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Is Trap17 Workin Slowly Lately? ...any other feeling thats same as mine...

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Guys, this hosting service is faboulous, but lately i have noticed (for 3 day) that everything is working slowly, FTP, HTTP, even forum at Xisto. I am just asking if anybody has same problems, cause I am building new website and uploading images can be really hard.Best regards.

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Last weekend, the ftp server timed out several times when I tried to upload some files. Apart from that, I haven't had any major problems. I think just about any hosting service (paid or free) will have some days where the connection breaks off. After all, it's all kept on servers and at some point the servers will require maintenance.

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ya .. i do feel that Xisto is quite slow for these few days .. i even have some time outs for HTTP .. the server is performing very well after the army system migrated to other server ... but now the server is a bit slow again .. i've found that the server load goes up a bit high lately .. maybe some1 is running some programs or creating endless loop with php ..

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i havn't notice in lag time well most likly its due to the millions of impressions and google bots that comes to this website

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It did slowed down a bit, thats where the reloading button kicks in if needed :rolleyes:It could be due to bots and such, but also maybe because there are an increasing number of members that all eat up Xisto`s bandwidth, But let's stay optimistic and say it's cause of bots

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Really? I haven?t noticed any lag and I have a phpBB forum. None of my visitors have told me anything about slowness.Anyway I?m more than happy with Xisto service. It?s hard to find a good free server like this. :rolleyes:

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I personbally have not noticed any considerable slow down with the service at Xisto, that said however I am still a lowly dial-up user (yes I know the world has moved on, but its my mams fault) so the service has always been slow, however I do have to say that Xisto is one of the faster sites (although that may be the amount of it I have cached, what with comming here most days), on a side note yes I do really like brackets.

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The site is really slow this few days... However, it seems itsz back to normal today already... This forum is the proof... It works relatively faster than before now... :rolleyes:

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you r not a lonely one ,sometime i meet the same problem..but anyhow it will depends on the isp of yours & what type line of you have ...& besides,you all feel the tra17 so slow just give the details of which country R you in,,you know Xisto is located united states,& if you are the back of the earth,i mean the other side of the earth,then it will definetly been slow than the guys in usa using the service of Xisto ...now the connect speed of the internet service is growing so fast ,,some years before we just can use the telephone to dial on isp to be online,but now if you r using a webhost of abroad now i ' m sure you just didn't use the telephone dial,& i think you using the adsl evenly at least..now more & more people are using the faster isp connected type..some years later we all use the IPv6 line to internet,so until that time all of computers are became the host ,because it's so fast ,,it's just 10 times quicker than now.that time we just needn't freewebhost then our computer would be the best host if we didn't powered it off.of course i said so that.just wanna say that we are just using the different connected so we are just not the same speed to connected to Xisto.or download the pages of Xisto & Xisto/s forum.Good luck.PS:there is much more free webhosts,of course Xisto's very good but not fit for all people.you can just search on free-webhosts.com or clickherefree.com you can find more ,,& what 'is not fit us sometimes fit you.what is fit you some times not fit others.that's all.

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