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Everything posted by knoppixusr

  1. I think people who show this kind of behavior all the time have what is called an Authoritarian Personality. Authoritarianism is basically the abuse of power and in my experience it is best to avoid people with this kind of personality. Someone with an authoritarian personality does not want to give orders, And they are very intolerant of anything they do not consider normal. They also have a strong sense of things being either 100 percent right their way or 100 percent wrong, not their way. Sometimes they lack the ability to place them selfs in an other person's shoes. Often they are anxious of other people and distrust them, they tend to be very superstitious and give credit to folktales or interpretations of history that fit their preexisting definitions of reality. As i said before it's best to ignore them completely, because once you get into an argument with one of them , they will force you to stoop to their pitiful level of childlike argumentativeness and sometimes even circular reasoning.
  2. I agree with that there are way to many people today that just want to live together and have and not be committed. Or on the other end marriage is supposed to be the decision of a lifetime far too many people jump into marriage too quickly without even knowing the person properly and once they are married they think they can stop working on the relationship and it ends up in divorce over some minor misunderstandings. Relationships is about compromise from both sides and trying really hard not to be selfish.
  3. Welcome to Xisto unwanted_flower, I trust you will feel wanted here ;-) When two people witness something they rarely reach the exact same conclusion. In your post you very often only give your perspective of an event / situation without any example as to why you have reached your conclusion. For example you say your boyfriend's dreams are limited and stale to your taste of adventure, It would be very helpful to me if you could give us the reason Why you think his dreams are stale ? What mistakes and wrong turns did he and you make during your relationship? Why does your family dislike him? Why do you think his family dislikes you? How old is your boyfriend ? How long have you two been in a dating relationship? Have you spoken to him about your feelings ? As much as you would like us men too, we can't read you mind, communication is vitally important for any relationship to succeeded. Although dreams are important, they are not the most important factor in a relationship, If you built your entire relationship on the success of your dream and the first time your dream fails your relationship will also fail. What is really important is that you two can spend allot of time together and enjoy each others company. Both of you must also have the same goals in life , because if your paths split then you two will grow apart and get hurt.
  4. Firstly, before i go on the rampage, thank you for the reply deadmad7 :-) I would be be outraged knowing that my tax money is paying to keep someone alive who deserves to be dead, as dead as his or her victim. Instead my money could be spent to find an cures for life threating diseases such as cancer, hiv or even feeding the hungry who live in poverty. I think the punishment system in my country is weak and useless, because criminals take a person's life for as little as a cellphone or a few bucks in your wallet. There is really no fear for the law nor any respect for human life. 20 years for a murder in jail is considered a long sentence in my country. In fact we have a ongoing joke that goes like this. If the tv licence inspector comes around to your house to fine you, you should murder him because the bail would only be 500 , whereas the fine for the license would be a 1000. Part of being human is that one day all humans do die. So death is not inhumane but rather a natural thing that happens to everyone. It's somewhat hypocritical to hear how western country's are all "pro life" or abortion and go about killing thousands of pre born baby's for no good reason but would be against executing a murder. Somewhat screwy and perverted morals here eh? In the end, if you can kill someone in self defense and be ok with it. It is basically the same thing you are defending society against a murderer. The problem is we will always have innocent people being put on trail. On the one extreme we'll have an innocent person be executed and on the other side we will have a murderer commit other murder because we didn't execute him. At the end of the day innocent people will die in anyway. Keeping that in mind, why should we allow a murderer the chance to commit murder again? Remember innocent people die either way.
  5. Personally i am quite surprised that Norton hasn't gone out of business yet. I guess that deal that they made with one hardware manufacture to ship their software on pre-loaded computers must have helped boost their sales a bit. It boggles my mind how so many big corporations buy poor quality software. Why ? i do not know. I have seen banks implement some of the worst software for security, even worse than Norton. Like F-secure. You don't need to guess very hard what the F really stands for....
  6. I have been in the IT industry for several years now, and I can safely say Norton Anti virus is just about the most unprofessional piece of professional software out there. The amount of reports i have both, heard and witnessed of how Norton brought workstations to just about a standstill is way too many to even mention. Perhaps their strategy was that of, if their software slowed down the clients system so much, then no virus would ever be able to run. Not because of the virus detection capability of their software but rather because of lack of available system resources after Norton is loaded into memory.On the other side of the scale Nod is quite decent, In my experience with nod, It detects allot of virus's. Nod's virus definition files are also reasonably smaller in comparison to other anti virus software out there. Nod also uses just about the least amount of system resources compared to any other anti virus software that i have seen.
  7. In 1971 , Phil Zimbardo conducted an experiment to determine the psychological effects prison can have on a person when incarcerated. His experiment was originally intended to run for two weeks but after only six days it got totally our of hand and they called it off. It is well worth the read on this website Standford Prison Experiment One of the outcomes of this experiment was that they concluded that the prisoners in their prison was exposed to severe dehumanization. Thus the complete opposite of rehabilitation was taking place. In later years Phil wrote a book called "The Lucifer Effect" in which he explains how good people turn evil. Here is a short quote from his website. Dehumanization is one of the central processes in the transformation of ordinary, normal people into indifferent or even wanton perpetrators of evil. Dehumanization is like a cortical cataract that clouds one's thinking and fosters the perception that other people are less than human. It makes some people come to see those others as enemies deserving of torment, torture, and even annihilation. Source lucifereffect.com/dehumanization.htm Both of these are horrible but which one is more humane? Dehumanization for a long period of time or immediate mutilation? Some people seem to think one breeds way more hate than the other. I would love to hear the opinion of someone whom has lived in a country where immediate punishment is in effect. Such as lashings , severing of hands etc. I think somewhere in Asia there is public lashings I saw a video of one of those fairly recently.
  8. What good is a finger if you have no time to put it in ? For example, would you rather have 9 fingers and 60 years or 10 fingers and 50 years. Imagine all of your twenties you can't do anything. locked away in a cell. Instead you could be getting married , having kids, being with real friends and family whom loves you for 10 years. I dont' know about you , but I'd trade a finger for those 10 years any day.
  9. Both of your examples are valid. However I believe they are isolated and far less frequent than the amount of men whom have committed suicide due to fear of harsh prisons. and murderers/rapists whom have been released to only commit murder and rape a second or third time. Personally i would rather be executed than to serve time in jail even if i was innocent. I knew a young man (19) who committed suicide to avoid being arrested by the police. under my suggested law he would have had lashings, or a finger chopped off and been able to go on with his life. But today he is dead because in the current system a person only has to enter prison for a short time and your life is over. Liveing like an abused animal is not a life worth living. Ever watch prison break ? That part where the young boy hangs himself after being raped in prison. I think In real life that type of situation occurs way more times than when innocent people get convicted. Not to mention HIV , so it is a cruel death sentence in anyway.
  10. From my point of view, keeping a human being incarcerated as punishment is counter productive both for society and for the offender.If we take a look at today's prisons, they are built and maintained with tax payers money. This is an unacceptable waste of time and resources.On top of that, there is also very little control of justice in prison. For instance a thief that ends up in prison, might get beaten and raped for several years whilst in prison, whereas if he had immediate swift justice, for example have his finger chopped off, he would be able to go on with his life immediately and will always be reminded not to steal and everyone else to not trust him. I do believe we need justice , but our current justice systems are cruel and does not even rehabilitate any significant percentage of offenders.All society is doing is sweeping the dirt under the carpet, and thus the phrase "out of site and out of mind" comes to light.Justice should be swift and immediate. No punishment should last several years of a persons life.For serious crimes, Murder, Rape, incest... There should be a trail and execution, The rape victim should also have the power to reduce this punishment to lashings if they wanted.For less serious crimes, theft, robbery... Chop a finger or even a hand off.For other minor laws such as speeding etc... There should be financial fines, if that fails, a public lashing.No more need for expensive long term prisons.Justice will be swift and everyone can go on with their lives. There will be less crime, as the public will fear the swift harsh law. Rehabilitation will happen not only because offenders wouldn't want to steal after losing a couple of fingers or even a hand. But rather rehabilitation will be allowed to take place, because a person will then have a second chance. Unless they committed murder. In which case they don't deserve a second chance as the victim didn't' have a second chance to live again.What are your views and feelings on this ?
  11. Lol, Oh anwiii you really spice up this forum you know.... Many times, you seem to take the lowest point of view with people. I was quite amused with the results when i searched the forum to see who who likes to flame the most around here. Sir, you can keep your pity because I was not thinking lessor of anyone. In actual fact i have allot of respect for the older person with whom I noticed this, I also think he knows more about computers in certain areas than i do now, so that should have balanced things out... The whole topic is about how we all have old age to look forward to, because at some stage our minds start slowing down. God willing I will also someday reach your age ;-) ... by then my mind will be slower at creating new thoughts compared to myself today.
  12. I don' think the situation is so black and white, It is far to complicated for that, thus the topic has become more of a Grey area. My personal view is that casual abortion attributed to promiscuous behavior is murder. After all the bible says children are a blessing from God. If there was a rape or the mother's health is at risk to survive the pregnancy it becomes more of a Grey area. In the bible it says you shall not murder, but capital punishment in the bible is not considered murder, also when you kill someone in self defense it is not murder. I think that abortion should really be the last option after exhausting all the other options. I think a valid case might be a woman/girl who has been raped and cannot love that baby because of what the father did. So abortion can both be non murder and it can also be murder if you do it for the wrong reasons. I think great prayer and meditation while studying the bible is needed when a woman goes through this so that she does not live with guilt. The bible also says that the children will bear the sins of their parents and with abortion this means that the child is paying for the sins of the parents even before being born .
  13. Muwhaha, I am quite curious to hear what cool pranks you are pondering.... Please, do continue.
  14. Have you ever wondered why it feels like time is going so slow when you are still little but gains momentum as you get older.Well one reason for this is, that our brains slow down as we get older and become slower. I have an example, As a younger person I have perceived how an older person is slower at clicking on icons on the computer. When i stand behind someone of double my age using the computer. They might go okay let met start up a certain program but in my mind while they are still looking and processing where the icon is to click. i have already found the icon and is saying in my mind "there it is click it". The reason for this is because their mind is slowed down and takes longer to created thoughts. To the older person he/she probably don't even realize the difference in time. So for someone thrice my age a day might feel like a couple of hours. I remember when i was still younger when a day felt much longer than it feels now. Now a day feels like a hour compared to my childhood.What are your views on this ?
  15. Perhaps you should try a distribution that is a little faster than ubuntu. I can recommend PC-linux OS 2009 for ease of use or Knoppix 6.2. One word of warning about pc linux. I noticed the synaptic package manger doesn't support proxy authentication by default so it might be a problem behind a work firewall. Knoppix also uses synaptic but has an authentication button where pclinux doesn't. Knoppix uses Iceweasle which is the debian modified version of Firefox but to me it is exactly the same as Firefox, all the same plug ins and extensions works for it. I have not noticed any difference in speed between Iceweasle and Firefox. I did read somewhere the reason it was created was because Firefox was not free enough for Debian and Debain's number one rule is that all the software has to be 100% free. source
  16. Hey kayli404 and Welcome to Xisto, Thank you for trying Xisto, I am sure you won't be disappointed. Getting started is easy just make sure you register at Xistro with the same email address you used to register here at Xisto. Also take some time to read the Xisto Rules , Which basically says be nice don't curse, spam , plagiarize and do use code/quote boxes when you are quoting from a source. Try to create posts that are at least 4-5 lines long cause one liners don't count much. Ttell us a bit about yourself and who was your previous hosting?
  17. In life we all have but one guarantee, which is that one day all of us will die at some stage. In the past you could make a will and leave letters to loved ones in your will to be sent after your impeding doom. You might ask why do you need to do this, I'm sure some of you can come up with some more reasons as to why. So here are two that i know of. You might have a secret to tell a loved one that you only wanted them to know after you pass away. Or you may want to tell your children something when they are older but have no guarantee that you will still be around when they are old enough to tell them. Okay so today there is a service called the Dead man's Switch, basically it will store emails you write that is addressed to the people you want the email to go to. But it doesn't send the emails yet. Then you will receive a email from the dead man's switch every month or two and you have to follow a link to make sure you are still alive and well. If you fail to follow the link after a certain amount of tries over a period of time. Then only will your pre-written emails be sent to their recipients. The service is highly configurable to be less annoying to you. And it provide free of charge. this service may be found on https://www.deadmansswitch.net/ There is also a similar service at http://www.mailfreezr.com/ . The difference is that you specify the amount of years you'd like your email message to be frozen for. This one can be used while you are still alive and is quite useful to send yourself messages from the past. For instance you could ask yourself in a years time if you managed to kick a bad habit yet? like smoking or programming in dot net Or you could send a romantic message from the past to a partner/spouse.
  18. I think you need to be honest with us here and tell us, Why, oh why you consider you applications to be so cutting edge? And even if they are cutting edge, this does not necessarily, automatically turn into sales and profits. There are other factors too. You think corporations like Adobe and Microsoft made money without marketing their products and casting a little voodoo spell over it? Maybe, I am wrong to say this, it might even sound harsh... but to me it really seems like you are blaming your own failures and shortcomings on open source. I can understand that you are angry, after spending loads of time and resources and in the end it didn't work. But staying angry and bitter won't help you the least. How do you learn from mistakes if you don't own up to them in the first place? I honestly wish you all the best. Oh and here is my list:
  19. Okay here are my two cents: I might also ask, Will peace ever bring war ?War will only bring peace if it entirely destroys or converts the entire opposition. If war ends any other way it will probably repeat itself again.Therefore war never does bring peace but only eliminates one of the players. Only peace will bring peace. Only war will bring war.It might be easy to say bring on more war from our comfy chairs in front of the computer but will it still be so easy if you or your family is on the receiving side of war?Peace.
  20. Software development is definitely not a dying field, If anything open source has changed it positively by forcing programmers to come up with more innovative and creative software. Thus making for better products for everyone all around. As long as there remains progress with new technology, programmers will always be needed, the greater need for them might just shift from one area to the next.I also think you can attribute the very open source existence, on the mostly greedy software corporations that overcharge and under deliver and using dirty tactics to try and force clients to stay with them. People see this, hate it and rebel against it. Open Source has definitely opened more doors than it closed, now and for the long run.May the source be with you!
  21. I totally agree, being intexticated while driving should be banned. It is just as dangerous as being intoxicated with alcohol or other drugs while driving. At least when a drunk person kills someone you know, a drunk person has the excuse that they were intoxicated, and therefore didn't have better judgment at the time or before driving. On the other hand when a person who is texting has no excuse after killing someone , they blatantly choose to be so ignorant, that they can kill someone without being intoxicated. I'd be more mad at a texting person than a drunk person.
  22. People still watch it cause it's conveniently there to be watched, unless you remove the TV, it will be used. My in laws have this rule when we eat at their house. To turn the TV off while eating dinner or lunch. Just because the family would ignore each other and stay focused on the tv, instead talking etc. I know you can still talk while the tv is on during certain programs but it is not always the same. I think the rule my in laws have is a pretty decent rule to have at least. It also makes me wonder about all the conversations i missed out on, while i was still living with my parents. Back then we used to eat in front of the tv all the time.
  23. I remember growing up with less television exposure than my friends. For instance my family only owned a tv sent after i was turned 10. Everything before that was VHS tapes back then. Anyway I have always hated how much time television sucks out off your life. It always happens so easily you might tell yourself i want to go do this and this but first. But you just quickly watch something on tv and then it turns into wasted hours upon hours of time and you fail to implement your original plan.So Today, for this very reason I do not own a Television set, cable, nor tons of movies, even though i could afford it. If there is something really good i think i should watch i would rent it and watch it on my laptop. But that only happens like once in every 3 months or so. I do admit that i feel a little bit proud to say i do not own a TV. :-DSo my question is , If you could go back in time, would you want to change all the time you spent watching TV, to do something different instead?
  24. Your profile doesn't show the mycent field. Im fairy new and i remember my profile showing the mycent field, not longer than 1 day after registering at xistro. @nio_kh how long ago did you register at xistro ?
  25. There are on-line dating sites and then there are on-line dating sites...It all depends what you are looking for. There are sites that will try to find someone you'd want to spend the rest of your life with. And then there are sites that are only to find someone to sleep with as a one night stand. (Those are the most common ones) The latter is obviously more dangerous , imagine you meet this random woman, sleep with her and she falls pregnant. She wants a abortion , but you are totally against abortion. What then ? The truth is you can never know a person too well, even in real life. There are literary 100's of important questions you should ask someone before you spend the rest of your life with them. Things such as Religion, Money, Kids, Sexual preferences ,Culture, Dreams, 6 things you cannot live without etc..... Some dating sites ask you 100's of these type of questions and if you answer them, they create a 'match' based on your preferences. which is pretty useful , doing that in real life can take a very long time. A good dating site can match you up with partners that are of the same morale standards as you. That still doesn't mean you'll work out but at least it will narrow it down allot. In my experience a good dating site used to be okcupid, but that was a time long ago, since then they have made their website slower by adding too much fancy graphix.
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