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How Moderators Behave How Moderators Behave

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The Reason I am posting this here is to let the people know how the moderators behave at this forum. Very polite as you can see.


I have decided to leave Xisto ... anyways the hosting was not that great either ... there are many other better hosts out there. It is the way people behave that counts


There is a way explaining something to someone. And no need of being rude !


You can delete my forum account and hosting account.


Thank You.



The entire conversation is saved in my indox (forum control panel) in case the admin wants to verify.


Here is the 100% unedited conversation ...


Your posting rights are now disabled for two days for posting http://forums.xisto.com/topic/23113-real-reason-behind-apples-move-intels-dominance-in-the-digital-world/ without using quotes.

Next offense will be a complete ban from Xisto.


Hi Snlildude,


You just gave me a warning Yesterday at 08:40 PM and now you are again giving me a warning for a post that I posted even before the one you earlier gave me warning for.



It doesn't matter what time you posted a topic. What matters is that the topic must follow Xisto rules, and Xisto rules are no plagiarism. Apparently, you didn't read Xisto rules, so you are complaining.


I think you are being unfair. Anyways I am not worried about the 2 ban ... but if tomorrow you find another post that is again under the same violation ( dont 4get angain posted much before the warnings ) then you'll permanently ban me.


How am I being unfair? I am doing my job as a moderator to make sure that members don't cheat the hosting credit system and that members follow Xisto rules.


I did not give you two bans. I gave you one warning and one 2 days without post. A ban is permanent. What you have isn't permanent. You'll be able to post again in two days.


Like I said before, it doesn't matter when your posts were made. It matters that you follow the rules and that you don't steal other people's work.


Please let me know, in that case ill not waste time in uploading my site on you servers and move to another hosting.


A warning is ment to be for the crime not to be repeated, but penalizing for history is wrong.


I hope you understand


Thank You



You're wasting your own time by not following Xisto rules. If you follow the rules and use quote tags for every article that you copied, then I wouldn't be typing you this PM, and you wouldn't have the two warnings.


I did not penalize you for history. I penalized you because you did not follow Xisto rules.


I believe you dont understand the meaning of a warning. Both my posts were in a time gap of only 13minutes. And your first warning came only the next day.


A warning is suppose to be so that the mistake is not repeated. When i have not repeated it since the warning i am not guilty.


I spoke to BuffoloHelp yesterday and I came to the conclusion that you over looked the timestamps and just initiated the ban.


What is done is done but it will be nice if you would be a little more supportive in the future. I really dont care about the ban, nor about the hosting credits which you might think. I just dont want to create bad relationships in the first week of me being here.


This is the first time I am posting any where in my life .. dont make it a bad experience. I did not know about the quote feature and after your warning have made and attempt to sort it out. The second warning was unjustified.


First of all, don't tell me what I don't and do understand.


Second, I don't think you understand the meaning of rules. You broke the rules, so you deserve the consequences. IT DOES NOT MATTER WHEN YOUR POSTS WERE MADE. WHAT MATTERS IS THAT YOU DID NOT FOLLOW Xisto RULES. Do you understand that?? You did not follow Xisto rules, so I punished you for it. Yes, the warns were separate, but I HAD to give them to you since you did NOT read the rules.


Rules are there for a reason, and the reason is so that you don't gain more credits than you deserve. By STEALING someone else's work, you are gaining unnecessary hosting credits, and thus, you have to be punished. IT DOES NOT MATTER WHEN; IT MATTERS THAT YOU DID NOT FOLLOW Xisto RULES. Got it?


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There is a way explaining something to someone. And no need of being rude !


Personally, I don't think you've got a leg to stand on. It seems to me that you made a mistake then you were the one who started getting arsey about it when your point of view wasn't agreed upon.

Dug your own grave I reckon.

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It doesn't matter when the copy/paste was done it is a matter of when the Moderator found them.I myself have found posts 2-5 days back that no moderator has warned, or edited. I go ahead and warn, edit, etc. then I search that particular member and see if any of their other posts are the same. Sadly enough I have found 2 members like that. 1 of the members was warned 4 times by 3 different people for doing it, and he posted 3 days before.Now what you should have done on your first warning was to PM a mod, actually use the report post feature and let us know you copy/paste and we would have edited the posts for you and not add the warn.Until you have notified us I see no reason why you should not be warned, for abusing the system and plagiarizing.You brought personal issues out into the open. If you do not want criticism then I would suggest for the future you use another form of communication.If your trying to bash snlildude or show us he is not a good moderator then you need to bring the issue up to an Administrator and not to the public forum.

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I think snlildude did the right thing. I have reduced hosting credits for posts I find a month later that are plagiarized. Time frame don't matter, if you didn't own the article it's plagiarism.


We strive to have a great reputation in the Internet community by removing articles that are plagiarized. We also warn and let the members know they are warned.


One word of advice to moderators, if you get a reply to a "automated warning message" don't respond to sender! YES correct, don't reply but forward the reply to an Admin. We will deal with it from there on.


Members here have to remember that the moderators are volunteers and they are doing a great job moderating the forums and helping / guiding members.


This look like a knee jerk reaction, you are not angry because you tried to cheat.... You are angry because you were caught.


snlildude, and all other moderators. Thank you for all your help, don't be afraid of moderating. Remember Admins stand behind you and support your actions.


Continue to guide, help and weed out plagiarized posts.



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I believe you dont understand the meaning of a warning. Both my posts were in a time gap of only 13minutes. And your first warning came only the next day.
A warning is suppose to be so that the mistake is not repeated. When i have not repeated it since the warning i am not guilty.

I spoke to BuffoloHelp yesterday and I came to the conclusion that you over looked the timestamps and just initiated the ban.

What is done is done but it will be nice if you would be a little more supportive in the future. I really dont care about the ban, nor about the hosting credits which you might think. I just dont want to create bad relationships in the first week of me being here.

This is the first time I am posting any where in my life .. dont make it a bad experience. I did not know about the quote feature and after your warning have made and attempt to sort it out. The second warning was unjustified.

How da heck did I get dragged into this one???!!! LOL

Yeah, varunone didn't understand the concept of getting the warning. He felt that since moderators didn't catch him at the TIME of the act, that he should not have gotten any warnings. AND since warning was issued regarding a said date, so there shouldn't be no other warnings give to varunone for the whole day's posts. What is this, a parking ticket? Once you received a parking ticket for that day, as long as you leave that parking ticket stuck to your windshield, the officers cannot issued another until the next day?

A warning is suppose to be so that the mistake is not repeated. When i have not repeated it since the warning i am not guilty.

Sounds like he wanted to play "catch me if you can." If moderators missed it on the first time, a warning should not be issued? C'mon! So you can sit there and post 20 plagiarized articles with 500 words each and receive only ONE warning? Well, I like THAT rule!!! And you know you defined "warning" so well how come you can't understand them? You were issued warnings. Fine! You were not banned from this forum or your hosting suspended. And you cry about it?

What is done is done but it will be nice if you would be a little more supportive in the future. I really dont care about the ban, nor about the hosting credits which you might think. I just dont want to create bad relationships in the first week of me being here.
This is the first time I am posting any where in my life .. dont make it a bad experience. I did not know about the quote feature and after your warning have made and attempt to sort it out. The second warning was unjustified.

We, moderators, cannot hold your hand and guide you through each and every rules for this forum. That's what TOS and rules are for. Rules are pinned in Alert and Notices and other various posting places. Is it our fault that you did not bother to read them? I tell ya, the audacity on some of the members! Just the other day I get a messaging saying, 'thanks a lot for not helping me (newbie) some moderator you are. I'm leaving because you didn't PM me how to activate my hosting.' [paraphrased] Continuing on, don't make a bad experience for you to be here? Shall I bend down and kiss your feet, while I'm down there kissing-up?

Thank god this is the vent section. Otherwise, I would also be banned for losing my composure. varunone, now that you had your vent, we would like for you to stick around and be a member we all strive to be. You said what's done is done, right? If you don't accept not even 10% of the responsibility you will never accept Xisto's TOS and moderators who are enforcing them. What do you say, give it the ye ol' second try? :rolleyes:

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i suppose a warning would not have been given in the first place if a member simply followed the terms of service of Xisto. but as it goes, some new members really want the BEST hosting for FREE, yet would not even care to fully understand what is and is not allowed by Xisto in the forums. if i have chanced upon your erring posts, i would have done the same as snlildude. besides, if a warning can be slapped on a member, it can be revoked as well, after erring member acknowledges the mistake and strives to not repeat the same mistake over time.notwithstanding your venting out your "frustration" in this section, varunone, if you still deem it wise to reconsider your membership, we hope you would stay. yes, there can be better hosts out there, you just have to pay for them. :rolleyes:

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i suppose a warning would not have been given in the first place if a member simply followed the terms of service of Xisto. but as it goes, some new members really want the BEST hosting for FREE, yet would not even care to fully understand what is and is not allowed by Xisto in the forums. if i have chanced upon your erring posts, i would have done the same as snlildude. besides, if a warning can be slapped on a member, it can be revoked as well, after erring member acknowledges the mistake and strives to not repeat the same mistake over time.


notwithstanding your venting out your "frustration" in this section, varunone, if you still deem it wise to reconsider your membership, we hope you would stay. yes, there can be better hosts out there, you just have to pay for them. :rolleyes:



yes i agree. MODERRATORS here are very nice. but some are a bit annal on my speeling, i can try to inporve.


btu overall very nice helpful moderators. LOL


I HATE MOERATORS FROM 'i think i am so good because my fourm is so bg and sweet, and everyone comes on it" forums like teh ones from valves steam fourms, they are all cocky europen mods that get paid for what they do they are not friendly and i got banned form there. LOL i dont' like them. please dont' be like them that would be very bad. thanks you.



jeery,jman in d club party barcadi

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Varunone: Snlildude acted correctly on his powers, you did not follow your rules in the privelage (not right...) to posts here, and hence thius privledge was temporarily taken away, where you went wrong is replying to Snlildude's warning, and not asking an administrator if they believe the punishment was just.Also, if I saw it twiced I might have banned you from the forums, because part of signing up here you are supposed to read all forum rules, now slipping up once is OK, this is why the warning feature exsists...

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Frankly! I don't even have to read anything of this forum topic. Just the title is more than Enough.. We choose our moderators wisely and we are 101% sure that each one is good at his / her job. I know snil, I have seen his moderator skills, his ability to take decisions.. so there is no point even going through the complaint that varun has charged against him. Yes, there are other better hosting companies, we never said we are the best or never grabbed anyone to say that. We are here to help. The forum rules yell out that unlike others, we are not interested in earning money by making members post bull-shi-t or forcing them to come back again and again to click or view ads. We maintain a standard here. If you are posting here and aren't banned, that means you have something in you which makes you elligible and useful for our community. If you can't stay up to the standards of this forum, you are free to leave or join Xisto. Our hosting is a bonus feature, you are free to accept or discard it. Well, sticking to this topic again, I would like to suggest that.. "We know our moderators."


Also, once we choose a moderator, I simply don't understand things like complaining. We trust our moderators and their decisions stand Final! Whether you feel its right or wrong. Everyone feels one is right on his part. Else, what is the use of giving them authority and moderator position in the first place. So I feel its useless continuing with this topic. Anyone who wants to dig this issue further may please continue. As for me, I would never tolerate any word raised against any of my staff.

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Yes, there are other better hosting companies, we never said we are the best or never grabbed anyone to say that.

I find this funny, since on the banner on the top of the forums actually says "The best free hosting on the web". Lol, still makes me laugh... :rolleyes:

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The moderators here are absolutely the best! If they weren't this wouldn't be the forum it is. I have run a small forum before and even then you have to make sure to do what you say you will (warning, suspending the account, ect.) or no one will ever take you seriously and your forum will be a wreck. Thanks for the great job mods :rolleyes: !

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The moderators here are absolutely the best! If they weren't this wouldn't be the forum it is. I have run a small forum before and even then you have to make sure to do what you say you will (warning, suspending the account, ect.) or no one will ever take you seriously and your forum will be a wreck.

I post on another forum which has no moderators at all, over 7000 members, and it works fine.

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Tyssen,Obviously there is a need for moderators here or we wouldn't be here. Ok, given I am not here that often and I have just returned from a vacation. But the point is, this is a forum, yes. But it's also a company. Imagine let's say Microsoft without any manager, CEO or whomever had an "in charge" job. It would be total chaos since there are services provided. Forums that have no rating, no services in return for posts, will do ok without admins or moderators, but in this case that's next to impossible. Even though our "crew" is far from small, it's almost undoable to read every single post. Here's how I stumble upon no no posts. I read ALL unread posts when I get online, moderate where I have to, but before I step to the warning center, I go and check all (or most) posts made by a member. If I see broken rules, I will also act upon those posts. The same goes for members who ask for hosting, they're posts get checked. Even by me, a simple moderator. Since the rule specifies that when requesting hosting you need credits. So a hosting request and I don't see posts, I just deny the hosting instantly and save the admins some work. It seems simple and easy, but it's a very time consuming task. But I do enjoy being a moderator, the knowledge that I just made it fair for those that do follow rules, makes my happy. Even though it sometimes means making a hard decision. The way I see this, snildude did an excellent job, it's how it's supposed to go. Nothing more to it. Also the fact that the banner states "Best free hosting".... which company will say "we're not the best, but hey choose us"... It's the basic marketing issue...

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