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Everything posted by Static_Fury

  1. I need a banner that that encorporates many classic seca genisis games, like sonic, the first strike series, stuff like that i would like it large lik 750x195 something in that area.... Thank you for your help...
  2. I am a complete noob when it come to FTP and Xisto, or any professional web host. I know how to upload the files. but then idk how to get my pages to display. They are there. Then i dont understand the concept of multiple FTP accounts.... I could use some really major help.
  3. When i was younger i used to get excited at almost every new game release, and the games and sprots were my life. But as i have gotten older i find fewer and fewr games that i am excited about, and even few that can hold my intrest through the whole game. BUT MGS has been a classic from the first one (also the best....so far), and as far as i am concerned ranks up there with Mario and Sonic. A friend showed me a trailer of the new up comming MGS, and its the last one, And it looks as if it will just blow away the other games...checkk it out an tell me what you think.... http://www.psxextreme.com/scripts/news2/new.asp?newID=2946
  4. Man thanks ALOT this is helping me ALOT...I bought a book and i didnt look at it and it asumes you know os basic PHP...I know there are alot of websites with tutorials, but i love my Xisto and this thread thanks man
  5. I love the first one....I am using it for a new blog....Untill i finish my css experince and make my own ...I realy realy like it, i just dont know how to put it into words.
  6. I loved it!...and am a bit jelouse as well.....IT didnt load too slow for me so i am assuming you used the suggestions to have it load faster. Very good all around
  7. personaly i think poeple who vote stright party are ignorant and just dont want to look at the issues.
  8. My first love "loved" me up untill i wouldnt sleep with her, then she "loved" me engh to tell me she was pregant and it was my fault for making her go and sleep with another guy... o.0
  9. This is cool....i knew they were working on it, but i didnt really know they had it working. The pictures in the article are amazing. you would never know someone was there in the light of dusk....lol cant wait to see the military applications
  10. AJAX seems to be more of a concept, much like googles new features. They are all in the"beta" or experimental stages....they are feeling things out and getting peoples reactions. If the new google is built on AJAX than i would say its going over VERY well.
  11. Well this kept me entertained for a good 45 min . Seems to be he could have sufficated for drowned o.0.....so many theories...so little time
  12. Seems kinda pointless to me....nothing exciteing, nothing you cant get from making msn or yahoo or homepage
  13. The price tag would be good.......I think it would keep a pretty clean desk. Sounds like it has a ways to go but will get there. Hopefully not too soon i just got my first flat screen
  14. I SOOO agree....and it isnt just one or two schools. I went to 7 different HSs and they all were the same. I am 20 now, and i am just now learning the intermediate (X)HTML, I mean I could have easily learned it in hs, but now i am forced to sqeeze it in between a job 20 credit hours, and a girl friend. And the worse thing is i so much want to learn PHP and MySQL and all that really fun stuff.....but by time i learn that i will be an old man grey hair and all. So none of you should feel bad.....just save 20 bucks and go find a book....its much more difficult than learning in a class room but its some of us' only choice.
  15. protection is a major issue for me, so i just dont trust IE, and i wont untill it builds up a rep. Then i will give it another chance.
  16. Doraemon...its a cool phone but i didnt see any numbers.....im blind...I love small phones, my only limit is on the button size....i have fat fingures.
  17. I use norton simply because of it reputation, and i have had no problems with itover the last dew years. It my go to guy for PC protection.
  18. It does it really doesnt get much better than this...I have used it, i am sorryit has taken so long to reply, but thatnk you i couldnt have asked for more.
  19. I have used this for a very very long time. Like 9 months thats a long time in interent terms . And i have been in trouble for usuing to much bandwith, esp on a game site what pays for bandwidth.....
  20. I downloaded both of them focIE and maxthon....and they appear the be the same....But Maxthon has much more crap covering the screen, and is larger, and my proxie program will not work with it. Conclusion there is no substitue for firefox
  21. I love my new iPod nano...i was so close to getting a mini....about a week away then i seen the new i Pod nanos and i was all like hell yeah.....i am a broadcasting major so i really enjoy my ipod gives me something to listen to whe i have to play bad music.....the smallness of it is nice too thou i have mistaken it for my dorm room key card, but only once and it was late
  22. hehe...I like it it looks good. I liked reading the False Doctrines section... But just a little tips...you should change the verse numbers to either <sub> sundscripts or prescripts....I cant think of the tag for that...im still a huge n00b
  23. I cannot open my cp when i go to my domain it says it doesnt exhist....my count post has plenty of credits.... I was just wondering if there was aproblem or something i did, and i can fixe to get it back???thesyndicat.trap17.comThank you
  24. Hello, Since you guys have been so helpfull to me befor i thought i should come back to you. Now I have been learning (X)HTML, more HTML just kinda a few properties of X like the closing tages for mostly everything....ANYWAYS I would like an explanation of FTP? I have a program FileZilla but i am sooooo lost and i have no clue what to do. And i see here at Trap there are multiple FTP accounts. Why do you need more than one? These are my main questions about it....Please Help. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Edited your topic title to suit your question. Moving from Computers to Software
  25. This a much better looking messenger, and i have been giving out my invites like a crazy man so soon all my friends will be on here ....Im excited it about it, since i HATE AIM and dont much care for how big MSN is and yahoo is just kinda the same as it has always been....seems Google is prepareing for a massive internet take over...hehe i welcome it.
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