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Everything posted by alive

  1. Hey, I think you are both absoloutley right... I mean, right now as I am typing I am listening to Tenacious D. I don't think there can ever be an explanation for music on how and why it has an effect on us, ok - so I appreciate scientist, doctors and civilians beliefs on why music effects us, but to be honest I don't think there is any logic to music and why we like it, all I know is that we all like different music, and that music is incredible. No matter what mood I am in music is always a relief and it always makes me feel fantastic. I could be really upset, stunned, angry, happy - whatever - music makes an amazing feeling in the pit of your stomach, and I love that feeling. Like you both said, certain music does most defenantly have an effect on me, it brings up memories, emoticions and dreams in me all the time. Thanks for your time, Sean Webber (alive).
  2. Hey, I have recently just finished reading a book written by a great Karate teacher, someone that introduced Shotokan Karate to the world, and he has also introduced the concept of wisedom and pure thought to my life, because of his wonderful teachings it's changing the way I do and teach my martial arts. So I was just wondering if anyone else had read it? Thanks for your time, Sean Webber (alive).
  3. Hey, Well, in the past couple of years I have really started thinking about this sort of thing. Maybe it can do anything, maybe, if you want something that bad then perhaps it'll do it for you. I don't believe that it holds any 'super powers' that alter an outcome in an un-fair way, I just believe that what is inside the mind is soo powerful, I believe that our bodies are so incredible that if you want something badly enough you'll get it, because I believe that send a deep thought into the depths of your brain, the subliminal area, the part of the brain that collects information and allows you to do things without having to think abou them, and thus:- this makes the brain so powerful that life it's self is evolved around it. Well - like I said, it's just my belief, but by believing you can do something you really can do it. Thanks for your time, Sean Webber. (alive)
  4. Hey, OpaQue I think that that was a fenominal post. I often think about what things like this: what happens if we know that all the pain and suffereing in our lifes will turn out fine, what if we knew that all the pain and suffering that our loved ones go through, what if there going through it to help them reach a destination? When bad things happen, I know it's frustrating, but I have learnt that although I am only 14, I have a new perspective on things. If something bad happens I dont say 'why did it have to happen to me' I will just take it with a sturdy expression and say to myself... ' well- its for a reason, usually one that I have provoked wether it's intentional or not, so what have I learned from it?' and it really does help. Thanks for the compliment and I want to thankyou for such an in-depth answer... It was what I was hoping for. A wonderful post OpaQue... Thanks for your time, Sean Webber (alive).
  5. The question... well... I suppose if you could just be face to face, if you don't fancy the whole romantic approach, or if she doesn't like it then you could always just say it straight up: 'Hey, look, I need to get somin off my chest dude ok? Do wanna sort of start seeing each other?' I know that sounds rubbish, it most probably is, but that is the line, well - a line similiar to a line a budy of mine used with this girl he really liked. I know it's not that romantic, but if that's how they like it then you now... You can't really get the best advice online - without other people meeting the girl, but it's worth a shot I suppose. Perhaps you could get some of your mates to talk to her, find out what she thinks about you? Well... I know this is probably the worst advice you have ever heard but you know... Oh Well.. Thanks for your time buddy and best of luck. Sean Webber (alive).
  6. Hey, Well, I'm still at school. I know a couple of people that I like, but I'm not exactly the sort to 'ask the out'. It's not that I have a problem with it, it's just I like to let things happene on there own. So I started spending more time with this person, I started to find out what she enjoyed doing, what she liked and what she didn't. Then I just started talking to her. I just share interests and stories with her. We had a really good time and eventually it happens on it's own. That's my way of doing things but I doubt it's very good help. Anyway - thanks for your time, Sean Webber (alive).
  7. Well, Here it is, a chance to tell us all about any experiences that play a roll in your day. Something that has changed your life or the way you think about things? It could be something bad, or a life changing accident or even something completely amazing like climbing a mountain or walking the desert. You can boast if you want... (lol)My experience of a life time... huuumm, let me think...The day that changed my life was when I was about, em... I think it must have been about 9 when I went to my grandad's funeral. I was pretty emotional but I couldn't cry, it was as simple as that. I can remember bits of it, like the vicor and the church we were in, but the point I keep on remembering is the moment when I was driving back in our car with my family. It was completely silent and there was me looking out of the window just staring. We were leaving Ellesemere Port by Southport/Liverpool (UK). I remember seeing an empty road optosite. I cant remember how it happened, or what exactly it was that did happen, but this was the moment that I found God. Before that day I wasn't perticulary bothered... I couldn't care aless to be honest, but something changed, and this is the first time I can remember actually praying to the Lord on my own free will. I'm not a commited Christian now, but I do have a strong sense of belief and trust in the Lord, and that was the day, the day that I found my belief in God. The amazing thing was that after that moment I could express my emotions, even though I was pretty young I can still remember that being the day that I started my belief in something else being out there. Let me just also add to the records: I am incredibly glad that I found the Lord aswell because I have been through some tough times, I've pushed myself alot and I think I have to say a massive 'thankyou' to the dude above. Well - that was mine, what about yours? Thanks For Your Time, Sean Webber (alive)
  8. Hey Saga, That was a truly fantastic post. Really tought provoking. Nicely Done. Sean.
  9. Hey, My advice is dont worry about it. When he comes out hopefully he will have had enough time to think things through again. He got himself into this mess so it's his fault. Dont worry yourself over it. He has no right to be angry at you when he comes out and I'm sure that he'll find someone that'll show him his ways. So my advice is to you that you id what you had to do, and it cant be changed whether it is right or wrong in your eyes, so just take it easy and dont worry about tommorow today... Hope this helps, Sean Webber (alive)
  10. Hi, I'm just interested to know if anyone has seen the new Msn Messenger? It's been updated several times and given extra new features like voice clips and things. I think to be honest the whole MSN series is fantastic. I am litterally addicted to it and end up using it everytime I log on to the computer. Anyway, I think the new version is MSN Messenger 7.5 but I'm not too sure. Thanks for your time, Sean Webber (alive).
  11. I doubt that would be sancioned by the United Nations, but let's just imagine for one moment that it did. It would be a catastrophy. The chinese have the worlds largest air force, one of the largest army's and just look around your home, how much of your technology is made in china? They have top-notch missile technology. Yet the US have an amazing amount of funds to back them up, not to mention a very well, modern developed army. I would hate to think how that would turn out, but like I said, I very much doubt this is gonna happen. I'm sure the UN would step in somewere along the line. Thanks for your time, Sean Webber (alive).
  12. That is absouloutly crazy! That is incredible though. How could they leave the fingerprints on the phone? All that work and effort and they riun it like that. There probably well out of Brazil by now, and I reacon the chances of catching them is pretty slim. Sixty Five million pounds though - that is incredible. How did they carry it all out, or how long did it take them??!! Thats incredible. Surely there were easier ways in, still, unfortunatly they got away I suppose.
  13. WOW! Now that is crazy! I'm 14 and just the thought of how much work would need to go into it makes me cringe! I have no idea how strange some of those things are, like there have been people found at 3 that can play Fur Elise on the piano. It's crazy it really is. I think it's great though that Microsoft is actually willing to give her a chance. I'm fed up of companies that are just ignore you because of your age. Good For Her!Thanks, Sean Webber (alive).
  14. Hi, Ok so right now things are going too well for we. I was just wondering what it is that keeps you going in the mornings? What is it that gets you out of bed when the alarm clock goes off, what is it that puts you to sleep at night? What words or sayings do you use to help you out in life, and how do you motivate yourself to just keep on rolling? Personally, the only thing I can enjoy about school is being with my mates. I ain't too kean on it to be honest, but some of my favourite quotes to help out with the day are:Train Hard, Fight Easy.You gotta learn to crawl, before you learn to walk.Lifes A Journey, Not A DestinationWell, those are mine, what are yours?Thanks for your time, Sean Webber (alive).
  15. Hi, Ok, so this topic has been here for absouloutley ages without any replies or anything, so I guess not that many peeps follow martial arts. I have a karate grading for my 5th kyu purple belt in a week and I really want to know if anyone else does any martial art or has ever graded with a martial art... Thanks. Sean.
  16. I am incredibly proud to say that I have never, ever got into any school fights. I have always been able to just remain a neutral student in school, meaning I don't make enemies which gives me more to focus on my education. Thanks, Alive.
  17. Mayank, I don't think it's cool that I had to use any self defence, it would have satisfied me much more if I had been able to enjoy the day. I don't think for one moment it is big, and I don't think it is clever or hard. I would have spoken to him civily if he hadn't turned on my girl friend. He had a knife, and there was more of them than of us. If he had made a dive at her and hit her I wouldn't of been able to take them all on. We tried to calm them down cively but it didn't work. The point is I know I could have killed him, but it was a sequence that we have rehearsed many, many times in self defence. In Karate your not taught to bring them down through minor force, your tought - me or you, simple as that. I think what you did was completely correct and if I had been in the same situation I would have done exactly the same. It was just we were cut off, trapped and they outnumbered us, I was with my gf and they had knifes so I had to use all my force. I could have done worse I'm sure, we've learnt worse, but i never wished to use it. I just wanted to bring him down. Just for the records I did wait with him until the police and ambulance arrived. I didn't like him, I didn't even know him and he had tried to stab us, but I wouldn't just leave him there. I called 999 and waited till he had help. I hope it puts it into context a little bit more. Also, notice how I only aimed for the protected areas... The arms, knees and ribs were my only real targets... And that was only to bring him down. Thanks for your time, Alive...
  18. Hey Dude, I'm sorry to hear about that and HAPPY BIRTHDAY dude.We all have bad days, but it was unforntunte that it happened to be on your b-day, anyway, happy birthday m8.
  19. Hey Guys, Well, I think it's been coming for a long time but now it's finally here. Have you ever had a fight or any self defence experiences? This isn't so that you can show off, but just to share how you were feeling, what you've learnt and what you did etc. Well, I'll brake the ice and give an experience I had... I was out in Exeter once when 4 decendents appeared. I was with my girl friend. We both do several martial arts to the Black Belt Degree so we were well trained. After the usual mouth that you get from punks like this one pulled out a pen knife. He pointed it at me. My gf knew that I had to have a window of oppurtunity to attack, so she told the lads once again to move. As he turned the knife on her I acted. I think according to the police I broke his wrist, his elbow, his arm (at the armpit), shattered his rib cage, dislocated his knee cap and broke his nose before he fell. I acted in complete self defence and nothing else. The others ran and like I said we were arrested, but after making a statement we were free once again. I dont condone what happened in that City that day, and it wasn't pretty, but it was my self defence story... So.. Any of you got any stories??? Thankyou, Sean Webber. (alive)
  20. Hi Guys, I think the best way to get up in the morning is firstly, (and slightley obviously) I get out of bed. Get dressed and then turn on some music. I mean, nice, loud heavy metal. Of course, you have to respect the fact that others might be sleeping so maybe an mp3 player, but if u can I like to listen to it out loud whilst I drink a warm cup of tea whilst watching the sun rise of the distant mountains from my bedroom skylight. It's beautiful, relaxing and is something u can never get bored of. Thanks guys, Sean Webber (alive).
  21. Hi, I think the best holiday I've ever had was in Africa. There was no luxury or anything, just the real world to bring me back down to earth. We trecked through the desert on camels and stopped off along the route at small farms or villages. The people were dead friendly, and it really makes u wonder why we still want to hold the debt against them. My view is, why don't we let them have a brake for a century to build up there country and then start it again. Away - like I was saying, that was the best holiday because it wasn't just a brake, but it was an experience. I think all holidays should be like that, forget lying in the sun for hours. A camel treck through Africa is just what u need in my opinion. Thanks guys, Sean Webber (alive).
  22. Hi, Well, it's kind of a weird subject, but what the hell...If God appeared before me now I really don't know what I would do. I don't think I'd feel guilty in his presence, because I do not live the sought of life that would make me feel that. If he appeared right now I would jus thank him, I would thank him for the wonderful life I am living, for my wonderful friends and family and for my wonderful body, (I mean being gifted physically and metally). So that's what I'd do, I'd thank him. Thanks for your time, Sean Webber (alive).
  23. Hey, Yeah I agree with u. Combat paintballing is amazing fun, but I never once considered real life combat to be good, big or fun. I know what it's like, and it's frightening. I think paintballing is soo cool because you can have the adreniline from shooting at the same time as knowing that your not going to loose your life. Thanks, Sean Webber. (alive)
  24. I know what you mean - I have always been a massive fan of F1 ever since I was a kid I've always looked up to their exseptional driving skills and style. I dunno what's happening to it lately. Like you said, it seems to have lost something after the American grand prix this year. I dunno what's happening anymore. I just hope that F1 doesn't loose it's touch.
  25. Hey Dude, Funnily enough a very good mate of mine has been having trouble getting a girl he really wants. She acts like she really wants him and like he is perfect for her, when I talk to her on her own she isn't interested. I started to think is this a nasty streak in her, but then I realised no - it's just that she is a nice girl that loves to have something to say. Sometimes when we want things to be we change things so that they are right for us, the way I see it is that you musn't let your self get dragged under. If you are on the surface of the water then you can see and hear everything perfectly. If you go out of your depth or get caught on anything then you get dragged under, and from under the water it's not very clear atall - everything becomes blurred and eventually you'll drown. If you really love the girl you are with now then this thought shouldn't have crossed your mind. If your happy how you are then just leave it, but if you aren't satificed then my all means meete this girl again, allthough a word of warning : un-predictable people are dangerous. Take care mate an best of luck with the future... Thanks for your time, Sean Webber. (Alive)
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