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Status Updates posted by deadmad7

  1. OMG! Braces! IM SCARED! :(

  2. Would you take a leap of faith or to become an old man, waiting to die alone?

  3. So I think it's time for us to have a toast... Let's have a toast for the scumbags, Every one of them that I know... Let's have a toast for the jerkoffs... That'll never let me take work off... Baby, I got a plan Run away fast as you can...

  4. I know you don't smoke weed, I know this; but I'm gonna get you high today, 'cause it's Friday; you ain't got no job... and you ain't got *BLEEP* to do.

  5. i am the eggman... im the walrus... goo goo goob

  6. everybody see my sig in the SOTW and try to get inspired to make one yourself! muhahahahah... now you can't not see it.

  7. living in a sprawl, mountains beyond mountains...

  8. so... now you have giant thermometer next your head....hmmm

  9. Aww..man you haven't been online lately :( Try to post more :D Come BACK!


  11. are you really picking your boogers in your avatar? or just faking it? :D

  12. are you steve jobs?

  13. Thanks Soviet... I changed it though LOL

  14. congrats on the trap-update!!!!

  15. whats up with the pimp glasses?

  16. future congrats on your 1000th post! Just 1 more to go!

  17. you are online the most at all times !!! You should really get a award :D

  18. Yes, the avatar is to remind me to not fall down... again

  19. HES a rock, YOUR a FRUIT!!! hahaha

  20. are you a preacher or something ? just wanted to know...

  21. so... you are just really religious ?

  22. wow... congrats on 500th post! :P

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