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Is Peace Possible? ...

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I am usually not a mystical person. I don't believe that God, if he exists at all, intervenes in our world. But somehow, for now reason I can rationally justify, I believe that in large, the world is becoming a better place. In the last 100 years, we saw the most horrible wars, massacres and other disasters caused by us humans. Yes, there are still a few mad tyrans (check about Turkmenistan or Zimbabwe for example mad there ) who opress their people and don't even pretend to care about human rights. There are still regimes led by dangerous ideologies (Sudan, Iran, North Korea and others) and threaten their neighbours and global stability. Here, in the middle east the conflict between us, Israelis, and the Palestinians and their allies Arabs and Muslims seems eternal. Yet, , the last decades brought us the collapse of the Soviet Union and the communist cloud faded from the European sky, we saw communist and military dictators removed in Latine America and Asia. The apartheid was replaced by a a true democracy. In many places where democracy still seems to be a far dream, like China and the Arab world we see first signs of change in the approach towards human rights. Germany and France, eternal enemies 65 years ago, are now each other's closest ally. Even the Israeli - Palestinian conflict, in large, is much closee to a solution than it was only 15 years ago, now that we accepted, at least in principle, the Palestinian right for self determination and the Palestinians are now in the process of accepting Israel as a fact of life (though still rejecting its right to exist). I don't know if an absolute peace, meaning now war or a close risk of it at any place on earth will ever exist, but I do believe that we will have a world where the risk of war is much smaller.

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we saw communist and military dictators removed in Latine America and Asia

C'mmon, you can't say so... I don't know too much about Asia, but most of the Military dictators in Lantino America were a U.S. goverment thing. It has actually much to do with the interests the U.S. had (and still have nowadays) in latinoamerican countries. It doesnt even matter if a president was democratically elected by the country population, but if this president goes against those interests, in some way the U.S. goverment remove him from his position and ocasionally put a militar dictator (that was the case of Pinochet, for example) The apparent peace in some countries sometimes goes against real people's interests.


For example, what do you think about the commercial block the U.S. has against CUba? do you think it is really fair? I've met lots of cubans here in Mexico, they love their country and Castro, but, you might wonder why they actually left the island... well, the thing is that they get great quality education, good medical services, etc. But what they can't get is the choice for more, an extra, and must be said that the main cause for this, is the American Commercial Block the U.S. set up against Cuba.


Anyways, I don't think Peace is something you can sell thru TV spots, nor Wars ON terrorism... this is something to think a bit more deeply...


Sorry for my spelling mistakes, hehe :rolleyes:

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This is not a perfect world. Peace is not possible because humans are not perfect, their are always people who don't agree on things that lead to rivalries and war. Even if we were all at peace, sooner or later a major disagreement will occur and it will lead to other wars.

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anyhow,peace is all human beings willing to share through all over the world.conflict must be the foolish way to deal with anything without agreement in common.how long could a man live,usually under 70 yrs,why to be with so limited time to argue,to lose mind,to cause war,to destroy peace...if anyone does like war,only for seek exciting or individaul selfish interest ,he must live without sence.

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C'mmon, you can't say so... I don't know too much about Asia, but most of the Military dictators in Lantino America were a U.S. goverment thing. It has actually much to do with the interests the U.S. had (and still have nowadays) in latinoamerican countries. It doesnt even matter if a president was democratically elected by the country population, but if this president goes against those interests, in some way the U.S. goverment remove him from his position and ocasionally put a militar dictator (that was the case of Pinochet, for example) The apparent peace in some countries sometimes goes against real people's interests.



I agree. It's just like in Iraq, we put Saddam up as a dictator because we didn't like the previous guy. Now the media pretends we never supported him, etc.


Anyway, peace is possible if people just let go of fear.

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I do not think peace will ever be possible. There will always be one person, somewhere who is corrupt. Even if all weapons are destroyed, all leaders removed and replace with a worldwide central government, someone will always be hungry for power and will find others like them to cause an uprising. Surely if peace was possible it would have already happened. If cavemen who only has wooden clubs and spears had the occasional fight over land, we are still doing the same, but over larger pieces of land with larger weapons. Peace is a human impossibility and if anything is drifting further and further from our grasp, day by day. For peace, you need freedom and equality, and there will always be a person who feels they are being discriminated against or restricted from doing something. If wars are stopped there will still be uprisings inside countries against governments, preventing peace from ever being achieved.

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I don't think peace is ever possible either. People have different interests, ideology, religions, beliefs etc. And it's not possible to compromise, what you see as right may not be shared by others. For example, why on earth should the US invaded Iraq? (coz it posed threat to their county? nah...don't think so) The US may see Saddam's killing of his own people as not right, but does that give rights to them to invade another country? In theory, probable answer is NO.There are many things in life that we want, for examples, equality, democracy, freedom, privacy, justice and fairness, wealth. It is also likely that those conflict with one another and compromise might be the only way out.BUT I agree with rvalkass that there will always be someone who feels they are restricted to pursue what they want/believe, and that's why peace is rather impossible.

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Unfortunately, I don't think complete peace is possible. But maybe the world is going uphill. For now, anyways. Yes, there are still countries having problems, like Sudan. But at least there hasn't been a WWIII yet. Though there are just too many crazy fools who will keep causing violence when total peace is attempted. In any country. Even countries like Canada, where they have good ratings for being peaceful, murders happen. And as long as there are murders, there can't be complete peace. But the level of peace can increase. Murders can decline. Especially mass murders, masacres, wars, etc. But I think each country in the world is always going to have its own levels of peace, and their peace levels will fluxuate at different times. One day Iran might become the most peaceful country in the world, as Canada goes to Hell. And all the Iranians who fled their country to Canada years ago will be fleeing back. You never know, anything is possible. I travel to North America a lot, and I see the youth generations getting more and more violent over there. If those violent youth don't get some sense knocked into them, they'll grow up and run for government, get voted in my their violent friends, and cause absolute havoc in their country. I dread the day I will have to see teenagers my age ruling countries, taking over the place for their predecesors. It could get ugly. But I think, in recent years, things have definitely improved. Maybe just a small amount of good can come out of occassional violence. Who knows? No one ever will.

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Oh, I believe that "peace" is possible on this Earth. However, it won't be the type of peace most people have in mind, I can guarantee that much. It won't be a lovy-dovy, pat-your-brother-on-the-back type of peace. It will simply be "peace" between nations. Crime will still be present, racism stereotypism and prejudice will continue to co-exist, and death will still linger as it always has. People will not change much.In my opinion, I don't believe the world has gotten any better than before. The state of the world has slowly declined, even to the point of going unnoticed by some. Governments are growing increasingly corrupt and power-hungry, people are becoming more isolated and cold-hearted, technology continues to replace natural joys, kids are becoming rebellious to the point of being anarchists, and vile events continue to happen, no matter what anyone does. Does this sound like a world heading up, or does it sound like a world heading down?The conclusion I've drawn is that this planet is going to hell in a hand-basket, but that's me. You might not see it as cynically as I do.

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Surely, though, as leaders come and go, someone corrupt will manage to get themselves into power and start wars to extend their empire? As you say, governments are becoming increasingly corrupt, so as new leaders come, are they likely to turn around and declare peace with all nations upon earth?Peace between nations could never occur without a central, worldwide government, which will never happen, as countries will refuse to join.

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Peace in complete sense isn't possible. Even when we say there is peace, its balanced peace, peace is maintained because from both the sides they are holding the buttons of nuclear bombs. This kind of peace is very delicate and can break easily anytime.


Like rvalkass has rightly said one government in the world will never born and its not practicable as well.


However, peace is possible with check and balance of power which is the only way.

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Short answer... NO. I do not believe that peace will ever be possible, not for us anyway I mean the Human race seems to have a built in instinct to control everything (and by human race I mean every last one me,you, even the wonderful and kind admins here, have some kind of instinct to want to control everything around them) and aslong as this continues, certain individuals will go to extreme lenghts to impose there will on the rest of humanity. And Its not only Humanity that is suffering, our seemingly uncontrollable urge to dictate has seen off many a species with the destruction of their natural habitat.I do however agree with you that there have been considerably improvements in the world especially the bringing of democracy to most of Europe, I do also think that certain governments (no names but I'm sure Walker knows who I mean) are not entirely driven by honest means.It is my oppinion that until the Human race has undergone some seriuos evolution there will not be true peace.

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Surely, though, as leaders come and go, someone corrupt will manage to get themselves into power and start wars to extend their empire? As you say, governments are becoming increasingly corrupt, so as new leaders come, are they likely to turn around and declare peace with all nations upon earth?
Peace between nations could never occur without a central, worldwide government, which will never happen, as countries will refuse to join.

Will future world leaders declare peace with other nations? No, they won't. Governments will always be corrupt. Remember, just because they might make "peace" with other nations doesn't mean that they're honest or not corrupt. That would be very naive to assume or think. Governments have and will have too much at stake to let go of their underlying motives [ money, power, control over the people and health, etc. ] Of course, making "peace" with other nations is just a mask they use and will use to hide their true motives.

And about your global centralized government statement. It is very possible to establish a government like this [ they have the technology, right? ] But don't get me wrong. It will be hard to convince all of the nations of the world to join, but how many countries would refuse joining this global government, realistically? The UN has 193 nations registered in it already! I digress.

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The world will never be in peace, in fact, peace is dying. One day I do fear humans themselves will destroy the world. With the technology we have today and the bombs and weapons we have created, we can already do so. In time, as technology improves, we will only build bigger and stronger weapons. We broke some serious ground by dropping the atomic bomb, so I'm positive some country will break some more ground in the future.In the religious aspect, I believe God will interrupt this with destruction of His own. We all know of the flood that destroyed everything but what Noah saved, one day that will happen again, but of course, it won't be a flood. The world is on a downfall. Terrorism is ridiculous and pretty much unpreventable. Leaders are corrupt and sick-minded. Power is a powerful word that many desire but lack. In time our planet will be destroyed, only then will the world be at peace...

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