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Posts posted by pilgrim_of_mini-monkeys

  1. The matrix is meant to be another pre-cursor warning to our abandonment to taking care in our work and contribution to this world. Our medelling could have catastrophic effects.However, it is at current and for the forseable future, impossible that computers will over-take the human race, as computers don't have and will more than likely never have the NATURAL curiosity.

  2. I am truly scared of never dying, and when I am finally dying, having a short and painless death. Afterall, I would have lived all my life at least thinking once of what it would feel like to die a long and very painful death. A short one would be a phobia, shortiodeathysphobia??? And never dying, well I would run out of things to do if I never died.

  3. I agree, it does get annoying when people copy layouts exactly (aka steal). There is nothing you can do about it. Using the disable right click does nothing to protect your site (using file > save as... overwrites the right-click).We just have to make sure to put little watermarks on the likes of our images.

  4. Some things have been buggin me in my life

    >friends saying rumors about me around the school and then saying them to my face :D

    >Mrs. Kernen giving me a D in Life Skills because she didnt let me take the test or give me any of my missing work

    >Having to choose whether or not i want to move in with my dad or stay with my grandma

    >My mom making a big deal out of my sisters and my brother staying with my dad

    >My mom having another baby? Or is this another one of my wicked aunts rumors that are supposed to ruin my life and my family


    :D I guess that helped a little


    1. Would you prefer to be slagged off behind your back, if so that can be arranged.

    2. Life's hard, and she's a b..., complain to the principle or something. Make your voice heard.

    3. That is a really bad choice to make. Poor you. Go for the one who you want to be with the most.

    4. Slap her and tell her to get over it.

    5. Make up your own destroying rumour. It works, trust me.

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