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Everything posted by epox

  1. i think the worst thing that can happen to man is to look into a mirror, vanity is the worst thing i know, it makes you look for you greater than other, you know who you are and you may not fall in emptyness.
  2. hey dude, you really put my brain to work, nice thinking, i think in ideal conditions the light will reflect forever, like in the emptiness.
  3. i think it's our guilt, every day we trash the garbage, use our cars, only buying products that consumes several natural resources we are killing our planet, this is our problem and we have to do something. but listen well, there is one country that is the most guilty of this planet, and you know of what country i'm talking about, and it's name is: United States Of America. guilty. you are the 40% of our planet garbage and contamination!. i think you are sick! and your president is the most sick of all, in heart and mind!, and i better shut up or they will ban me.
  4. it will be fun if you see red as blue or yellow like red, imagine what fun it would be, i know that persons who have this eye anormality even never know that they have it, they pass all they life seeing trees like purple, or even watching you like red, ja!, so fun!, it's a funy seek, pink elephants! lol!
  5. sorry, i don't know skype at all, but have listened about it, i have listened it let you do free phone calls, is that true?, and is it true it allow non USA residents to make calls?.
  6. i usually search for my favourite artist bio or my favourite songs lyrics, and also search for images but the most of the time the images there aren't good, so i found a site a litle time ago called devianart, a great design community, here you can find almost everything when you are talking of some image to improve your presentations or youre website, also they have tons of great tutorials of adobe photoshop like special effects, edition, coloring your drawings with special technics, and so on, other great feature is the resource folder, they have tons of brushes for photoshop, and well here is where i look for graphic support.other things i usually search in google are programation, blogs, events, when i don't know when is going to be a concert or anything in my city, i go to google and it find it for me, it is a great use for google, even i search for dishes, party, etc...
  7. i think it's a great add to yo0ur website if you have a community that uploads several files or if you simply need space to expand your site, i would like to know if there is some site in the net that offers database hosting with great sices or any kind of database storage.
  8. pretty cool, i'm imaging me what kind of use i could give it, just think!, i'm not gonna say what i could do, but it's greatful!, at last this kind of products are avalaible for people like me! or you!, but i was thinking if the battery is bigger than the camera, and where can i get that batteries, and other thing, i wonder that for a litle thing like this is so probable you lose it, so you better keep an eye on it the most of the time, it's a great tiny toy, i would like to have it.
  9. here you can find all you need, it's better work with fscommand than getURL due to reasons of security, because the browser won't let you run the javascript code. flash with js the javascript function is: window.close(); good luck!
  10. i know how, i'll explain you the flash section, you will need to know javascript. first make a button that calls a function where you call the method above: getURL("java script:closeWindow()"); then in the html where is your swf embeded, you may embed the js function in the same html. this function called like the one you called in the flash section will contain the javascript orders to close your window, like this: function closeWindow(){ //todo document.window.close(); //that function is something like that} and that's all folks! here a code in flash: createClassObject(mx.controls.Button,"exit_btn",5,{label:"close window"});function exit(){ //good bye! getURL("java script:closeWindow()");}exit_btn.addEventListener("click",exit);
  11. hello agentblade, thank you for the file, it's great, i was lost because i'm too bussy and the most of the time the only thing i can do is to check my mail, thanks again for the file, and the last thing, i would like to know in which software did you do that. thanks!
  12. hello dudes, i was asking me if i can install and run php and asp on the same machine and how to do that, i'm migrating to asp.net but actually i need to test some php files, but i installed recently asp.net and don't know how to run my old php files, so i will be grateful if someone tells me how.thanks in advance!
  13. i hope this never will happen again, i don't mind all that poor people suffering after 20 years after, and all that psichologic traumas, what kind of future waits for them? ,it must be horrible, god give them blesses
  14. thank you!, my gmail is sexomentirasyvideo@gmail.com, thanks again!
  15. prety cool, i like the colors, the girl, the backgrond, the text, it's really cool, good job
  16. 1. i hate church, and almost all the priests!2. i hate somebody wake me up when i'm deep dreaming3. i hate common hip hop and his poor mind singers4. i hate people who speaks of other people and speaks bulls**t5. i hate my x-neighbor, he is a really bad guy, now he is in jail6. i hate britney, j-lo, christina, shakira, and poor singers with nice butt7. i hate the news of my country, pure blood, and jet set bulls**t8. i really hate new tendences and all that neo precedes like neo-metal, neo punk, and all that neo-s**t9. i hate when everything goes bad10. and i hate you!
  17. welcome!, great site, i know here is people don't like me, but this is a great site, great service, great features, enjoy!
  18. google earth rocks, sometimes i like to navigate and search places i heard in tv, or a friend has gone, such as machu pichu, taj mahal, nepal, dalai lama, etc..., another cool feature of this wonderful software is when you enable 3d surfaces and put it to navigate slow, it's prety cool, you fell as if you were in the satelite or if you were in the sky floating, i often put it as i said and play music and just sit down and see the world, prety cool!
  19. your site is pretty cool, i like the menu, it's so original, and specially the light effect, i would like to know how did you do that, i'm working on a menu similar to this one you have in the way it is displayed, but totally different in content and colors and effects, and what you said is truth, with flash you really enjoy coding and design, i'm a coder and there is no coding software more funny than flash and always i found new ways to do my work.
  20. well, as i see, people like to do it's job without work, it's true that you can animate images, text, or whatever you want, and sure you will get great results in short time because i have worked with swish and this kind of software too, but i think that it's better to manage your workflow and some other things by yourself, and instead animate text or images separately and insert it into your workflow in your flash develop environment.as you will know, flash brings you a lot of tools and classes to expand your abilities and develope dynamic applications that sure you can't do with swish, like interactive quizes, image applications, connections to databases, connections to web services, integrate 3d animations, file uploads and downloads, and applications that are a lot easier to do with flash and that no other applications can do.i have 3 years coding with actionscript, and i can tell you that flash is not only a great software, but also you will fun discovering all the features of this great software, and the best of all, with the next version of flash, under adobe management sure nothing will compares to it, because there are rumors that say that actionscript(the programming language of flash) will be native in the machine, not an active x control as today occurs, and sure flash will going to be the direct competition of java, it's only question of time.about the animation, i think it's good, it acomplishes its goal and works, but if you want an exciting interface you would better get your hands dirty, here is an excellent site were you can begin, https://www.kirupa.com/, here you will find all you need for beginers and advanced coders.if you want some help you could post me, i would like to do taht animation you want, by now i have a site, it's foxrock.myboard.info, it's not finished yet because i'm working on the version to launch with Xisto and sure it will delay a couple of weeks until Xisto unbans me, so good look and keep on posting.
  21. +his is very common, you do your loader and i+ is working perfec+ly, bu+ you can'+ see i+ un+il i+ reaches +he 90%, +his only occurs when you are working in flash, even if you are running i+ in simula+ion mode, bu+ when you load i+ in he ne+, i+'s displayed almos+ when +he load begins, don'+ worry abou+ +ha+, bu+ you should do ligh+ preloaders, and sure i+ will be displayed a+ +he very beginning.so keep your preloaders ligh+ weigh+ and you will ge wha you wan+.sorry guys bu+ my keyboard is damaged and a key don'+ works, so guess wha+ is +ha+ key.
  22. hello!, sorry i don'+ know wha+ is happening +o my keyboard so i will replace +he le++er "+e" wi+h +he plus signus "+", well i don'+ know so much abou+ i+, bu+ have lisened +ha+ you can define me+a da+a in swf movies, if i`m no+ wrong, i+ is in +he publish se++ings, bu+ sure you can ge+ flash si+es correc+ly indexed in+o search engines and i+'s so easy,+he only +hing you have +o do is edi+ +he me+a da+a in +he h+ml code con+aining your swf, and you are done.
  23. hey!!! for those who love code i have one technique pretty nice and relatively easy to use once you have understanded, for do this you must have a movie clip instanciated in your canvas, or whatever you have, but it must be a movieclip and must be instanciated, now the code, i will explain below: this code fires a transition animation when the movie loads, consisting in an horizontal translation, a vertical translation, and a rotation transition, note that the rotation transition loops continuosly, you can implement it to whatever you want import mx.transitions.Tween;import mx.transitions.easing.*;var xposT:Tween = new Tween(my_mc, "_x", Strong.easeIn, 0, Stage.width, 1, true);var yposT:Tween = new Tween(my_mc, "_y", Bounce.easeOut, 0, Stage.Height, 1, true);var rotationT:Tween = new Tween(my_mc,"_rotation",Elastic.easeInOut,0,360,true);rotationT.onMotionFinished = function() { this.yoyo();};xposT.onMotionFinished = function() { this.continueTo(Stage.width/2,1);};yposT.onMotionFinished = function() { this.continueTo(Stage.height/2,1);}; well, first things first, in the very first two lines you have an importation senteences, you have to import the packages for the tweening and easing features, note that flash uses this classes internally, so you have the power to make transitions with great performance. import mx.transitions.Tween;import mx.transitions.easing.*; then you create the objects that will make all the dirty work for you, first i will explain the main structure of the constructor of the class and then i will show you very interesting things about this class: Tween(target, "property", tweenType, initState, endState, interval, time); this is the constructor of ower Tween class, and here are the params: *target: this is the movieclip you want to tween and the one you instanciated before *"property": this is the property that you want to tween, it could be _x,_y,_width,_alpha,_xscale *tweenType: this is my favourite, there is several types of tweening, and different methods of ease, and here i will list all of them: +Back: Extends the transition over one or both ends of the tween. +Bounce: makes a bouncing effect in the tween at one or both ends. +Elastic: Creates a mixture of the bounce and back easings. The transition is extended over and bounces back at one or both ends of the Tween. +Regular: Slower motion at one or both ends of the tween. +Strong: same thing that regular but is more pronounced when combined with the various easing methods. +None: the linear transition of ever. and each tween type has its methods to control the easing: -easeIn: The ease is applied at the start. -easeOut: The ease is applied at the end. -easeInOut The ease is applied at both the beginning and end of the tween. and back to the parameters: *initState: this is a numeric value, and refers to the initial value of the property you specified before *endState: this is a numeric value too, and refers to the end value for the property you specified before, and ends with the transition *interval: this is a numeric value too, and specifies, ho much do you want it to delay the transition according with the next parameter, it could be measured in seconds or frames. *time: it's a boolean(true or false), and specifies the measure of time, if it's true, you are working on seconds, else you are on frames. now that i have explained the structure of the class's constructor, let's take a look at the rest here you initialize your objects, as i told you var xposT:Tween = new Tween(my_mc, "_x", Strong.easeIn, 0, Stage.width, 1, true);var yposT:Tween = new Tween(my_mc, "_y", Bounce.easeOut, 0, Stage.Height, 1, true);var rotationT:Tween = new Tween(my_mc,"_rotation",Elastic.easeInOut,0,360,true); and here is one of the methods of the Tween class rotationT.onMotionFinished = function() { this.yoyo();}; with onMotionFinished method, you are telling to the Tween object that when the transition is finished, loops it again with the yoyo() method so it will loops forever finally we have a nice method useful to control translations of ower movieclip, with only one line of code, and i'm talking about continueTo(nextValue,duration) method xposT.onMotionFinished = function() { this.continueTo(Stage.width/2,1);}; continueTo(nextValue,duration) method, tells to the tween object the next transition you want to do, from the last value you entered, to the nextValue numeric value. you could control your transitions from any event of any object of flash, for examples, this will tell to the tween object to move the movieclip to the right-bottom corner in two seconds: _root.onPress = function(){ xposT.continueTo(Stage.width,2); yposT.continueTo(Stage.height,2);}; almost forgot, Stage.width and Stage.height, are the width and height of your swf. well i hope this don't look ugly or confuse, good luck!
  24. epox

    What Is Flash?

    in my opinion flash is the best rich media content software for internet out there, it enables you to do a lot od things, and you can be a designer or coder, or both, and you will get excelent results.flash is multipataform, dom independant, and better said is totally independient of navigator, os, and all that things that makes any designer get headaches thinking in programm for various environements.you can get a trial version in the main page of macromedia(formerly adobe) and also a lot of source to begin in that same page, just look for it in google, and it will send you straight to the main page of macromedia(formerly adobe).a good place to learn to is:kirupa.comultrashock.comsephiroth.itthefwa.comsure it will take you a good time in this pages because they have great content, and the best of all you will be working on that.
  25. pretty cool, it's a professional work, the animations are smooth, the arte is greatful, and the navigation is flow, i like so much this type of sites, they have a lot of interactivity and rich media content, that's the reason i love flash, i hope flash take the net someday and also the electrodomestics, it will be great.i have a site for you where you can find any kind of site in flash, it has great functionality and navigation, here everyday they display the best site of the day, there is a good database of all the sites made in flash, if you are looking for inspiration for your next project, here is a good place to begin, don't forget too look all the features of the site, you can search sites according to a series of categories predefined, date, awards, and well, it would be better to you to take a look at he site, and it is:https://thefwa.com/ the fwa is the abreviation for the favourite web site awards, and that's all folks!
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