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Everything posted by sxyloverboy

  1. well its really good. what isnt very nice and kinda destroys the niceness is the font of the text. and its a bit to dark. other than that its great. maybe this has been said a lot before but im not going to read it all. so thats what i think.
  2. wow i really like them. all of em really. the only thing i have to say against them is that their kinda big and from experience big siggis can get pretty annoying. so what id suggest is to keep the width but make the height a bit smaller. other than that its great.
  3. i dont think that you wouldent be able to do that with flash mx 2004 but if you draw anything in flash the files will still be very small becuase flash draws in vector. if your using jpgs then i would suggest you open them in photoshop and save for web or you can save them again and choose a smalled compression thing. (or bigger?) well it will say what to do to make it smaller.
  4. here are some pic i took on my trip to bacelona. please take a look at them and tell me what you think about them. i like the first one best. what do you people think.
  5. ok everybody the trip is over nevermind about this.
  6. look you can buy pics for 20cents a piece here http://www.shutterstock.com/ . most people arnt going to give you their photos just like that if they think they can get money for it elsewhere. and be carefull what pictures you use and that you have the authority to use it. there are many stock sites with nice pics. just google around.
  7. Hello everyone. Im in barcelona this weekend and am looking forward to taking many pictures. So if anyone knows some good stuff to photograph around barcelona please tell me. Im thinking the Ramblas and maybe Placa de Catalunia or somehting like that. Maybe the harbout by the sea or something. So any more suggestions?
  8. There are quite a few alternatives to photoshop. another good program is Macromedia Fireworks. ive seen a few mention it alreay. easy to use. very intuitive. but then again it costs a fortune if you dont have the kind of money to pay for that. a good FREE program is called Photofiltre. Its a french program but there are many translations for it. I havent used it myself but ive heard from several people that use it that its very good and that they are happy with it.
  9. wow its really cool. im sure your going to have a very cool site when you get hosted. are you going to have those metalic snakes or whatever it is there when you make your site? thats the only thinkg id object to. the rest is great. i like the buttons you used. well i mean like where it says Links, Main content, ect.
  10. Your whole post is a bit confusing. anyways as to the whole idea i dont really like it again either. im very fond of flash, dreamweaver and fireworks. they have this great intuitive user friendly interface that really easy to use. I dont think Adobe GoLive can compete with dreamweaver either. But then again you mentioned someting about them going together with microsoft. i dont think that would be very good. id rather have them merge with adobe than microsoft. anyways that all my input on this. please be more specific and clear next time you post something like this.
  11. hey everyone. i was wondering if i could get some critique on some of these photographs i did. heres the first one: I took this picture in a park in frankfurt. maybe you can tell the weather wasnt so good and everything. there was also this flowerthing in the middle that i had to edit out. next one: i took this one while i was going jogging. for me it gives me a sort of apocalyptic aura. and the last one: this is my newest pic. i took this one on the same day as the flowers. same crappy weather. but i think i kinda got the bad weather effect gone with some photoshop editing. allrgith thats all i have to show for now. please give me some critique. and please let it be something constructive.
  12. i dont really think that there is a nescisary to do that if you have the html already. php can genereate diffrent sites with diffrent input from one source. uhm that explains it kinda badly but php is for dynamic stuff or for easying your programing and once you have learned it you save a ton of time when you code your websites.
  13. warbird that would only change one frame. i think the right way to go at this is in javascript. put this code into the <head> tag: <script language="JavaScript">function links1(){parent.frame1.location="sublinks1.htm";parent.frame2.location="chap1.htm";}</SCRIPT> and then you would put this code into the <body> tag where you want your link to be. <A HREF="javascript:links1()">Chapter 1</A> then you just have to watch out to name your frames frame1 and frame2 or whatever you want to call them but change it in the javascript.
  14. Hmm thats a good question. Well i have all my music on a mac mini so i use iTunes for that i love the compatability with burning cds in all sorts of formats and all that. The only bad thing about that is the hard disk size in the mini its going to run out soon i think. Then for movies i use quicktime or windows media player.
  15. hmm yeah i can make the menus. submenus not really but i cant get the thing that i need to link the menu items to. thats what that main problem is for me at the moment.
  16. sxyloverboy

    Mambo Help

    Ok ive just got my Xisto account and decided to put a mambo cms on it. i know there are many other options but mambo is that one that caught my eye and seemed easy to use but then again its not really. Im trying to make something where people can submit articles and pictures and stuff like that into diffrent catgorys. like lets say there is a something about animals. then in the main menu there would be Animals and then when you press on it a submenu with -Articles, -Gallery, -Links. And then in the user menu you can prenn on Animals and the submenu would include Submit Articles, -Submit Pics, and -Submit Links. does anybody have an idea on how to do that? and if you dont know about mambo maybe someone could suggest a diffrent cms that i could do that easyly with.
  17. wow thats some pretty nice picture. i especially like the first one. what kind of post shoot editing did you do? and what camera did you use? its really good.
  18. Well in Photoshop CS2 there is a thing that makes panoramas for you. it shows your something that they sugjest and then you can still move them around a bit to make it perfect. the feature is pretty good but it requires a lot of system preformance, disk space and ram memory. ive had some pretty satisfying results with it.
  19. i dont think that youll annoy the poeple from bloggger.com or anything if your trying to get it to work. have you tried looking if there is any information in the help or FAQ of their site to have it hosted externaly. if theres no informations there just write them a letter that explains your issue. theres a form to do that. ive done it already too its a good service.
  20. oOo i just got an idea! what you could do is... you could put a tag somewhere in the template around were the posts start like this one. <a name="start"> and then in the code from you website you put something like <iframe src="http://yourblog.blospot.com#start"> im not very sure if it works yet but its worth a try i guess.
  21. well your site looks pretty cool. and that bar is pretty annoying. i have no idea how to take it away but you could try and write them somehow like suggjesting that they make it an option to take it away.
  22. yeah i know that it would have been easyer to impliment an php script but the server i was using at the time didnt support php so that was out. but greatfully i now got hosted by Xisto and can use php. hahaha.
  23. well the way i see it you want to have an iframe that shows your blogger.com blog on your not blogger.com website. if thats the case all you would need to do is edit your template to make it look nice inside the iframe by changeing the css and all that in the template which you can edit in the control panel thing. if you dont know how to edit the css which im supposing you do then you can just ask me for help.
  24. A very good html editor is Coffee Cup HTML Editor. you can get e free vesion that puts a small text at the bottom of the page but you can edit it out with editor or something. its not as exctravangant or anything that you could compare it too dreamweaver or the like but its good and free.
  25. could you post a small gif or something here for us to see it?
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