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Posts posted by Tenshi

  1. The funny thing is in this case neither the boy or girl is wrong but it is the situation which was wrong for both of you. Simply saying that the girl wanted to get rid of the guy or wanted to fool with others is mean. Considering that both the girl & boy are teenagers be it early or late teens, you guys are completely controlled by your hormones, lifestyles, peer pressure, zits :P & anxiety/depression. I am also assuming that you guys were having a long distance relationship when she cheated... My best friend who was in a long distance relationship once told me that she cheated on her guy not because she wanted to do it or because she did not love her guy, it was because she was missing the "warmth". She was extremely insecure and clingy so she could not handle the distance, she snapped and had an affair with a random guy. Later she regretted it and told her guy about the whole thing, it sort of brought their relationship back to square 1 but he helped her get over her insecurities and now the two are married. She was 26 when this happened, just shows you that it happens to adults too.Luckily both were mature in this situation but my advice to you would be to simply take a break. Let her decide whom she likes but do not be the rebound guy because she is bound to cheat again if she does not feel loyal to you. Ask her whether the distance and loneliness bugs her a lot. And let me ask you this, when has "taboos" ever prevented some one from doing something they wanted? If that was the case then there would never be teen pregnancies ever. Best of luck!

  2. Fractured,Your essay definitely shook my ground because what you feel is one of those profound things you need to really strive for to understand. What you wrote rotates around in my cranium sitting in the nooks & corners of my brain but because I am human whose limitations pull him down often I fail to find the words to express myself. When I read a person's words I need to feel the person and I could feel you. I could feel the words turning into realities faced by you & by me, memories, into actions, into hard work, into pain.Even though I am not a mother to humans, and I wish not to be one. I am eternally working hard for my foster kids, when I feel like giving up my kids wake me up and egg me on to keep moving. To me life is nothing but a place to emit & absorb energy for we are all condensed energy. I am no writer nor an artist who can draw their existence but I can say that I am an observing learner. I observe & learn as much as I can until the time I am allowed by myself to express it right.We tend to return to our true childlike forms when we are truly loving or passionate about something. So here is to my pursuit to be childlike for ever by loving everything that exists for what I see is you but know it is me :P

  3. Walking with girls can be hectic and if you are in a country where it is socially a taboo to interact with the opposite sex, it can be beyond painful. I can understand what you are going through, first your shyness, the girl's shyness/boldness, people gawking, cheap people & their comments. The best solution to it all is to first get rid of your shyness by talking to the girl in a place where you are comfortable, a cafe or school. Even calling her and talking to her on the phone is good for getting rid of that awkwardness. Once you are comfortable, take out your walking shoes pick up a topic you know both of you would love talking about & watch yourself ignoring all the morons on the streets.Just make sure to walk in places where both you and the girl are comfortable. I wish you the best of luck with your future walks :P

  4. I personally do not believe in astrology but have nothing against those who do. And I honestly don't care about knowing my future unless I have cancer & my doc telling me how many months I have left to live. There are many who swear by astrology because they see things happening exactly like how it was predicted. My argument to that is "If you believe in something with all your might, it is bound to happen".I stopped believing in horoscope after I turned 11 (Disasters in life makes you practical I suppose). To me astrology is nothing but a guide on how to soft land instead of crashing. I especially detest people who decide lovers & partners based on astrology because there are chances that you might end up with the worst partner even though your charts match. I got into the practice of reading Tarot cards & let me tell you this, your energy level decides what cards get picked. I experimented by doing a reading while I was sad and I got negative readings, when I did the reading for the same person with a much happier & calmer mood I got a completely different reading. So far every time I take a reading with an absolutely calm mind the readings come out true but then again it might simply be my interpretation of the situation that was correct though there are some readings that had no participation from my logic yet they came true.All I have to say is that the energy that we emit has a part in what the future might be but the same way we emit energy there are many other sources which emit more powerful energy. So MAYBE just MAYBE the stars do decide our future but even if they do, we need to really believe in it for it to happen...Confusing?? I know I am confused too :P

  5. HA HA HA HA I analyzed both my sites and the one word domain is worth 0 USD while the longer & weirder domain is worth 318 dollars... I am guessing it's mainly because the longer domain has been online for 2 + years now while the shorter one has been online since 6-8 months now. But I don't understand why anyone would want to sell their sites...I can understand those who have no choice but I detest the people who buy domains merely to share it for millions in the future. It kinda is unfair as it prevents honest people from getting the domains of their choice B) But I was really lucky to get the short domain name :P

  6. I drink only beer or wine (hate hard liquor) so it is quite difficult for me to get drunk & I am a social drinker so I always have some relative or another to calm me down in case I start getting high. But I remember this one sexy weekend with my Uncle where we were all celebrating his birthday, I had 10 pints of beer B) mainly because we were in the mood of seeing whether the oldies or me the youngster could drink more. I obviously won & as consolation prize I got brilliantly drunk. This party was a get together so I was meeting everyone except my Uncle & his wife after 6-8 years give or take.


    I am naturally very shy & reclusive in nature, you'd hardly hear a word out of me unless I knew you really well so at the beginning of the party I was mainly sitting with all my Aunts, Mom & the kids but when I got the first beer down I was sitting with my Uncles chugging down one beer after another. So the way I unfurled was :-


    AFTER :-


    First Beer :- I went away from the ladies and started talking with the Uncles

    Second Beer :- I started cracking jokes.

    Third Beer :- I started doing impressions of everyone in the room.

    Fourth Beer :- I was making people dance. (Removed glasses)

    Fifth Beer :- I was dancing myself ( I should not as I have a busted left knee).

    Sixth Beer :- Me and My Uncle were swinging to Elvis.

    Seventh Beer :- Drank it in 1 minute (competition).

    Eighth Beer :- I was quieter than a mouse (I was the loudest until now).

    Ninth Beer :- Lying down on the couch with Mom.

    Tenth Beer :- Woke up in bed the next morning.

    The whole time while I was drinking, I was removing some piece of jewelery, accessory so Mom was scared that I would start a strip show among the family members :P But I did not. I actually remember slightly having my tenth beer but nothing after it, Mom and my Aunt said that they helped me walk & tucked me into bed not before I lay horizontally on it preventing anyone else from sleeping on the bed. And the funniest bit... Mom says I was wide awake the whole time!! I never have gotten this drunk ever again but Uncle says that he will be hosting a booze party soon so wish me the best of luck B)

  7. Hullo!!I was asked by a member to introduce myself so that it would get easier for me to post in the forums B) So a nice short intro about myself, I am a girl who is currently studying to be a vet so that makes me an animal & book lover by default B) I came here because I want to host a website of my own & get rid of my loneliness. I have read the rules and regulations here & also know who the admins and moderators are but I hope I can ask the members for any help I might need. I have registered for the MYCENT program B) My username Tenshi means angel in Japanese, my friend chose that for me. I recently started playing a lot of DOTA and hope that there are some DOTA fans here too B)Well, I have no idea what else to say so I will say bye bye for now and meet you in the topics :P

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