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i hate school :-( except i.c.t

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LMAO! Hate school, don't we all?The only subjects I like are ICT and umm, can't think of anything else...I have this huge english essay to do on Shakespeare :rolleyes: suppose I better get started its due in 1 day...

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i hate Math classes. I hate having to remember forumlas and stuff. OH i hate chemistry too. So many concepts and equations.

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i hate all lesson of school cause its so boring lol


the only lesson i like doing is I.C.T !!!


best lesson ever !!!


i like making websites and stuff casuse its realy fun to do.



i think i speak for every school student when i say "we hate school". you will never find a student that likes school, even the geeks that always get "A's" & "A*'s".


as for ict, well, its just crap, well where ive been going to school for the past year, we have a teacher that doesn't know the difference between from Bits & Bytes. All she does is give us a worksheet and tells us to get on with it.


The only part of the schoolday i like is the part when we all get to go home. :unsure:

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hi how cum u dropped out its ok if u lik some1


Hey,, welcome to the club,,, anyway, before I really hate school also, you know I spend 8 years in college and yet no complete course yet 'till now... When I was in high school I also do cutting classes, sometimes absent and go with my barkada's (friends in english). When I came to college still the same I hate going to school specially when algebra and trigonometry class is about to come...

I drop twice during college and took 3 courses, first electrical engineering, second hotel and restuarant management and then the last one is computer science. After taking all the course I stopped and stay on the third one couse I like computers then. I stayed 3 years on that couse and yet still not finished... instead of attending classes, I went to computer cafe' and played online games and chat with my friends,,,.


But know I how important going to school to have that piece of paper for getting better job,,, galic,,, most company are looking for transcript of record that I don't have... If I were you, while your were still young go on and love your school day, because the time will come that you will realize how important to have a good educations especially in todays world most company preferred those with a piece of paper from the university...



DOn't waste you time, if you want to have better future, and to have better job if you wish,, start learning and try your best to have that piece of s--t paper that I always wanted to have now,,, I am 27years of age and I still planning to go back to school to finish my study but I am running out of time,,, working while studying would required time management that I can't managed... :unsure: here in the philippines many of young children wishes to go to school but they cannot due to poverty, if you have everything to go to school do it now my friends,,, if you won't then its up to you, but remember, repentance always comes late...:D change your mind...:)

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Oh please. You people who hate school are simply pathedic. Oh, I hate school, lets drop out! God, something must have driven you mad. Seriously, thinking about it, there is nothing wrong with school. All my friends go to school, and it acutually give me something in the day to do. Sure, you sit around in those boring lessons, but come on! There are MILLIONS of kids out there who are doing the exact same thing you do. And who who said sucess doesn't take any suffering?I think that the only thing I really hate about school would be the early get up. That's it. Sure, some of the classes are boring, but it's for your own benifit. You won't be able to be sucessful in your life, or have ANY meaning in your life if you don't sit around and learn something or get away from it all. And after a while, once you have all your fun all droped out and everything, you'll find nothing good in your life to do. And you have to get a job. A sucky juob. And you have to live under stress if you work part time, or even full time. So think your life ahead before you say "I hate school."

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I love my school - just being there and doing something different every day intrigues me. I'm going into my sophomore year of high school so I'm really hoping to take a few AP courses as well as Octathlon (trivia academic competition :unsure:). But yeah, the people can be really annoying - especially menfolk. Some people are so remarkably ignorant and others just don't have social skills...or proper hygiene to be accurate. But the people I love to hang out with are eccentric, witty, even a tad insane. It makes everything better :DThe courses I hate most are probably my mathematics classes only because everything is so strictly laid out (and my teachers are annoying ><) that there's no real challenge if you get the concepts. I love my biology, geography, English, and all my elective classes - Latin and Band. I don't think I'd ever drop out. There are days when I hate it a great deal but if you put up with it for long enough, you get a bit used to it :)

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I love my school - just being there and doing something different every day intrigues me.


- your being blackmailed by your teacher

- your teacher is paying you

- your teacher is watching this forum


either that or you want a good future.

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I'm in college now and I think you'll find there are things to miss about highschool. For one thing there's not the structured intermersing of people for all groups. Instead you'll mostly just be seeing from your one field of study. The people who make it to different colleges or chose career paths other than college you'll no longer be seeing... In other words, the groups of people you'll meet will not be as diverse. Unless you make an active attempt to get involved with other people you can just as easily go home from each class without really getting to know anyone in your classes. You're not going to have as many classes a day as you had in highschool for one thing. You won't have them as frequently. And most likely there will be more work-oriented people there who aren't going to focus as much on getting to know others. Unless you're involved with a sport or use a certain facility you won't have the physical activities like PE and it won't be freely accessed either (tryouts and physicals at the least). I think you'll be more likely to find bad teachers as well, ones straight out of career fields just looking in essence to punch a timecard and go home rather then find anything meaningful from teaching. Also, you may find they think themselves more important then your average highschool teacher. They're more likely to just throw information at you and consider their job done then a highschool teacher I think. If you want to learn the material you may have to do it yourself since some don't even use the textbooks and have bad teaching methods.So, without highschool you can say goodbye to a system which leads you into friendships and relationships with other people, fun physical activities, old friendships, and teachers which often care less about the students. Just my thoughts.

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I dont hate the lessons or anything, you learn from ALMOST everything, but it's the rules at school that makes me hate going to school. In holland it is so that you ahve a good grade if you have 5,5 points. So theres this rule that, if you have exams, and your average is let say 5,5 it's good., but if its 5,4 you have to do the whole school year over again. They just let you fail for 0,1 point!!!


Come on!! isnt that stupid?


I study social work now. There is this assessment you HAVE to pass with a good grad (5,5) to stay on the 'course'. Wel I had a 5, so they just force me 2 quit the study, cause i havent had a 5,5....I mean COME On for an half point (0,5) you let someone go through a whole rough year, and then just tell em to quit because of one stupid assessment (i have all my points to go to the next year, only this assessments is in my way) Its absurd...especially when I think of the 1500 Euro's I paid for this college!!


I have send them a letter with my objection! It's just unbelievable!

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Yeah, screw that crap. I'm too cool for school. Let's all go flip burgers and clean toilets for the rest of our lives! HELL YEAH!. I'm going to assume that everyone in here that says they hate school are either less than 14 years old, have mental problems that impede them from learning and retaining information for more than two days, or are greater than 14 years old and live very bleak and unsuccesful lives. I don't mean to be an *bottom*, but someone has to knock some sense into you fruits. And I know you won't gives two farts and a half (that's math for you younglings) about what some whino says on the internet, but since you're reading this I'd might aswell reply.


But I agree though, drop out of school. Don't go. If you don't like school, there's no reason for you to go. School is only for thinkers. People that want to learn more about the world around them, the naturally curious, and for those that want to help expand and improve the planet's quality of being. Unless you're applying to Ivy or Law school. Then you're just an *BLEEP*. :unsure: Schooling is for those that don't want to live a small life, for those that don't want to comform to being a working peon for the rest of their lives flipping burgers or taking orders. School is for those that want to make real money, and have a sense of pride and satisfaction in their future, not building toys on assembly lines.


So I say, if you don't like school, go ahead and drop out, we don't want wastes of skin uselessly consuming teachers' time with dead-ends. So again I say, drop out. Because without High School drop-outs and people that don't take Post Secondary, I wouldn't have anyone to fix my coffee in the morning.

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Oh, I won't deny there are certain aspects of school life that I wish did not exist... but the complaints were really the fun part (now that I look at it from a distance)... the endless speeches about how X is so wrong and Y is how it should be, being young, being self-proclaimed gurus in the subject of how-to-make-the-world-a-perfect-place (for-you-and-me :D); I mean it's all a part of a life that you may not necessarily enjoy while you're living it; but certainly something you'll miss once it's past. I'm in collge too, and I definitely miss school! I had my bad days, but who doesn't? Going 'life sucks' doesn't help very much :unsure: If life was perfect, that'd be - well - half the fun gone... Ok, I really do NOT mean to belittle your troubles and worries, but I'd just like to emphasize that there's no one who's had the-perfect-life. If you are one of them, then I am sure (one of my axioms) school wouldn't be something that bothered you :DBut yeah, a lot about school is very debatable. A lot depends on what kind of school you go to, and what sort of an individual you are. I generally maintain that you shouldn't do something unless you really want to, but that is funda that holds good only to a certain extent, and shouldn't be streched too far (I definitely wouldn't want something criminal to be legalized with a stupid argument like that, for instance). I have spent most of my school life fighting the system, pointing out that education should be more about enjoying the learning process, developing a natural sense of curiosity, and less about cut-throat competition and standing first in class. But then again, there are people who thrive in tense, competetive environments, which is a good thing in it's own way (not my style, though :P I always take it easy...). Like I said, it's debatable. Perhaps if you're in a seriously terrible situation, you could consider dropping out or perhaps changing your school. But then you need to define 'seriously terrible'. That's where it gets relative and tricky. If you think a biased teacher or I-don't-have-good-friends is terrible, then I beg to differ. Again, I'd suggest you should... take it easy. Easier said than done, I'm sure, but no one promised life's easy :PJust my two cents...Cheers :D

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for those who hates school, they should come here, where i live, because currently, the teachers are having a strike, and there hasnt been school for 2 weeks.as for me, i dont really hate school. i actually like school minus the work. i only like school because its so boring here at home, and also because i see my friends at school. =D

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Try going to a boarding school, I go to a coed boarding school (score! :D lol), and your always seeing people comming back again and again to see their old friend that they left behind, the deans, everything. The environment is awesome, and they miss it so much, friends always being to gether, helping each other with their problems, their work, the love lives. Getting and losing gfs and bfs, its all there, in 1 qute lil package :D Yea the deans start to suck when they put down the law, people going outside the grounds and screwing each other, but its life, it happens in real life, boarding is such like a mini communiy, as soon as you leave, you'll miss it. meh just wat i think anyways lol :(:D:D

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HeyI hated my primary school (where I went for 6 years)But I really liked my secondary +high school....where I had much chance to participate in activities such as school bands and choir etc. Teaching was great. Friends were fantastic. I also love all the lessons at A-level college. I did maths, politics, economics, and history. Ah well, I never really liked history.. But the rest were so enjoyable..mainly because of the way my school is structured. We were always in a group of max 8 people. So we developed really good friendship even with the teachers. And lessons were enjoyable mostly because of all those fun tutors.Now I go to top university just because of them....(who taught and prepared me so well.) :)

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I think school is awesome, I love learning new things and mingling with my friends, but the only drawback from me is having to wake up so damn early!!!! AHHH!!!! I absolutely HATE it when I wake up and it is still dark.

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