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Dude Love Fan

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Everything posted by Dude Love Fan

  1. I actually suggest Rollercoaster Tycoon if you haven't given that a shot. I have always enjoyed it(the original with Loopy Landscapes and Corkscrew folies). I never played 2 and din't like the 3d in 3, although I could understand why people would. For me the 3d in RCT3 was distracting. The original though could play for hours on just one level.Another RTS I liked was Lords of the Realm 2. Technically it isn't a full RTS though. It has turn based mixed with real time strategy. When you manage your counties and such you do it throught turn based strategy but when you do battle with your armies it is real tim. I feel this is a great mix and it makes the game HIGHLY enjoyable, and it easily gets my vote.Yet another RTS that I liked was Star War; Galactic Battlegounds Saga, I bought it cheap and really liked it, it used the AoE 2 engine I believe. So if you liked AoE 2 and Star Wars you would probably like this one. I like how it has many races and is very technology based, plus it looks cool too :)Finally I say Empire Earth coud be a good pick as well, I have played it a little bit with a friend of mine and we had a great time with it.
  2. My Favorite RPG(and Game) of all time is FF8, though Dragon Warrior 4 was an extremely awesome game. So I would say the FF series and the DW series are the pinnacle of RPGs, though I have only good things to say about Morrowind, and even everquest Online Adventures for the PS2. Needless to say I am a big RPG fan. There really haven't been any that I haven't enjoyed, although I haven't played one in a while, I played x-2 but it didn't really do much for me. It wasn't bad or anything I just prefer other games more. Hopefully I can find another good game, I have wanted to play Lunar(on the Sega CD not PSX) and maybe Star Ocean for PS2, I hope they are good : )
  3. Interesting I didn't have that problem, save once, I was trying to go somewhere in the game(won't say where for spoilers sake, even though there probably aren't going to be any more new ff8 players and I din't know you had to go through another town to get there. That made it very annoying, but once I got through that area I had no other problems. I understand people's problem with the GF Junction system, but I rather enjoyed it, it was different from the norm, not too radical(though it did seem weird at the time), but not the same old same old. I hope that made sense
  4. Yeah I remember that, but what was really weird was the infinity +1 space for gmail, not because of the goofiness of the idea, but the fact that that counter has yet to stop(it legitamately says I hav 2400 MB of space and rising)...
  5. My favorite book is The Ultimate History of Video Games by Steve Kent, although it sounds nerdy I loved that book, I really learned a lot about the atari days, and about the more obscure consoles. Very informative and thanks to the quotes and anecdotes from the actual people involved it made the book a blast to read.
  6. One thing I always thought was fun to do was have my friends play the music from vgmusic and quiz me on what it was from. As far as Video Game music goes I have always loved the Final Fantasy series the best, particularly 8 and 9. I would take Liber Fatali/The Man with the Machine Gun(The Black Mages version in particular) over One Winged Angel any day...
  7. Completely true, and it's really cool to find someone who has heard of AND heard Kent talk, he is really interesting, especially his thoughts on Beer and alcohol. Someone asked him, did you try it? When he said no they said how do you know you dont like it if you haven't tried it and he responded with the question, "Would you like to put your head under the tire of an 18-wheeler?" when they said no he asked them "How do you know you won't like it if you haven't tried it?" Good answer if you ask me.
  8. I don't know which I will get in all honesty, I think this generation will be harder to pick than ever before. Think about it, in the NES days you had NES or Master system, not a hard choice(no disrespect to Sega fans). In the 16 bit days you had the Genesis and the SNES, for the first part I would have gone with GEN but in the end, I fell the SNES prevailed. The 32 bit era saw the Saturn PSX and the 64. I think thoug the 64 did well, the PSX took the cake. Then you had the DC, PS2, Xbox and GCN, right now I would say PS2 is the obvious choice, but just because most people have one, although each console has a lot of benefits. This gen will be extremely hard to chose just one. PS3 will have the graphics and the sony advantage(IE userbase), Xbox will have live among other things, but Revolution will have 20 years of Nintendo behind it, and I am totally unsure of which to go with : )
  9. I was just wondering what you all thought of FF8. Personally I feel it was the best FF. The story was top notch, it kept me hanging until the very end. The graphics were awesome at the time, and cannot say enough about the card game. I feel though it was a love it or hate it game. I liked how you could make any player any type of character you wanted through the junction system. I think it tried some new ideas and pulled them off well, although I don't like the absense of things like armor, the upgrading of weapons could go either way. But enough about what I thought, what did you guys think of it, love it, hate it, or somewhere in between?
  10. I have to say DC is my favorite console currently. My favorite switches every so often, but as it stand I am amzed that the DC is STILL the only console that can easily browse the web. I mean the Xbox, PS2 and GameCube all support the use of th internet but none of them let you surf it. In my opinion it would only help them to support browsing. It may not be a big deal to everyone, but personally I'm big on novelty, I like being able to do novel things like surf the web with a sega saturn or post on message boards with a DC, and honestly I think it could make browsing easier for people who aren't as good with computers. I could hook my DC up to the TV and get it online in a flash to show the whole family something on the TV which wouldnt' be nearly as easy with a PC.Yeah people may say it isn't as efficient surfing on a TV but it would make things less complicated when you can plug in a DC and just surf instead of having to worry about computer problems. That very reason is why I like consoles in general, while they may not be as graphically powerful in all cases, they just work. You don't have to worry about system requirements or anything of that nature, you just buy the game and pop it in, simple as that.
  11. I just want to ask, did you get that in the begnning quote from Kent Hovind? I heard him use it so I assume he is the originator, though I could be wrong. And in my opnion Religion(Christianity in this case) does NOT need to change. People speak of not having women priests, but what about women preachers? There are lots of them, Joyce Meyers, Marylin Hickey, Paula White, etc... While I do not actively follow their ministries I do know they exist. The way I see it Christianity CAN'T change, it is founded on the words of a man who died 2000 years ago, although I believe he still speaks through people today, his words will never contradict themselves, and as such you can take the bible to the bank. I realize people disagree with Christianity and that is fine, though I hope one day they change their minds. One book I highly reccomend to any Skeptic is Mere Christianity by CS Lewis. Religion is one topic I love to talk about and dislike to talk about at the same time. Reason? When you find like minded believers it's great to discuss things regarding God. When you don't usually you catch a lot of flak about being a close minded bigot among other things. Therefore I ususally don't bring up the topic unless I know who I am talking to is a christian or the topic is brought up by someone else Saves a lot of anger and hostility that way.
  12. I also like how they used him with Kane. Especially in the Halloween commercial where he was giving out candy to trick or treaters when Kane showed up.
  13. What I thought was cool is that the WWF/E put Pete into their own Hall of Fame.
  14. I liked the Mario cartoon, as well as Sonic the Hedgehog(both versions). Though all the disney afternoon cartoons were good too(goof troop, darkwing duck, Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers, Tale Spin, etc).
  15. I knew about the 8 and 10 gig ones but I never heard of them shipping a box with 12 gigs, although due to the cap it doesn't make much difference. I have about 8 or so hours of music on my box and it only takes up around 10,000 blocks. I have read that the Xbox has 600,000 blocks, so it would take quite a bit of music to fill it up, and I have only read of one case of someone filling it up with saves(they said they had over 200 KOTOR saves).
  16. If someone lacks the intellegence to realize that Half Life cam before Halo then I wouldnt' worry too much about their opinion. I play Xbox, and now have a gaming quality PC, before I got the PC I was very Happy HL2 was coming to the Xbox, and I feel that it is a way for people to enjoy a game that don't have a gaming quality PC. Though I could understand why you might feel the way you do I think HL2 on live will be an awesome thing.
  17. If I recall correctly they said at e3 the 360 will be in stores by the holiday season. I also read the time magazine that talked about gates and the 360, which is where I think I heard the November launch info, could be wrong though...
  18. Personally I don't feel HD is all that important, though I do understand why people with HDTVs would care. But really, if it doesn't support it, and you like Nintendo would you like there games any less?
  19. NESSNESGenesisGame GearGBCVirtual BoyDreamcastPS2XboxGameCubeand hopefully a revolution, 360 or PS3, I really don't mind which(although I am leaning towards 360 because of the release date)
  20. My favorite memory with the NES was when I played Star Tropics, I got to the 4th chapter(out of 9) and it required a code which was displayed when you dipped a piece of paper that came with the game in water. Of course I had neither the paper or the internet. It was a 3 digit code that the game asked for, and after multiple errors I realized that if I put everything from 000 to 999 that I would get it eventually. When I hit 747(after 3 or so hours) I ran screaming through the house. Gooooood times
  21. I will probably get one, but I am thinking about getting a 360 first, just because it will be out before the revolution. I am looking forward to downloading the old games, and I dom't mind paying a little cash for them, if it isn't too much anyway...
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