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Everything posted by sangdukseo

  1. there's something like this at universal studios orlando, fl. except its MIB and you're killing aliens with laser guns. It's the shiz and you play with four other people and try to beat the other team's score.
  2. Don't Give This Guy Credit!!! I know this is an old post, but I just can't help noting that this guy stole the tutorial from another guy, at this site: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ People, please don't do this. Don't be douches. This is not cool. I try to check if people are doing this. You'd be surprised how many people lie.
  3. i like it, altho the render is weird looking. I think you should make the whole thing a little lighter, but thats my opinion.
  4. um, the last one was just disturbing. Not a good joke. The first one was a good laugh. But everytime I see the first one, i see the last one, and i'm just like, wowa, not cool.
  5. Learn php yourself. Just taking code and scripts from others and pasting these modules into your pages, you're not doing your brain a favor. Learn the code yourself and see if you can write it. Get a PHP for Dummies book. It's pretty good for beginning php. On another note, I'm not sure what you mean by the hi5 site. Do you mean, the idea of a social networking site? Or the code used to create a social networking site?
  6. if you disable javascript, won't your script just become invalidated? This idea doesn't seem too smart to me. I think it's kind of half-baked.
  7. Google's new thing is actually really likable to be. It's a very simple layout with basic colors and allows me to pick what I want and get the latest stuff. It's really great. Yahoo's is really just too colorful and complex with too many links and buttons that aren't part of the "personalized page" itself. Google wins in my opinion.
  8. Very nice. My skills don't even compare. I've seen some others you've done and they're all really good. Me give you rating: 10/10
  9. Robots with the ai at the level in a movie like I Robot are not going to be around any time soon, so as far as I'm concerned, I'll be dead before I have to worry about killer robots that take over the world. In the meantime, it would be nice to have a cleaning robot that cooks and does the dishes... Oh well. Maybe next century
  10. random is the way i like it. That is gonna be going into my aim profile. Random is the only way to describe it.
  11. Neverwinter nights is one I'd like to mention as a good one.
  12. very nice, but you could use a border, maybe a very thin one. That's all really. Quality is pretty decent. It's a great first sig keep it up.
  13. Radeon X1800 XL is the best you can get. I recently ordered one for a friend who wanted me to build him a pc. This beauty runs any game in the world. It even looks beautiful... I almost cried when I saw it. You can see details about the card here http://www.amd.com/en-us
  14. dude, book covers? Who are you??? NO WAY. That's the perfect way to say, "Yes, i'm the complete geek. I made a book cover for you because I don't have the social skills to talk to you." Aw man, you are lame.
  15. Linux is not for the everyday user. Use windows and just be careful of what you do. Maybe someday in the future linux will be user-friendly enough to gain a following like that of windows, but not anytime soon. So stick with microsoft and hope that they are fixing the holes and bugs that are left in xp. Vista better be better.
  16. I read that the shows that apple is selling are VHS quality, and that you shouldn't expect any show to be worth watching other than on your ipod because of the poor quality. I think the 15 gig. is going to be $299 USD. It's also slimmer than the normal ipod.
  17. wow... thats a lot of stuff. Um, i dont play sc anymore. It's been a long time. Strange time to bring up starcraft again, but yea everything you say is pretty true and good advice for anyone that still plays the oldschool classic.
  18. GOOGLE is your friend. And please, linux is not useful unless you're a developer or programmer. Otherwise, if you're just a newbie that wants to look cool using linux, stick with xp please.
  19. get a gsm phone since cdma like verizon and such... pshaw. what losers. GSM all the way... The best phones come from nokia, and motorola makes some nice ones as well. I've heard good things about samsung as well. Try this site. http://www.mobile-review.com/ good luck finding a phone that fits your needs.
  20. nice design, but sooooo cliche. Everyone does that, with the desk and computer and a bookshelf. Make it better by creating moving objects, just small things like a dangling mobile, or a book that falls over. There is nothing that links to anything. Overall, it looks good, but everyone's seen this kind of flash site before. Try being more creative.
  21. its not illegal... i use it all the time for my rokr... yup, just got one. it's the shiz...
  22. there's really no comparison between the two companies unless you're looking at dell's upper end pc's and xps series. Alienware is a very different sort of company. They are producers of very quality and high end pc's with top-quality hardware. Dell is a budget-friendly company that sells relatively cheap pc's. You just can't compare them. A better comparison is between Dell and HP/Compaq. Both sell household computers. Personally, if you have no budget to go on, go Falcon. https://www.falcon-nw.com/. If you are on a budget, go with Dell. In the middle, go Dell or HP upper end. The best option is to just build your own pc; it saves money by a lot and also allows you to see what you're getting for your money. But, many people, like as you said you are, do not know how to build a computer. There are many sites online that teach this kind of thing, and these tuts are very good. Try one sometime and you'll be surprised how easy it is to build a pc from scratch.
  23. The best way to get a lot of hits is too make your site as relevant and on-topic as possible. Use many of the same keywords, bold the important stuff, and make sure your website is search-engine friendly code-wise. This way, google will pick it up easily
  24. not bad... i won't be too hard on you. A big problem is the salamder is too dark.
  25. generally, the trend has been that AMD is for gamers, Intel for multitasking and such. If you know anything about processors, it's obvious why. The differences between them are very marginal though, except for the price difference. AMD is cheaper for what you're getting. I always think that intel overprices everything. On the other hand, AMD's processor numbering system really doesn't make sense to me.
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