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Gift For Johnny My first real sig For Johnny

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Well Johnny, you've helped me out a lot. What can I say, I owe you. So, here's a gift sig for you. It's my first one I've made so it's not that great.


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No render yet, not good enough :D.



Edited by KuBi (see edit history)

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Your first sig. I'm honored. And it's great for your first one. ^-^Thanks for the praise, but hey, it's nothing, really. I'm glad to help out.And thanks for the gift. I'll add it to my collection. And you were already on my gift list, but I'll make yours priority. :DWOO!

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not bad for your first i would say work on the font a bit (its the biggest issue we have us sig makers) the brushing looks ok for starting out, get away from the repeat, but it almost like you make a copy of the layer the rotated it to do a mirror image,7/10for starting out.

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not bad for your first i would say work on the font a bit (its the biggest issue we have us sig makers) the brushing looks ok for starting out, get away from the repeat, but it almost like you make a copy of the layer the rotated it to do a mirror image,




for starting out.


O.o I'm pretty sure that isn't brushing. All filters, like your first ones. ^-^

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i was thinking that but was giving the benefit of the doubt that it was all brush and alot of difference clouds filters as welli think the the only good sig i pulled off use filters was the orange that i did.

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Gah! For some weird reason, the sig wouldn't load in the forums, so I had to get the URL of the sig, and get it directly.I like the sig though. Nice background. You could have tried to blend the text into the background, but whatever floats your boat.8.5/10

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The white bar in the middle is like a text area. I highlighted the area with my rectangular tool and used the paint bucket on it with white, at a really low opacity so it's see-through. And it's not accidental S_M, I wanted that there to the text looks...better

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The white bar in the middle is like a text area. I highlighted the area with my rectangular tool and used the paint bucket on it with white, at a really low opacity so it's see-through. And it's not accidental S_M, I wanted that there to the text looks...better


How do you change the opacity? I've been wanting to know how to create the effect for a long time now....

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Once you have the paint bucket selected with the color you want go to the toolbar up top that says "Opactiy". What I did though;


I selected the area with the rectangualar tool, went to "Fill". Then "Color" and selected white. Set the opacity to around 56.

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Once you have the paint bucket selected with the color you want go to the toolbar up top that says "Opactiy". What I did though;


I selected the area with the rectangualar tool, went to "Fill". Then "Color" and selected white. Set the opacity to around 56.


Ooh, thanks, KuBi! I have never noticed that Opacity thing with the paint bucket before.


By the way, is your favorite color red?

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Ya, I like red. No, I'm not goth. Pfft. I'm having trouble with my menu thing. I go to use my brush, but I can't draw with it. I click the brush, set the color, click and drag but nothing! Same with my marqee tool, eraser tool, and everything else. You know what's wrong??

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