much about maintaining an environment free of charachter assassination and other distasteful things. The credits system is also liberal enough for me to do a ton of posting in the winter to compensate for the summer months when I do all my baseball playing. *cough*

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