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Posts posted by pilgrim_of_mini-monkeys

  1. It takes time.Just saying that you need more hits isn't going to help. And buying them wont do anything neither. You need to either review your site and or someone else. Why would visiters come to your site? What do you offer that other forums don't? Why are you better than others? You need to constantly be reviewing your progress or regress.Offer incentives to bring people to your site and make them stay. Keep your content updated. Adding a blog into your forums can easily maintain people.People who go to your site will undoubtedly tell others about it. Make sure those other people have something to come to that will interest them.

  2. Firstly, we reached out of our solar system ages ago. We actually did not do it, but a probe did.

    I feel sorry for him; he was a rabid athiest and is now burning in Hell's lake of fire, rather than forever exploring the universe he loved in the presense of the God who created it!

    Please use the correct spelling - ATHEIST. And also, please keep the religious language out of this. I am agnostic borderline atheist, so comments like that piss me off. And it also get's on other people's backs as well.
    I think it will be a long long time until we get into the outer reaches of our SOLAR SYSTEM.

  3. Hi cmatcmextra, I am very ruthless when it comes to reviewing, so be warned.



    1. Headers go in one of two places, the left or center. Never put it on the right. Your header is the thing that visitors first look at when the enter a site. The first thhing I saw was the flowers and time/ date. This is a bad practice and you should try to stay away from it unless you are extremely talented and have a perfect layout.


    2. Am I right in thinking that you are a newbie to webdesign? If so it doesn't matter, and this would be a very good start at it. But the header is something to be desired for. Headers should always make a statement, grab the visitors attention with an array of varying effects (simple layering of textures / patterns).


    3. A very bad design sin. I have seen many people do it and it just destroys the site completely. Never fill your header with text. There should always be at least 1/2 (preferably 2/3) of the header cleared.


    4. Gradients in headers are often used inappropriately. You are not the first person to do this and you wont be the last. Gradients should always direct the user's eyes down. That means a horizontal gradient should be used with a darker varient of the colour on top (or bottom if it is the white shading) and gradually lightens to a higher tone of the colour. By using a vertical gradient, the eyes are directed to the side of the page. This stops everything for a split second from being noticed. This is where you should always be incapturing the visitors attention. A split-second can make a visitor leave.


    5. If you have an image, then the site name with a slogan to the bottom right of the name, then this gives it a more standard look.



    1. You have the plain unformatted menu links (below the header). Using simple CSS will help you overcome this. If you do not know how to use CSS, then I suggest you use Google to search for tutorials, or you can do what I did and teach yourself by trial and error.


    2. The menu links need to be bigger or the gab between them and the next blue gradient smaller.


    3. The button links. If there is something I can't stand more than a hot summers day, it is buttons arranged in a nasty way that link to an image. Buttons should be used sparingly (like on message boards). And the bttom four buttons make the stand move down a couple of pixels on hover.



    1. I would say it is ok, but there is not that much of it. You also need an opening paragraph. I have no idea as to what your site is about and why it is up on the Internet.


    Time / Date:

    1. Something that many people overlook is the little things, like simple PHP time and date scripts. However, the people that do use them don't always make them work efficiently.


    2. The time and date should be within a line or box either on the header (as a layer or table nesting) or in a side column. Somewhere it isn't in your face, but still accessible.


    3. Make sure you keep consistency, have it on every page at the same place.



    1. You need a footer. It is the basic rule of all websites. A footer should contain information like copyright and disclaimer link and also links to the different parts of the site.


    And don't forget to put the appropriate images to text (70% text or psace and 30% images unless otherwise).

  4. These are some basic ways in which you can make your site sticky.


    What is sticky?

    A sticky website is one that a visitor will keep coming back to, expecting to find out if there has been an update. It is the fascination of the visitor that this site is constantly changing that draws them near.


    Here are the useful tips.


    How much text-imagery should I have on my site?

    Generally it should be 70% text or space and 30% imagery. Remember that the site layout (table borders, backgrounds, etc) count as 10% in total (no matter how much or little) of imagery.


    1) Simplify: Sticky sites are 'top-heavy'. That's to say, visitors should be able to get their daily dose from the very first page that they see, leaving the business of site navigation for those who want to trawl the archives. Lose the Flash intros, thin out the page furntiture (images, text etc) and don't drip-feed content. Treat your front page as it is the only one visitors will ever look at (this rule doesn't always apply).


    2) Think like a blog: A little bit of new content every day makes for a stickier site than a lot of content once a month. Get into the habit of updating frequently and visitors are more likely to make your site a destination on their daily circuit of the web. If updating is a hassle, install a weblog publishing tool to take the strain.


    3) Link like a blog: Outbound links generate inbound links. Maintain a list of favourite sites on your front page, including links in your regular updates and share your broswer bookmarks. Even if you don't provide the most important content, you're likely to get regular traffic.


    4) Add interactivity: If syndicated content fits into your site format, pick out the feeds that suite your subject matter and include them in a sidebar so thy don't overwhelm your own content. Look for interactive content that can be fine-tuned to your site - polls and survey's are a good choice.


    5) Build a community: Try to establish some community grounds with other sites that interest you or you think will bring you more traffic.


    Here are some places to get some resources to help you in your sticky ways:


    1) Pollmonkey

    2) Miniclip

    3) Bravenet

    4) Technorati

    5) Feedroll

    6) Metatalk


    Three of the best sticky sites:


    1) BBC

    2) Metafilter

    3) B3ta

    (adapted from Xisto and webmaster-talk by me (twitch) )



    Notice from dundun2007:
    Put text in quotes as requested

  5. Copyright laws are not as simple as people think. All the work that we do is automatically copyrighted. It is because we have made it and it is our own work. Only when a disclaimer is put with it can the copyright come into effect. The disclaimer explains the prohibitations behind the copyright. However, this means nothing to people who steal.If you have a copyright notice but no disclaimer, then there is nothing you can technically do about it.In the modern day, you do not need documents from the government, after all it is your work so why should it. However, documentation of acknowledgement of copyright notices and disclaimer issues is a good idea to prove that it is your site (although there is a way of getting around it).There should be a clever person somewhere that develops a new system of anti-theft. Maybe some kind of script that searches the Internet for similarities and then reports the findings back to the user. Also, new and more clear laws should be passed on the Data something or other Act.

  6. I've heard of the supercomputer before. But what is the actual point of it in this day and age? The government and businesses like IBM are corrupt to the core, so it is obvious that you nor I will ever have one. People that can afford a supercomputer will more than likely never get one. And generally it is another fail. However, the fact that it is the fastest and most powerfullest computer in the world (known) doesn't make a difference as it has 20 480 processors. If we could build something like that (say 20 480 3.6GHz Processors, 40 960 Blocks of 1Gb Ram and so on) then we would too have the most powerfullest computer. What they need to try and do is test out new ways of data (electronic switching) transfer. Maybe something as sophisticated as biometric chips or isometric chips.We need to concentrate on making new things work, not putting hundreds (or thousands) of old bits together.

  7. I don't understand why people actually make and submit viruses. They are crippling the very essence of the whole Internet world. Without computers linked to each other, there will be no more Internet. Do they not realise this. And what is the actual motive behind it? Ok, sending hundreds of viruses to the likes of your previous employer and maybe the government may be a motive, but it is just childish and stupid.It must also be a nightmare for hackers, they hack into someone's system and BANG! they have been infected and the computer starts blowing up.Whoever makes a virus and sends it just needs locking up for life with no parole.And thanks for the information. It is like judement day is coming (M^e knows what I am on about).

  8. Samsung and Motorola are the best ones so far for me. Nokia old series are ok, but the new ones and the smart phones look awful. You would think they would make them slimline like the old ones, or at least improve on the look of them.Sagem are just trying too hard to get a foot in the billion-pound industry and are only achieving little profits, the 3 network's NEC series are too bulky (as well as the Motorola, Nokia and LG partnership).

  9. N-GAGE will be my favourite phones, they have lots of features, and the games are cool... They have huge memories and long-lasting batteries, so you dont have to worry that your batteries run out fast!!


    Really? You think the N-Gage is good? You really do need your head checking. They are hard to load games onto, unreliable, the radio is crap and generally a mini-person in a brick would work better than a N-gage.

  10. I would like a Samsung D500. The shape and features alone throw it far ahead of the many other phones. And the 3 network. They are rubbish.However, as new phones appear they either get better or worse (the Razor by motorola is dreadful). The Siemens SL65 is also another contender in my head. I generally like phones that haven't got the plane old static look, i like them to move.The new Nokia series look awful aswell. Little poxy screens, wobbly cases. What are they thinking of?

  11. Agreed. Using an email based system for primary hosting is not legible. However, if Google were to enable an open access function on the settings to allow other users or guest to retrieve selected data, then it would be a good idea.If Google were to start their own hosting (free or paid) the chances are that many other hosting companies would take them to court. For having such a footing in the Internet business. People are already getting peeved that Google is opening up it's services especially with the GMail. MSN (hotmail) are particularly annoyed.It would be a generally good idea for the whole file hosting and permissions thing, but the security of it falls dramatically.

  12. Why not turn it into a large scale community gathering offer?Give a forum area for everything.And I would suggest getting something like PHPBB for free or SMF (the newest one). Or you could pay for one like I did, VB (visual bulleting) it is just as good as IPB which is another paid solution.However, your forums should reflect your site genre.

  13. I don't see as why not. The Bible may make some reference to a man and a woman in a holy whatever, so there should be a non-religious marriage ceremony available. This would be helpful for the agnostics and atheists out there.People who are homophobics are just shut up in their narrow minds.And why are some people scared of homosexuals anyway? I am not a *person*, but I disagree with them being outcasted by society

  14. Was ist die realen Absichten hinter diesem? Wenn der admin und so Leute in der Lagesein w?nschten, Meinungen in einer anderen Sprache dort zu ?u?ern, dann w?rden sie entweder einen bersetzer oder Sprachenmen? liefern. Sie k?nnen in ein Fremdspracheforum sogar sich gesetzt haben, aber Nr.. Sie nicht und sie tun nicht, weil 99% aller Leute, die herkommen, englisch prechen oder einen ?bersetzer benutzen und f?r Mangel an Wissen einer Sprache dort sich entschuldigen k?nnen.-- mik

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