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Everything posted by Zagubadu?

  1. I really cannot get this theme to change. I search around on the net but people only have problems with ones they install. I am stuck with the core default theme and I cannot change it to even the other core ones that come with Drupal. Any help would be really appreciated and I really need it. I think it might have something to do with me changing where drupal is. It used to be techmo.trap17.net/drupal, but I thought it was stupid and ugly because I wanted it just techmo.trap17.net So I made it that by reinstalling there. I just want someone to tell me how I can make this work with techmo.trap17.net.
  2. This is just completely ridiculous. Either this is a not funny joke by the admins. OR the first step in the utter down fall of Trap 17. I will go on to make Trap 18 with a working shout box! Not really but I do suggest getting the old SB back in here. Because just using an older version of FF does nothing for me. Oh yea the chat thing keeps blinking at me and its extremely annoying. I thought I had cancer when I first saw it.
  3. Should of named this thread Lots of Drupal questions. Because I have yet another. I keep searching this on Google and again nothing I think the problem originates somewhere when I installed incorrectly. So now when I change the theme it stays the same. The default Drupal one with the arrow in the top left and the drupal icon. I gave it a bit thinking it takes time to update but no. Everything else is working great I am just not going to live with that crappy theme. Its making me sad.
  4. I actually have played other RTS games. That's just what I thought about it. What I haven't played is whatever game your referring to with D&D rules in it. That sounds kind of nerdy to me. When I think RTS I think like Warcraft RoC controlling multiple units to attack stuff, having to micro, etc. That's why I consider this a RTS as well. Not fully like building but sort of. I haven't played many RPGs where you have to micro. If you played this on the PC oh believe me you have too. If your a console player. Well the difficulty changed drastically when you play on the PC.
  5. I guarantee a lot of those steps have to do with people pirating games. I bet you have to do that while you install or whatever so they can make sure your game is genuine or something along those lines. Well anyways its still completely ridiculous. I've never used steam but after hearing what you had to say about it I don't plan too. I think PC gaming is overated anyways. I mean your PC gets outdated fast when new games come out, compatibility issues, just all around lots of issues you will probably encounter. I'm happy paying 50$ a year for Xbox Live and wrapping it in towels every now and then.
  6. Granted!But this someone that cooks and cleans for you also does other things. NOT WHAT YOUR THINKING She (He if your gay ) also wines and nags you to DEATH! Literally your dead again anwii. Do we get lives in this game? I'm a zombie so yea.
  7. Yea so I thought I'd just be able to grab all the files and just put them in public html. A bunch of stuff messed up and I just decided to start over so I started to delete everything. Now all that remains is a drupel folder with a sites folder and a bunch of other stuff having to do with the theme I think. So when I try to delete this it just keeps reappearing.
  8. One last ( Well probably not ) question. Why is my home page not on http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Right now when I go there I have to click Drupal then it goes here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Which isn't what I want.
  9. Finally figured it out. See where it said those directions up there I thought it meant create a settings folder so it would be Default/setting/settings file. I was wrong and I changed it and it works now. Thanks Soviet because I also had the wrong permissions. Thanks a lot. Happy now
  10. How ridiculous. So your basically saying everything you see should cause dejavu? They haven't 100% proved what causes Dejavu those are just theories. That's the most ridiculous one I've heard of so far. Or do you mean there is sometimes a delay?
  11. Granted! Unfortunately you start eating everything in site and again we run out of food and everyone dies. Again. I wish that I could play video games better then anyone else ever. I practically can now but still. ( Jk )
  12. All 007 and still nothing. I'm going through all now changing to 007 but some it doesn't let me. The error message still stays. This is really annoying. Soviet would you be willing to do it? I trust you.
  13. Jeez its not like I'm talking out of my *bottom* or anything. There's scientific research backing up the theory. Are brain has a short and long term memory. I think my answer is the most believable. But remember its not literally MY answer. I just read it on a site a while back and did some digging to see if it was true. The question first came up in a post actually. I posted about this a long time ago on my old account I think its been deleted so this topics okay.
  14. Granted! Except I raised from the dead and ate your brains. I believe your next post wont be so intelligent. I wish that when it rained instead of water it would be Mountain Dew.
  15. So I got a few options here it says for linux or windows etc. I don't know if its referring to the OS I'm running or my hosting. I remember when I ordered it said something about Linux. I'm so confused.I just downloaded the Windows one as I'm pretty sure it means what Operating system.
  16. All that just went straight over my head. I have absolutely no idea what your talking about. I'm really uneducated in all of this stuff. That's why I'm starting to get a CMS started up. Seriously just about every word you just said was like gibberish to me. I don't say latin because I can read latin.
  17. The Gauntlet games most definitely. I haven't played their newest ones because I don't think its the same company from the GameCube one which was my favorite. It seems a game series is only good for a while then they start losing their fun when they come out with newer ones. Anyways Gauntlet was the best game ever. Me and my cousins used to play Gauntlet Dark Legacies for hours and hours. Had 3 level 99s. Then we used to put on friendly fire and duel each other. Yea I wouldn't mind seeing it being remade for the 360.
  18. Granted! But Jackie Chan revives Bruce Lee from the grave and they challenge you to a duel where they both turn into dragons and eat you and you Ti Quan Do skills. I wish Mods/Admins won't delete this thread.
  19. Your girlfriends a hobby. That's funny I hope she doesn't see this for your sake. Investing seems like an interesting hobby though. Card tricks and poker ( You cheater Jk ) I enjoy destroying peoples card tricks. There's not one trick someones shown me I haven't been able to figure out. The ones that really stump me stick in my head and so I finally just Googilate them.
  20. I don't know what it means. My main point here was to ask anyone else if they experience this. Sleeping in for ridiculous ammounts of time and then remembering what you dreamt about. I think I've heard some where that you can't not dream but you can always forget it. You seem to know what your talking about. Why is it that when I sleep a lot I remember my dreams? I also don't understand what this dream means. I can get one thing out of it because there's one part I didn't tell you. I always get a giant bag of pot ( Don't laugh at me I'm not joking) and all I can think is I'm going to lose this when I wake up, or maybe I want. So then I hope. Are my dreams telling me I should go smoke pot? Well anyways I can't because probation / house arrest. Its still funny to think about.
  21. I've tried both 0755, and 0666 and nothing. I'm about to just install Joomla as I didn't run into any of these problems at all. I was practically a one click install. But Drupal is just seriously not wanting to cooperate with me. :)I've also heard of that CHMON thing or whatever it is. I don't know what the hell that is. There's a reason why I'm trying to get a CMS up and running its because I don't know anything about all this stuff. I also don't plan on it. When someone I trust comes up to explain all this stuff to me I'll just let them do it if they are willing to.
  22. Heh heh your teachers wrong. DejaVu actually has something to do with your brain and how it stores memory. I can't really recall but its something to do with your short and long term memory. Basically your brain stores memories twice so sometimes this anomaly occurs where you some how catch it being stored twice giving you a feeling you've experienced that exact moment before because I believe you catch it at the short term and feel you remember from the long term or something like that. Do some research on it. i find it odd that a health teacher would say something like that which is totally bogus. I just find it weird.
  23. Did something else I don't even know what I'm doing but now I'm back to the Drupal install page and it says. I don't know what his stupid thing wants me to do I've done what it says and the message still remains. Really need some help.
  24. I just recently learned a while ago from my alarm clock resetting that if I sleep long periods of time I can dream and remember them. It seems like for a long time I haven't really dreamed and remembered when I awoke for a while until a few days ago. When I don't have something to wake me up I can sleep for 18 hours straight and the only thing that wakes me up is the pain in my bladder because I have to go to the bathroom so badly. I told my doctor about being able to sleep that long he said go to bed earlier. I found this happened even if I fell asleep at 7:00 PM which is what I did yesterday and woke up around 4 which is still pretty bad. Anyways when my alarm clock first didn't go off I dreamt and remembered it. It was a bunch of random series of dreams that I'm not going to go into because then you guys will think I'm a crazy person. I'll tell you how almost all my dreams go theat I can remember at least. First I'm gifted with some type of crazy ability I find myself being chased by people for whatever reason. Then some type of animal comes into the picture and for whatever reason I love it and then I lose it somehow whether it dies, runs, away or whatever. I know crazy right? I wake up feeling sad then I'm like okay what did I dream about then I remember and I laugh because the moment I awake I really feel sad. I find these dreams only happening when I sleep a long time and I was wondering if this was weird or something. Does this happen to anyone else ( Not the actual dream forget that craziness but the sleeping for a long time ). So I tested this theory the next night and once again I awake with a very similair dream but the main point is I dreamed and remembered. I just thought this was weird.
  25. Did something and now only two remain.
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