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Everything posted by Teyu

  1. I do not think people would get crazy or mad if she knew of the existence of aliens. But I believe that knowledge would raise many questions and hardly can be answered.On the other hand, the only reason the government decided to cover the existence of aliens is that they knew that they are capable and that's what makes them think that people would go crazy when they know that.
  2. Yep, get use to it. I have the same problem with my parents or uncles and internet, remotes control, flat tvs and all kind of technology. They always has questions because is more easy asking than solving the problem for himself. Now I've learned to laugh at this kind of situation does not bother me so much. That's why I say get use to it, hehe.
  3. I'm glad you like it the drawings :)Later I upload some drawings I made with an ink pen and after, using illustrator I made a vectorial grafic based on the paper and ink version.PS: I'll wait for your drawings
  4. I studied french when I was in high school, but now I almost forgot everything I've learn because I never practiced the language after graduating.My first language is spanish and I never studied English.I learned how to write and speak after seeing a lot of movies and read a lot of lyrics and books of all kinds. That's why my English is often not even close to being good, lol.Sorry about that
  5. If im not wrong you coul use this to check the state of your site in google index site:https://www.website.com/ Cya.
  6. As I promised the other day, here they are This is really ugly... but one of my favorites Edit: (now in big size). Uploaded with ImageShack.us This was for an emule formum in argentina. A "gaucha" mule, hehe.
  7. Nice pics Sheepdog =). Thanks for share. I bring some pics of a really nice place I have in my hometown. When i go to my home I usually go for fishing, hunting or camping to that place. Theese pics are from the last year more or less:
  8. Thanks =)I have a lot more but they are old draws. I want to make some new ones but sadly I'm not having too much free time.Tomorrow I'm going to upload a couple more.Cya!
  9. Wich software are you using for burning dvd? Did you try another one?Are you already try to slow the burning speed? The burning problem is with the same original dvd or you already try with another one?Did you try with another brand of empty dvd?Have you already burned a full dvd before?Sorry about all this questions but if you can give us more information about you PC, Operative system, etc its going to be a lot better to try to find a solution to your problem.
  10. Really nice cane plant, sheepdog. Your pic bring me memories of my hometown. I'm from a small town in Corrientes, Argentina so I know how is to live surrounded by nature. Sometimes I miss that (right know I'm living in a capital city).The option to make the fishing rod is very good, if you go fishing often.Well, I hope the rain stop so you can return to the pole cutting job.PS: can you upload another pics?
  11. I don't mind posting without gain mycents. If I write in forum sections that the posts not count it's ok, if the subject is interesting i don't mind. That's something I always did in other forums so I see no reason to change it now.Either way I still don't understand all about the mycents system, so maybe I regret later, hehe.
  12. Same question asked by Zanzi, what kind of template? Is for a flash template, an html with divs and css?What kind of content?Let us know.
  13. Hi Rob.I have played both games (Microsoft Flight Simulator and IL2), and they are 2 of the best simulators by far.The fun in simulators depends on the difficulty level you seek and your knowledge. If you don't know almost anything about planes and how to fly, if you choose an very difficult and realistic game you are going to crash a lot, hehe.These 2 are very real and complex, but you could switch the difficulty level. There are other less complex and usually more fun like Red Baron 3D, one old but really nice game.I think if you're a fan of simulators you can pick almost any game, even those who are easy because you can always increase the difficulty level.
  14. My favorites chars in Street Fighters are Guile and Chun Li, but is not my favorite fighting game.
  15. Very good info. For me is also "new news" because is the first time I see this device workinkg so thanks: DStill I can't imagine myself wearing that device, hehe, but well.Maybe in a few years theres not going to be so weird go out dressing like that.
  16. Haha, shadowx is right. Get a job or offer some service or something like that .I doubt you get U$S 100 doing nothing.
  17. I remember being in google looking for free hosting of the pages I found was Xisto.From there I started a little research and saw that many people recommended it, even in a forum which I am a member since 2001.That's how I registered a while ago and now I'm starting to use both the forum and the hosting service.
  18. I also use VLC player. Like Iniyila say, is one of the best.But also I have BSPlayer installed and is usually used for movies (my girlfriend don't know how to use VLC).For audio files I have iTunes. At first it was a bit tricky to use, but when you learn how to use it is very good.
  19. I think the man is addicted to technology, not a slave.Through our history, man has always pursued technological advances either to defend themselves from enemies, live better, or whatever.Thats why I think we are addicted more than slaves.If for some reason we had to stop living with the technological advances of today, it would take time to adjust but only to return to find ways to make further progress.
  20. Personally I have a lot of friends, some of them i knew when i was 6 years old and now they are my best friends.Some others are just new friends, from about 2 year or so.I think you're always making friends and is up to you what kind of friends they become.
  21. If you're talking about Capital Federal, Argentina, I could say you're right... we are currently living in hell on earth, hehe. The good thing is a lot of people is used to live in here (I'm not one of them). If you are a tourist is a great city, the problem is when you have to work every day here. Too much traffic, too much people, too much of all. I don't know what happen after we die, I think nothing, but i'm just going to know when I die.
  22. Hi Rob, the rifle you're looking for looks really similar to this weapon described in this link. Can you show us some close ups of the rifle? Either way I think I found your rifle, haha. Cya. PS:We are waiting for the next mistery
  23. Well, i use to draw a lot. Right now im not doing any but I planing to do so. I hope you like a little.
  24. Photoshop is much better, but i think coreldraw must be compared with Illustrator because they are more alike.Either way Corel Photopaint (the real competition) loses against Photoshop so my vote is for the last one.
  25. My first MMORPG was Helbreath, long time ago (around 7 years ago). In that time the game was a beta version and free. Later I play in private servers but eventually that servers go down so I quit that game.The game was really good in Pvp. If you wanna see how was the gameplay you coul watch this video:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
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