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Posts posted by Tenshi

  1. I don't think that these threads should be deleted, people need to learn to care less about someone purposefully trying to wind them up on a public anonymous forum. And until they do these posts will keep appearing and we'll all know that the problem still exists.

    The reason why we should delete the topic is because it is gonna affect the forum's reputation and ranking. And knowing members in their bid to sound smart or earn credit they will post in the topic thus starting the cycle no matter how much you try to curb it.

  2. A truly brilliant book and sort of satirical in nature too. I especially loved the slow metamorphosis of the pigs starting from the time of revolution to the final end where they have completely turned into pseudo humans. Clover's alert mind, Boxer's blind faith, Benjamin's cynicism and Muriel's aloof characters are all a glimpse into how people are when it comes to observing their leader.A beautiful, brief story that stuck to the point yet delivered the punchline with the greatest emphasis.

  3. Alchemist is a total ripp-off of Herman Hesse's Sidharta.. If you like reading books read Sidharta, which is 10 times wiser book than Alchemist. Alsho Paolo said that he can write a book in one week, and that can obviusly be seen in his books. Books are laime, with same contigency (not sure of that word), but he is just repeating same stuff over and over. His latest book i bought called Warrior of Light (translated from my language, not sure is it right title) is collection of some small stories, which are really annoying after a while reading them.
    Don't know, most people like him beacouse of his simplicity but when you are reading a book i guess you want some mistery and double meaning in it. Choelo is nothing better than ordinary journalist writing articles in everyday newspaper. Even comparing him with authors of monthly articles in some magazines would be over his abillities...

    I totally agree with you but you should also try to see it through the eyes of teenagers and others, they are impatient and wish to be smart/popular within a short time. I have read so many times people bragging about reading "The Alchemist" and one day I decided to read it myself, i felt like I was reading a story written for children. It was only after I put in a little bit of thought did the philosophy start calling to me but I can only pity those who feel that they are reading a fantasy. Now that you have mentioned Sidharta, i will definitely make it a point to read it.

  4. Aaaah Swami Yogananda, a brilliant and truly amazing man. I have read all of his books and have thoroughly enjoyed them, but I must say his books require a lot of patience and whoever reads them first needs to stop challenging the book but instead accept it as the ultimate master. That is the only way I could learn anything from the books. Though my way of living & beliefs are different from what he preaches, the books definitely helped me understand how I felt in life :lol:

  5. When I was in high school, on AIDS day people wanted to spread awareness about the disease BUT instead of having someone speak about it, they decided to give us stupid flyers with BULLET POINTS. OMG, i felt like I was reading a menu or an advertisement. And to top it off because of the space constraint, most of the points sounded like gibberish and It basically was mashing up the actual facts.

  6. Now this has to be the weirdest coincidences in my life. I have not read this book but was planning to do so this week when my Uncle would be visiting over. I did not expect to find this topic here but I am pretty excited about reading it because my Uncle absolutely loved it and recommends it to me :lol: So if I do not forget I will definitely reply to this topic once I am done with the book.

  7. I absolutely enjoyed the book because it shows a truly lighter but deeper side in the minds of growing men. It was recommended to me by a book store owner because he knew about my love for books. I was quite honestly expecting a really sober indirect view on how things work but was completely taken back by what I saw. I will have to disagree with you angad, muted anger is really easy to express as Rowling IS writing through the eyes of a teenager and is keeping in mind that book sales would not be good if cuss words were found in a PG book. But Chetan Bhagat is shows us a more frank side to the language of today. I will admit, i too have a habit of using varied versions of the F word but it is only when I am with friends or with my family.

  8. Books are the only thing that has eternally very passively kept me going and always taught me something new. The books that changed my life have to be the James Herriot series which I read in 6th grade, they cemented then and there in my mind that I wanted to be a vet. When I lost my grandfather, i took inspiration from various poets & mainly Rudyard Kipling. Shifting towns made me enjoy Gerald Durell a lot. When I lost my Uncle I took to re reading books by J. Krishnamoorthi and Anton Chekhov. One of my friends introduced me to Swami Yogananda to quench my spiritual thirst and those books till date have kept me stable and have faith in what I believe in especially the book called " Divine Romance" :lol:

  9. *Arms myself with a rapier* I have always with a passion been an anti Famous five, secret seven & Hardy boys person. The last time I read those obnoxious books was in 4th grade, i read 3 books and I knew how all the books would be. My friend tried arguing with me by saying that " You know that they are gonna be in danger, that they are going to win in the end but do you know HOW". He went as far as to comparing that it was similar to watching House.. You know that he is gonna solve the case.... BUT.. BUT.. BUT House is ever so crazy, witty and smart.. The mystery novels were a bit monotonous and cheesy for my liking.

  10. I am currently on holiday so I am reading all the books I have in my library which includes my encyclopedia sets. But when I do not wish to lug around an encyclopedia in my haversack, i like to read James Herriot and Dilbert. I finished reading my entire James Herriot collection a few days ago and have downloaded a lot of English e-books so once I am done with my library, i will be hitting the E-books with zeal :lol:

  11. I wish the Moro battle in the south of the Philippines stop too.. :XD: its been going on for centuries.. Whatever their reason is force is not an answer, force is a sign of desperation, we are humans not animals so diplomacy or talk or debate is the way to go..

    In many cases force is a way to earn and as long there are puppet masters, you are obviously going to find useless wars that do nothing but drain life and resources. What I feel is that as each revolutionist is removed, it gives a little bit hope to the people to start afresh especially the youth whom I feel are getting sick of all the violence and disorder. I hope the youth gets smart and avoids making dumb decisions like many politicians :lol:

  12. Wow and I thought my depression was bad!! I have had depression ever since I was little because of the environment I was brought up so I can understand the life you might have gone through. I too have lost important people in my life, my grandfather and Uncle being the most heart breaking. After my grandfather died I became more introverted though my family and friends saw me as this happy, bubbly teen. But when my Uncle died I almost died and also considered suicide. I was always alone even though I live with my family, they either do not care or do not know how to handle my depression so I never did get any support from them. All that I can say is that, slowly step by step you need to keep walking towards letting go off the past. That is how I could start walking, by stopping the blame game & helplessness. If you ever need an ear, please feel free to contact me. I would though love to hear about how you are doing now :lol:Best of Luck

  13. When we are passionate about something or "want" to do something we tend to do it consciously or unconsciously. In the case of lyrics, when a song fixes itself in our head, we get the desire to sing along with the singer. Or sometimes the lyrics hit a chord somewhere deep inside or in the lighter side of you so you suddenly want to sing that funny song or deep meaning song. We often fail when we try to force something into our system but when we do it with some interest we grasp it immediately.The saying "Where there is a will, there is a way" sort of helps understanding this phenomenon.

  14. Being a living thing we were always born with the ability of loving a person no matter how they were, but as we grow up and society reinforces the rules to make sure that we live life right, we tend to take many things for granted or make taboo of others. Now I see that everyone says that one should not say "I love you" until they actually mean it. The thing is that the love we have for our family is unconditional while what we feel for our partners, friends and so on is a conditioned form of attraction. But we also take the "I love you" said to family for granted and fuss over when a lover does not say that they love you immediately. I personally let everyone I know that I love them a lot because I do "love" them. I keep telling one of my best friends that I love her a lot because she comes from a family that does not show her any affection or tell her that they love her so to prevent her from feeling insecure, insignificant or depressed I always give her a hug and tell her that I love her. It might seem weird to many but to her it is the most important thing. Heck, I even tell my pets all the time that I love them, you'd be surprised how happy they get after hearing it especially if it comes with a hug, belly rub and a kiss :lol: . Love cannot be categorized into family love, lover, friends love. It is the level of attraction & commitment which is changing therefore I tell my family and friends that I love them while I tell my lover that I absolutely adore him (I also say " I love you" but the word adore is only for him).The term "I love you" is said to "mean" something only when you feel strongly or when you keep it unique to one person and that is why I tell my lover alone that I adore him.

  15. The funny thing about the whole oil exhaustion phase is that people are not going to do anything about it UNTIL they see in the newspapers or T.V that there will no longer be any oil. Then the panic to "hoard" oil would begin thus making the prices soar up higher than an eagle. Once that is done, people will see the importance of running electric cars or whatever. Every thing that exists in this world will go through a real rough period until every one has their own solar/electric cooker, solar/electric car, solar/electric powered appliances etc. Sure, people are working on making hydrogen the new fuel but considering the expenses, unless it gets cheaper and people find a way to transport the goods ( Remember ships and planes run on fuel). Overall I feel that instead of bickering about graphs, statistics and playing the blame game we should do our best in using the sources as they are needed instead of being lavish.The only good thing about the end of oil is that even though the whole world would come to a standstill, it would be the final step Mother Nature would take to stop us from destroying the Earth.

  16. The problem with this logic is that you list all the languages you know to still be in use despite being old or out of common use. To be truly extinct they would be by definition unknown and unable to be used as examples. For example, what language did the people living in the Central African region speak 5000 years ago long before any kind of record was made of their words. Because languages are constantly changing it would be highly likely that there are words and entire languages from places like this that are no longer used or even recorded.
    For this reason it has to be true that some words and languages have become completely extinct over the passage of time.

    The thing I mean to say is that spoken language might vanish but some one or the other holds onto the written language in one way or another. Now the language in Central Africa might be dead to us because we do not know anyone who speaks the language but then again we do not know everyone in this world therefore how can we be sure that the language does not exist among the descendants. I agree that there are languages that are dead now but that also means that the people who spoke that language are extinct too.

  17. I think the author nailed the situation right on its head perfectly for I too believe that when there is something lacking from the inside we tend to beg for some attention on the outside. Especially the ones who flame online, they enjoy the power of anonymity and the lack of language control, they feel that they are smarter just because they can get a person to shut up using expletives but I find those kind of people idiotic. There are also some people who get overly obsessed with their online HOBBY and can turn violent/offensive when challenged.What we need to do is either completely delete the topic along with the replies or else ban/warn the person opening spam topics. Pranksters enjoy the feeling of having duped someone so more the replies even if they are flames, the more fun the spammer is enjoying.

  18. I too agree that members should get different groups but considering the number of members I am guessing that the admins are gonna have a tough time getting it all done without affecting the servers. Also, on what basis would the groups be made? the idea about having members having specific members brings extra load upon the admins and moderators because they will be responsible for choosing the members and what if a particular member who wants to post in a section is not allowed to because of the new rule? He will feel discouraged :XD: I like the current system a lot but I would like to see the HOSTED tag removed and instead see something funkier :lol: Well I guess it all depends on the admins so let's see what they think of the idea

  19. Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by luck. Illness, injury, love lost, moments of true greatness and moments of sheer stupidity all occur to the limits of our souls. Without these small tests, be they events or relationships, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere.
    If someone hurts you, betrays you or breaks your heart, forgive them it wont be easy, but time heals. For they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious of who you open your heart to. If someone loves you and you love them, love them unconditionally because they are teaching you to love and open your heart and eyes to things you would never have felt or seen without them. Make every day count. Appreciate every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can although there are limits, for you may never be able to experience it again.

    Treat people the way you would want to be treated. Make friends with people you enjoy being around and dont get too serious about certain things. Laugh and smile a lot it will make you a pleasant person to be around. When someone speaks to you, actually listen. You can learn a lot by listening to what others have to say.

    Aaah, time and time again life proves to me how similar we all are in reality. Here I was thinking that I was the only one who felt the same way you feel. To me life is a camera, if you use it right you get the most beautiful pictures but even if you don't yet remember the memory attached to that pic you still see a really beautiful picture. The problem with the evolving generation is how isolated we feel or want to feel even though technology is bringing us closer and closer. To live in the present is the perfect way to live can be as wrong as saying always work for your future. What should actually be said is that "One must work for the future while keeping in mind that he is always living today" for we live today, have lived yesterday and will be living tomorrow :lol:

    I love forums because you get to see so many shades of the original color, the energy within us being a neutral and unknown color but with our environment we tend to add color, texture and depth into it.. You might argue that the soul/energy never changes and remains constant, I will simply say that like the chameleon our energy changes its form to suit the environment but never changes who it is and always tries to make us follow the path of truth.

  20. Howdy Cian,

    First of all welcome to Xisto, secondly congratulations on getting your internet connection which is very helpful and also absolutely useful :lol: . Now you need not worry about the acronyms or forum etiquette because as you post you will get more and more comfortable with the language and style of writing. The most common acronyms you find here can be read about at http://pc.net/slang/

    Interesting, about the hurling team part and your post is really nice so I am sure that you would not have trouble earning here. Looking forward to your participation in the foums and I have listed below a few topics that I feel should help you understand how to get your hosting and support queries solved :-

    Anything else, you are always welcome to ask it here.. I hope you enjoy posting in the forums.. Have fun :XD:

  21. Ever since I was a kid, my parents always encouraged me to hang around with my bro (to his dismay :lol:) because all of my friends lived halfway across town. My brother is older than me by 2 years so most of his friends were of his age or a few years elder. And being the youngest I was always taken care by or counseled by them for some reason or another. Till date my closest friends consist of 2 people of my age and two of them 6 & 9 years older than me. I also have had friends who were nearly 20 years older than me.I generally got along with people older than me because of my childhood and I found kids of my age fighting and longing for petty things. But that does not mean I avoid being with my generation or the younger lot. My youngest friend is 5 years old (neighbor's kid) & though I hate dolls I make sure to play with her tea set to make her happy. To me, connecting with the person inside is far more important that connecting to the outer person. Though it is sometimes rough to be seen with people much older than you because people are wondering why I don't hang around with kids my age but what can I say? they boot me into proper shape :XD:

  22. I always have my computer on so there is always some music or the other playing. I normally choose the songs depending on my mood so if it is something that has been mulling over my head for quite some time I normally put on some Metal music or something and then hit the books. i always listen to instrumental music while doing Math and Biology. Pop is a good option while doing Physics because pop gets me all cheerful while tackling a subject that involves energy. Chemistry is Rock.. period :lol: I listen to piano and flute instrumentals mostly but when a subject requires my full attention I switch off the music, get the theory in and put the music back on. The key is to know when to switch on the music and when to turn it off, people keep the music on and do not realize when their attention starts shifting but the instant you feel that it is taking more time than usual to complete a particular theory, switch off the music and try reading it once more. That should give you an idea as to when your music needs to be on/off

  23. Welcome Shakes or should I call you Shakespeare (Sounds so poetic.. *swoons*). Amazing how you get to have your Hyde/Jekyl life :XD: and if you have worked with computers since the 80's you definitely must be knowing plenty about them. I don't mind golf but never actually got into it and the only game I play on a playstation is God Of War (PS2)... Gotta love the blood & gore in that one :lol:Sad to hear about your previous host but I hope you have a backup of your old site. I wanted to know how different is Windows 7 from Vista and Xp... Do you know how to get started here?

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