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Everything posted by re-greta

  1. Oh my ,There is only one thing to ever state here ,that is ,this girl is way to young and should stop in any way or shape that ,could completely ,focus on what really is correct thing to do ,that is this is a relationship that should never of been consider or created in first place .There is no other ,statement or holding of a conversation here especially about making someone feel bad ,as that should never be an option of consideration in first place here .Issue's be to state truth in this area ,that as this man ,there should be simple common sense to himself in knowing what's right or wrong here ,this relationship was wrong to even considering, or create right from the start .As a mother ,I would ,myself ,stalk out this man and hold some critical issues in letting him know as a mother to this young girl ,I would make sure my own ,lasting affect would hold an affect on this man ,that would ,last rest of his life ,that there would be common sense ,in ever considering a relationship in next time ,opportunity arises ,to this man ever again in his life .A mother ,lasting affect ,is and shall always be one ,any man should avoid at all cost ,especially when it comes to one of her children not yet ,mature enough to allow proper choices in her life , She is only starting in her life ,at her age to even considering ,a process in being matured and allowing growth in her life to flourish and bloom not be tainted by some man that ,does not even hold respect for himself or hold at least simple common sense to even allowing anything ever be created or mislead .It should make ,all upset and filled with anger of ,people that even wish to post anything like this ,as needing help to understand or know what is right or wrong .Simple answer is (wrong)Without even consider ,needing advice or post for help .Come on people ,as most here Parents ,would you want someone that does not even have enough respect for himself ,misleading your own daughter .In many countries ,other adults are always placing themselves out there to care for other children as their own ,is our country any different from ,keeping a close eye out for ,the children ,that has not had wonderful chance ,just to experience and live a life ,filled with all things proper age ,growth should allow ,without allowing or accepting men ,like this to steal away ,that innocence in our children ,lives before even had a chance .once again simple answer in any advice ,is it's (wrong)As a parent would ,speak out for any daughter of their own .
  2. As a Girl ,When I cry ,in front of someone it's actually someone that I do trust and care deeply about ,although ,allowing my self to be seen as I call it to be ,very vulnerable and allow someone see me really cry ,i is a trust with everything I hold deep inside of me ,to be shared with that guy,that what ever Sometimes due to different cultures ,Girls are taught "not" to cry ,in front or not in front of others ,When they learn they can trust and not have to become ,what they were taught or become ,that is where the strong faith is also shared between the two .I share tears with someone ,this guy will hold my secret within ,very understanding ,offer a love that ,allows me to ,hold this trust and share ,emotional time with him .Allow things to get released and both could ,work through those emotional times together . Although when a guy ,does get this chance and something happens that holds some form of lack of trust ,during sharing ,those tears ,it will create something inside me ,that makes it very hard to share those tears in front of that person ,the trust seems to still be there ,just leaves a tad bit of hurt ,behind . When a girl shares that part of herself ,there is a strong belief and faith ,that makes them close and best friends . Each can share those deeper emotions ,with each other ,holding a trust that there will be understanding between the two .
  3. I would suggest that ,you choose to straighten your hair ,don't head off to walmarts or any other store and get the home kits and try to do it yourself ,as especially ,it may be first time ,done anything to your hair or your hair is treated already . Those do your home self kits ,you can not actually know your hair type and can actually burn your hair ,till it feels really ,sticky and melting feeling ,till your hair starts to break off or fall out . Straightening those amazing curls that some how almost every woman one day wakes up and say ,I want straight hair ,when we see straight hair commercials each day ,that sets off this light bulb inside our head ,truth would be once ,getting that straight hair in few weeks we start to add few curls here and there .Isn't women most silliest in What we all think we want ,find out after we did it ,we really wished ,we didn't do it in first place . Almost to point ,have really ask yourself ,is it all really worth it? You answer ?yes? then please ,go to a professional to at least try it out ,before attempting it ,yourself . Reason I state this is ,years ago in my first attempt to straighten my own hair and remove those waves and curls ,that always seemed make me look like Annie. I went off to store ,purchased the home kits in straightening my hair . Had the whole night to myself ,very confident ,all would work out ?just perfect? Then after I followed all directions and started wash the solution out my hair ,it felt as it was melting ,right through my fingers . When in fact ,it really was melting ,as I had allergic reaction to chemicals in hair straightening and was melting my hair and some was actually falling out . My solution to fixing this problem was ,getting my long hair cut short ,really short and many months of hot oil treatments to get my hair back ,being slightly a little healthier than ,it was . So remember before ,doing home self kits ,really take ,look at yourself in mirror ,ask self is it really worth it ?
  4. Exactly correct there ,sometimes people take ,certain issues as being a whiner ,when in fact ,they just might hold something ,that should be listened to instead ,receiving closed mind and deaf ear ,labeling them as just being a whiner ,so tell me what is the difference in being a whiner or venting ? Is it not all the same ,just in different way it is presented out in open . As far as those that ,live a life through being depressed ,sometimes they can see ,each day with ore reality than those that ,walk around with their own heads in clouds being so happy that ,they end up tripping over their own two feet . At same time ,people spend more time with dose of happiness rather being depressed about life ,each day will be created into ,something you can actually enjoy .
  5. It is not you they are putting down ,it is there own low self confidence they hold inside themselves to allow themselves to find some comfort or form of happiness in always trying to put another down or intimidate, someone ,to allow them to feel ,they are best in all things they do ,They may very well be ,best in what they do at same time ,encouragement of another is also a good trait to learn ,in becoming the best of all you can . People can say ,ignore them at same time ,it does get under your skin and makes you angry . Maybe hurt at some levels . You are who you are and ,you should just be the best of all you can and maybe something of you will rub off on others in a good manner .
  6. Now this post is really sad ,to have pets and leave them in care of those that you trust and know that ,your pets will be there ,when you return back home . To find out that ,they been re-homed and you do not have a clue on even finding out where hey are placed at to retrieve ,your pets back .Would be heart breaking news to me . Our pets are like our own children ,our own best friends ,a life time responsibilities ,that fills your heart up with something special ,My heart goes out to you .
  7. Actually that is really sad ,that a post can even come ,like this one ,as for boys or girls being "stupid" or shall I state men or women ,being "stupid"Is really kind of ,low blow and actually judging with cruel intentions ,concerning anyone .That really each of us in this world ,hold our own unique way of things ,that actually makes each of us ,individualized ,Different than the other .Smart or stupid ,does not really matter ,as each holds something the other may not and in this world ,we all seem ,just to fit together ,without labels placed upon anyone .
  8. re-greta


    Believing in demons are a doubt in everyone's mind frame in life . Although one mind set that weakens over time ,is it a target to evil intentions of what one shall call demons attachment to ones own spirit ,or is it one's own doing ,in the choices and decision one shall make for there own life ? That really is a question to think upon . As for me I rather think that ,one own mind frame can weaken and attract certain energies surrounding each of every day ,as a open window to those wandering spirits ,good or bad ,the attachments can become quiet draining to one own energy . When one weakens over time ,their own choices and decisions ,seems to wave toward destruction and self harming ,own energy ,loss of direction ,confusion that leads ,a journey own life ,filled with changes that ,through eyes of others ,have become attached with Labels . I feel that sometimes a person can be filled with such negative energy force that over time becomes a struggle for one to find themselves back in living and achieving a life filled with positive energy that is meant for all of us to live as shared part of our lives ,to experience . Demons to me is a simple word we all shall place as labels upon areas we do not quiet understand . At same time there is quiet more to the unknown that actually surrounds our lives every day ,waiting for opportunity to attach it's self to our own energy .
  9. That is true ,Magick is the power to create ,modify and destroy reality ,with results sometimes not so pretty in eyes of others ,although life you take ,is at same time ,a complete learning journey ,that holds great meaning to experience it within your own life ,attaching selves towards others in this journey at same time .Everything holds ,a reason why it took place with a time that is proper . Magick comes from within ,you can be told certain way or showed the best way ,only leaving your self ,with confusion and great doubts ,that what you are hearing is not for you ,and you alone ,although do you wish to ,share what you feel is best for you towards another ,as once again you find yourself ,right back at "one" with the thought that Magick ,the only right way ,to practice is your own . I speak of this as through out my Life ,things have been taught to me ,as a child towards to where I am now as adult ,I tried to combine ,what was taught to me through out my life ,holding the acknowledgment and searching through life ,trying to find place to add ,what I know ,into my own life ,only results I found ,my own self being ,was not trusting my own self in events that unraveled through out my life and progressing towards harming all including myself ,within this journey . Struggling most part my life ,with things guided and taught to me ,realizing that ,best magick anyone can actually trust and know that is real for self ,is what you know is your own ,best for yourself . To practice Magick your own way ,trusting Who you are inside ,What you know of own self ,your own beliefs ,intuition ,not what some one shall guide or speak words what one feels is best for you ,when you know inside your own self ,those words ,shall never bring me ,peace only harm . I spent a big part of my life ,pretending and living a life that was never mine to actually live ,based upon what ,was taught and guided me towards ,only leaving me filled with complete emptiness and trail of harming all those I love ,including my own self . Once a person ,lives such way of life ,it seems you begin to notice ,how life around you ,including your own self ,start to slowly crumble away ,leaving a empty shell ,where you once was . I lived a life always second guessing myself and what I truly believed was best for me and event that was taking place ,To find ,such destruction was out come of second guessing ,the truth ,what you truly believed in first place. When you live ,each day second guessing yourself ,trying live a lie that ,you know is not ,who you are inside and hearing spoken words of all the harm created upon others or your own self ,you struggle with all you hold ,to create a balance for yourself in this life ,as yes ,life is way to short ,I agree ,to find yourself second guessing yourself ,as you have to be able to protect yourself even at times from yourself . Trust Thyself is so True ,as life will become very dangerous without it , Although sometimes best Teacher in life is ,yourself ,to filter through all ,one ever was taught and raised to believe ,trying combine it all with what ,you know is self ,when in truth ,trusting yourself is only way to be taught .
  10. I feel fall is my season ,as the colors are wonderful and peacefull .
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