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Posts posted by FouGilang

  1. ah, finally i found this thread

    you really didn't hear about norton antivirus program! anyway, here is the link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ you can download a free trial version and use it to check errors, it is not very effective for viruses but have a lot of features for fixing errors more than any other antivirus, but be careful when you do that. read the instructions carefully before do anything. it can mess your hard disk, i prefer you buck up your data before use it. good luck.

    well i do know norton antivirus, but as it sounds, all i know is that it was just another antivirus and doesn't have anything to do with my problem :) . anyway i'm trying to download the "free Norton 360™ Version 4.0 trial." at the moment, hope it will find something i really stressed out :P
    oh, and i would like to give some update in my problem
    about 3 days ago, i was cleaning up my room. and something crossed my mind that i should clean up my cpu case too, because you know, it's so dusty at times. so i removed the lid, take the motherboard and everything within, remove all of them and clean up individually, then put them back together. i even opened the PSU to sweep the dust from it. this time, i start up my computer WITHOUT the case (because i was kind of lazy to put them back in the case after all those cleaning up... ). and guess what? IT WORKED!!! i can even play dota without any buggy trouble :D for about one day... then it just fail again until now whatever i did :P

    and about the harddisk, i checked it with almisco's speedfan's (which is located in this link : http://www.almico.com/speedfan.php ) online hard disk test (or whatever it was called) and overall just like it said in the app itself, its overall performance is still rated "good" although the drive fitness has decreased. i was going to copy the result, but i was forgotten and left it in my pc, so maybe next time .____.' i hope this norton stuff could find something more so i can compare the result

    oh and one more thing
    i checked the event viewer in windows, and i found out this numerous error event ID 11 from "atapi", which is "The driver detected a controller error on \Device\Ide\IdePort0."
    i tried to move my disk to other port, and the error event will change the port numbers, so i guess it IS my disk fail or whatever this "controller error" means (since all device i have is in sata port)
    before i decided to replace my disk (which still not 100% sure and i'm kind of flat on bucks...) i want to re-check it again and decide it after showing you the results

    thanks for accompanying me :D

  2. Was the View New Content option to go back 2 weeks, 1 month etc etc remove or disable because I was able to view that a couple of weeks ago but I have seen it since. Think that is need since View New Content always seems empty when I come on at least and I would like to see what has been posted recently instead of blank content.

    well i posted about that "bug" some days ago, i hope they fix that one :)

    Update #1 I was able to fix that no new content showing, to fix it go to your settings, select General settings tab, go down to search content drop down and then select show me all new content since last visit.

    well the truth is sometimes i go online to login from my mobile phone and see whether there is anything good or not. and there are times when i found good topics and trying to post, but because of my mobile limitations i was unable to. when i logged in to PC, the "view new content" has changed my last visit time and the topic i was trying to post disappeared from the list. that's why "view new content that i have not read" is better than "since my last visit"for this one, i prefer to use today's active topic rather than view new content as my temporary fix :D

    I'm sorry, always forgotten to mention this one.
    It seems that after logging in with my mobile (using opera mini 4), the forum template is kind of broken. The right side which is for the posts area are too small, so the posts are truncated and instead of reading it from left to the right, it will be from the top to the bottom (because there is no "right"). And no, i'm not using opera's mobile view option and it just fine with other ipb3 forums
    The problem did not occur when i haven't logged in by the way
    Thank you :P

  3. We are very and truly sorry for this inconvenience.
    It's been over a week, over 10 days and now we're all into 3 weeks since our forum upgrade and myCENT is not being updated for your active roles in this forum. For that, I would like to apologize on behalf of Xisto.com.

    great example of admin declaration, i love those who did this announcement thing (and totally hate the one that just disappeared and let the users went riot before giving announcement...)
    well since i almost can't do anything for the scripting, i can only pray for your good luck on your jobs, admins. we are always waiting for the great news :P

    and if I remember correctly when the script was rewritten for V3 took about a month

    really? i wasn't there when the forums still using the credit system, but a month sure is quite a while o_0but i think since OpaQue has found the concept of the mycent scripts, it should be sooner right? well i hope he's fine and in good fitness to be able to do his good work :)

  4. What you have described seems to be a problem with your hard disk more than anything else. Have you been able to swap hard disks with another computer to try them out?
    Do you have an antivirus software installed? If so, the antivirus scan probably kicks in while playing movie or music files for the sound to keep repeating, but it's pretty speculative until we have performed more tests on your computer.

    no, but i DID have tried my hard disk on another computer (to move my files before the full re-format, that is) and got no problem there
    though, i haven't tried playing games on that computer because i though it was hard disk partition problem only. maybe next week i'll have some spare time to spend and go there again :P

    about the antivirus... for some reason, i'm not using any. and when i copy my files to my friend's pc above, it didn't detect anything bad :)

    Also, you might want to turn on the computer with the lid taken off to ensure that the processor fan is working correctly. I'm not really sure which fan's temperature you have got because there's the cooling fan located within the power supply unit, and there are cooling fans on processors, with a heat sink sitting between the fan and the processor and some thermal paste to keep the air insulation from forming between the processor and the heat sink. The reason why you ought to check the processor is because when Intel processors heat up, they throttle down to reduce speed and if they are still unable to stay cool, they shut down completely. Chances are that your processor is running hot while the rest of the case is not so the processor slows down and has the sound card play the same sound over and over again due to the circular sound buffer.

    it did taken off already, i always remove it when i think something went wrong :Pi checked the processors and hard disk temperature via Speedfan (almico) and biostar hardware monitor. it did overheat for the first time i checked, but even after i fix the processor fan, the problem still occured :D

    i am not quiet sure, but i suggest you to check your hard disk for errors first. Norton antivirus has a great tool for checking errors. and you mentioned that you reformatted your hard disk, well i don't know about windows 7, but for windows xp, if i want to check if i have a bad sector or not, i don't choose the quick format option, i choose the full format option, it takes longer but check every sector in your hard disk.

    what norton tool? is it freeware? :D

    well based on both post seems i have to borrow some hardwares from my friend to check all my hardware status one by one :?

  5. okay, i've spent my whole week just to investigate my pc's hardware problems without any luck and got myself to the deepest part of frustration and despair (say, trying to make it dramatic). the problem is somewhat the same as the ones i posted before, in a thread somewhere called "random freeze in windows 7", it just..... worse, far worse, and even worse because i don't know what's really wrong :)


    my problem, as said above, RANDOM FREEZE. well after awhile of investigation, i found out that it's not-so-random because it can be predicted lol. it will have the chance to freeze everytime something accesses the hard disk, such as copy-paste, installing something, playing music, or even just trying to open a folder. and it 100% will freezes every time i played a game even the GAMEHOUSE one. funny enough, i got no problem playing microsoft's XP default game like pinball, solitaire, and ubuntu default games... though sorry i can't remember the name.


    the indication? well, my harddisk sometimes will stopped when this occurs, no process sound at all, but no sound of fail too, it just "silent". after awhile of freezing, my hard disk will work again (the sound re-appear) and my system ready to go for some times until it locked up again. so, i though it was because of my hard disk, but after re-formatting my whole disk, it didn't helped anything. :P will try my disk in others pc, if that could help

    when playing games, the problem can be mentioned with freezes screen, not responding application (can't even alt-tab), locked mouse and keyboard, then comes the stupid looping sound and music (like "do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-double kill!!"). and as mentioned above, i have no problem playing microsoft's default games, so that's quite fishy.


    anyone? both i and my friend are confused enough and need some help here. any help (except "buy a new one" idea) is appreciated :/


    hope it helped, this is my pc spec

    CPU : intel core 2 duo e4500 @2.20 GHz

    memory : 3454 MB (it's actually 4 pieces of 1GB RAM)

    OS : XP SP 2 (reverted back to SP2, no luck)

    VGA : ATI Radeon X600


    and here's what i've done

    - checked harddisk for bad sector test with easus partition master : nothing found

    - checked ram for memory test with memtest : 2 of them are fault, removed the faulty ones, still the same problem

    - chkdsk : it mostly found something corrupted, but that didn't help whatsoever

    - changed BIOS : no luck

    - upgrade / down grade drivers for ati display, realtek sound card, and others stuff : nope

    - directx and sound check (via dxdiag) : no problem

    - Speedfan temperature : normal, below 50

    - disk drefrag : no good

  6. was just wondering if the site was always like this, but I didn't notice this last night, but above the quick replies it tells me that I can only post so many more times until May 8 at 4:09 AM... Has it always been there, cause this is the first time I have noticed it!!! J/W...

    you mean that "You can make x more posts until blahblahblah"? well i've seen something like that in the other IPB3 forums (here? just recognized when you mentioned above...). it's nothing unusual at all, maybe they want to press the spam, or just forgot to change the limits. i think i won't post more than the limits anyway (now it said i can make another 22 more posts until 24 hours, i wonder how many $ i can make if i spend all of the post limit in one day? maybe $5? i guess i can buy another domain name just in 3-4 day later) :)

  7. That is strange they don't deny any application just like that. Maybe they're looking at your site and checking if your site is violating any tos of their ad netowrk and google's.

    i don't know, i have tried to register my website once again, and it refused again. so i guess my site doesn't meet their requirement? but what is is that made they declined my site? based on their faq i don't get anything wrong with my site, it isn't paid to programs, the ads simply located in EVERY page (even the home page), no pornography, has monthly or more updated content. but they just declined me. should i send something for them? :P

    We accepting all websites exluding :- websites with incentive traffic
    - any paid to programs
    - websites where is ads placed in secured zone or zone where is needed visitor's registration
    - websites with criminal content ( like drugs , child pornography )
    - websites without any content or with poor content
    - websites designed for surf traffic ( copied content )

    about the innity : well i know that kind of huge, but applying won't hurt after all :)

  8. System 1 is Adsense system, system 2 is clickbank. It's really worked for me, not complicated at all...

    if i recall it correctly, i've downloaded the books and read it (but well, i have bad memories so i might be wrong)the first system simply is using the good old adsense + adwords to promote your site. it's not complicated at all, and i can imagine how it will worked out. but because it uses adwords, we need some bucks to invest first. well, if you want to find something that is money-risk free, don't try it as it simply has some risk when your system didn't worked good. :D

    the second one is clickbank affiliate. what can i say? just put your banner somewhere and see if someone willing to buy it. i forgot the rest on the book about this money-making technique, but again i think it won't work if you have a site that far away from U.S (like usual...) :)

    and i don't get any emails in my box except the one giving the ebook download address. well, try that 2 technique if you want to anyway (oh no, i guess i won't because it doesn't match my problem) :P

  9. man, that live chat makes me have to refresh this page and lost EVERYTHING i've wrote. now that what it feels when you do something in a long time and suddenly you have short-circuit or sudden shutdown happened. i happen to want to say "i like the shoutbox better than the live chat" when suddenly it crashes my firefox. i guess it knew what i want to say haha!anyway, congratulations for the admins! (never late to congratulate, yes? :D ). now since it has been upgraded, they simply answer the members request about upgrading the forums, and change the old theme. 2 things done at once, good job i must say :)no problem in UCP, changed logo, myCENT numbers correctly placed, everything seems good for me. oh, and i like the default theme after all, so i won't argue if they want to change it or not, just make it easy and enjoyable to read :Pfor some reason i can't use the chat room though, so i guess it worse than the old shoutbox. hope someone can fix that problem - -

  10. haha, thanks for creating a new thread just to help me out buddy :)

    the truth is i've already made a thread for my question, which is located here, yet nobody's answering that :P

    just for the sake of clarifying my problem, i'll quote the main question

    So here's the main problem: I don't really get the system of facebook applications. I can make the auto play supported music player (swf flash + html based) but i don't know how to make it available in the facebook applications.I have seen something like mp3 player application in facebook (i'm sorry, i'm on my mobile so i can't tell what the application is sad.gif ), the idea is similar to it.

    i found the "similar idea" from this application : /games/?app_id=252449663961&_fb_noscript=1
    looks simple isn't it? yes, but is has everything i looking for : facebook apps, wall-to-wall share, profile tab, whatever it needs to be integrate with the facebook account. it lacks the ability to play the music files though (i thought it was able to, but it isn't, my bad(
    well since html + swf flash will be not enough for the user integration, i think i should make it in php right?

    then again, how to synchronize between the facebook account with my own database?
    because i want it to be able to manage playlist and stuff, it would be hella funny if you're using facebook apps but need to re-register in the application page itself to get the playlist management
    i think i'll need some kind of integration code here, or should i just rewrite my code to match this case? :l

  11. oh sorry, forgot to visit that because of my laggness. not sure i get the "google proxy of cpm network" thingy, but as long as if they accept asian traffic CPM i think it should be fine all the way :Pregistered on dexplatform, let's see what i can do with their ads code :Der... do smowmotion have an english page in anyway? i can't read those...... oh nevermind, found it need to put "en" in the url :) oh, but their sign up page turned out to be that @#*&^$lol great, i can't sign up in smowmotion, maybe my stupid gprs connection again (Remote server or file not found)i've went to nuffnang registration page, just to found out in there are only 5 countries in their country list. is there any chance that i make false address to register and get accepted? :/by the way, innity is one of those site that i found before i make this thread :D

  12. you posted this question in about 4 hours after registered. to be able to get your first USD $1 in 4 hours... i guess you're not bad at all :)

    now, is there a way to get better host than here? well if you have some great googling skill. you MIGHT find one, or two. that is, if you can find a web hosting provider that give you cPanel, awesome speed, cron jobs, good support (well some may said it isn't, but i get my tickets answered) and even domain name for "cheap" or "FREE". if you can find one, you're good to go. but if you can't find any, well you got your first bucks so why don't you continue? you're always welcomed here :P

    easier way to get $7? hey dude, $7 is REALLY damn easy to get. just post more, useful, on topic, and longer (for example, your post in How To Create A Good Website With Html) how hard can that be? i admit that i'm one with laziness and limited knowledge in me, you can see that from my topics, but hey i got at least $20 in my first posting month here just for replying other threads. that's more than enough to get my first logic plan running for a month, and 1 .com domain name for my site for a year.

  13. hey, thanks for the google keyword tool idea. never found that before! :Pjust tried it and found out that people would rather write "lagu ayodance" than "ayodance soundtrack" and stuff. maybe i should try to change it and see if it will fix something... or not at all. but it worth trying i guess :P though i can't see my way in comparing mine and others. well it seems they are much the same (unless if i'm comparing to some "search engine" sites, that is). the only differences seems to be the domain age, since mine is kind of new (still under 1 year) and theirs is like since 2007 and things like that o_0well thank you anyway. hope i can beat those "search engine" and old domains ;)

  14. sent request to innity, admaxasia, adsfactor, axverta, and still no result until now. should i just forget it and let it go? ;)
    i've registered in bizzclick, and again i don't find anything related to CPM (their is like today's click.. month's click...) though i see "impression" in their statistic page. i guess i'll send them ticket and see their answer :P

    Have you checked up smowtion ?they're also one upcoming cpm network, hard to get selected on that site.

    have googled "smowmotion" and found nothing. what is their page again? - -

    . Another website that you might to consider is NuffNang.

    no, i guess nuffnang is not a choice here. they only support publisher from singapore, malaysia, philippines, and australia aren't they?

  15. hello there aaaeseg (how the hell did you read your name? o_0 ), welcome to the Xisto Forum! :P guess i'm kind of too late to greet you though :Pwell anyway, you're welcomed here. and your knowledge at JAVA stuff sure is precious, i hope you would like to share them here. and of course, there are plenty PHP tips and tricks here in the forum. wish you the best~! ;)

  16. hey thanks a lot! okay, i'll check them out :D


    - adsfactor

    need to contact them first to know more... okay, i'll try to send them an email because they don't have any contact in indonesia ;)

    status : email sent


    - admax network

    did you mean the admax asia network? their minimum payment is kind of high ($50). and... is it just my imagination or it's one of the network that i applied (and hasn't been emailed till now) before? well, let's give it another shot. o_0

    status : applied, and this time i got my confirmation email :P


    - bizzclick

    i read their site title and it said : Pay Per Click Advertising? do they really have cpm? and it seems that i MUST make 100 clicks first based on their FAQ before make my way there :(

    Q. How can I get approved?

    A. First of all, you need to generate at least 100 clicks

    status : haven't registered


    - advertlets

    well, they said "blogger", not "publisher". that kind of unique for me. but they said that they welcome another kind of websites, and no traffic requirement too. though i have to make my visitor fill in the polls before i get my ads working. i'll try to make them fill in :P

    status : registered


    - axverta.com

    having problem opening the site... maybe it just my slow connection

    status : can't open the site properly

  17. now after much thinking i decided to put some commercial ads in my sites. why? because the "donation for the sake of the site" idea is not working, or let's just say that nobody even look at it. well i've prepared for that to happen so let's just continue ;)

    in this case, i have searched for weeks to find some good, reliable, and high paying ads network that support asian traffic. especially, the asian one, more specific, it's in ASEAN, and to clear the country filter: it's indonesia. i have found some and applied, but up till now i don't get any reply from them. maybe i just don't meet their requirement after all. and that biindit, oh please they're pretty damn low, i will need some more other ads to support the income from them. :P


    now if you allow me, i'll put some explanation on my situation here :(


    it must support asian traffic, ASEAN will be better, and indonesia will be best. why? based on my cpanel's awstats, more than 90% of my site traffic comes from indonesia (my country, yeah) or er... let's just say this april i got 33000+ out of 34000+ pageviews comes from indonesia (lol that even make it about 97%) then comes US, japan, korea, china, etc. my current hosting provider isn't good enough to support foreigner after all. :(


    it should be cpm. why cpm? why the reason is really simple, THEY WON'T CLICK. well maybe it's just my imagination with my hopeless little experience, but because of those "let's make easy $$$$$ from google-and-friends" and many sites that comes with my theme (no i won't even call them competitor, what i'm talking about is those useless, full ads, no quality sites), half of indonesian surfer are resistant to ads. there might be some that click, but well too bad for me, i'm with those resistant people anyway. ho-ho "unlucky" really is my middle name.


    it doesn't matter what size and tipe the ads are. i have tried using image banner, text ads, button ads, header ads, pop under, pop up, and they've never said anything about the ads. oh, there is one that they reported: linkbucks intermission ads. well it seems that because of the intermission ads they were confused on how to navigate my site, so i guess everything is okay as long as my site still work normally, isn't it? :P


    okay, i think that's all for now. if someone here can help me found this kind of network, er... i don't know, maybe you'll be the finance hero for my site. should i put your statue in the header? :D

    oh, sorry, but this is serious thing thank you. not-so-urgent, but still serious :(

  18. Well you can try to scam some foolish people out there, it is said that scam is one of today's business of the year... lol no, i'm just joking. Well i've heard a way that combining other paid to stuff like combining linkbucks, uploading, image share, et ce te ra. I have never tried because indonesia was never on the list anyway, but there might be some way to say that they are low investment, but trust me, they need hell lot of work to do. Most of these 'small investment' way needed what it called 'referral' so even in spite of your hard work, you'll still gain nothing if you don't have those named 'referral'. Of course, referral links are forbidden here so never think about promoting your link here or else you'll get owned. Another simple way is to make a for-adsense-sites/blogs. Again, i've never tried it. It just shame from my point of view if you created some useless websites just for making some bucks. Just get a real job out there. You almost don't need any investment for that ;)

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