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Everything posted by Shackman

  1. Seems like ure forum is down?
  2. I think there is an error in this section's topic description. Its the same as the 'sports' section???
  3. Its probably a typo error. He meant Xisto and he was referring 'flash' as the flash animation found at the homepage.
  4. same here...same here... 'great minds think alike'.... games cost about $30 to $100 per title over here in Singapore....if all my games were original...I would have to rob the bank... -Shackman
  5. the download is too slow...I am getting like 250 bytes per second...i think i'll give this program a miss...thanks for recommending anyway!-Shackman
  6. Its probably due to RAM and or his computer being clogged up with software.
  7. You're strange...first, you quadriple postedsecondly, how the hell do we know who/what netfirms is? The only thing I can guess is that is a webhost since you placed it in the part of the forum?thridly, pls do give us more information so that we can help you. This is not a place for ranting...-Shackman
  8. http://www.lukecorp.com/ is down...The silent n deadly website is abit black...and the music makes it sound a like a graveyard....very eerie....Stormreavers website looks similar to the SnD webbie...
  9. The government is afraid that the people would stick the gum everywhere.... Imagine going onto a train and find chewing gum on your seat.....
  10. What do you mean? If I do not get you wrong, I tihnk there is an e-commerce script ready to be installed from the Cpanel. Go take a look there.
  11. Shackman


    Woo! I did not know that people here played Chinese games too!TOEI games are rather nice. I play The Twin Heroes 2( 新绝代双骄) and its really cool!!! The published is Userjoy.http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  12. HeheThanks alot bro, you really made my life easier...
  13. Wow...there must be millions of google ads in cyberspace....how does google manage to keep them all in track? Anyway, for those with dynamic IP, you could just disconnect from the internet and re-connect again, thus you wil have a new ip. This sounds like a quick get rich scheme...
  14. Windows XP has its own system restore which can help restore your computer to an earlier state. Its quite sufficent for basic restoration and its turned on by default. You should try it first before attempting to buy commercial programs to help you.-Shackman
  15. Not really...but its sometimes abit troublesome...Never the less...I am c^|i3k | N 5 when I have time/bored so you'll have a constant stream of $$$
  16. What does xp-AntiSpy do? I visited the weblink you gave me but it was in...dutch I think?I went to read the English FAQ but it seems that there is not introduction about the program. From what is written in the FAQ, it seems like a program which edits the registry. Since, its the registry, naturally, I would be concerned. Can you tell me more about it?-Shackman
  17. Who is SNM? Can you fill us in? Any official annoucements about this?
  18. That's interesting. One thing you guys might like to know is that chewing/bubble gum is banned in Singapore...and that the authorities are really strict, especially with littering.I bet you would find it an exciting experience if you come here on a tourist visit...I won't say much about if you come here to work....-Shackman
  19. Hi guys!I am running Windows XP Home Edition 2600, SP2 RC2.Now my hard disk is really full but I have no plans to free up more space. Windows keeps giving a low disk space pop up ballon near the CSA trap(the one next to the clock). Now its getting really irritating and do you guys have any way to remove the reminder?-Shackman
  20. Can you give me more details? I am getting hazy results via google.
  21. Yeah..I have ever thought about it. But if you think over it, its not really that easy to create a game.Look at the graphics now of these days...they are way tooo advanced for just a programmer to handle. You have to have a graphic artist and so on. If you were talking about the Ms-DOS days, one man couls solo everything!Now, you really need a team and lots of time and dedication. The only reason I feel why games these days were not aas nice as those in the past where that because in the past, most of the game Developers had the inspiration, passion and love for the game. But now, (i am not saying all), most game Devs are developing games for comercial reasons.Probably, free games are better than commercial games because a free game dev does not expect returns whilst a commercial game dev is looking for the $$..I am not saying this is true for everyone, but probably, this article would prove more true than it is today....Yeah, its a sad thing....-Shackman
  22. Wow...this is an interesting thread....Something interesting i like to read in my spare time....
  23. wow...how does google prevent fraud clicks anyway?
  24. Hi guys! Since this is a review section, I would like you guys to review my forum! My forum's been running for about 2 months plus already and it has an intersting collection of well-written articles. It has no ads. The only thing is that I have a very small community. I have only 26 registered users! My aim here is to ask you guys to review my forum and tell me what you tihnk, and how it can be improved. Also, if you do have any tips to promote my forum, do post them here or pm me. Constructive critism is welcomed. Lastly, do support my forum by either registering as a user, or bookmarking my my forum. That will help me alot. The URL to my forum is : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ The link to my forum is also written on my signature. Thanks to all! -Shackman
  25. I love cycling too! I cycle to school almost everday unless its raining. Do you guys have any tips for urban cyclists like me?
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