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Posts posted by pilgrim_of_mini-monkeys

  1. Fireworks Tutorial 1

    Creating a fire explosion.


    Step 1:

    Firstly, you must create a new document. I prefer to use 150x285 when creating this image. There is no real reason; apart from the computer I use to web design is pretty old and slow when dealing with heavy graphics manipulation. I also use a resolution of 99 pixels per inch. This may not be everyones taste, but I find it perfect for clear images when working with JPG. If you are using GIF slices, then you may want to make it a bit higher.

    Posted Image

    I always use a white background. This helps with your eyes and judging distances for when you lay down the initial background. Transparent backgrounds have always messed up on me.


    Step 2:

    Now that you have your workspace, select the Rectangle Tool in the vector shapes and draw a rectangle that is 150x285. Then make the X and Y co-ordinates 0. Then, change the fill colour to #141414. It is a lighter shade of black. You may use any other black variant as long as it stays under #2E2E2E. You will not be using this square for quite a while. All will become clear about its purpose later, but for now, lets create that explosion.


    Step 3:

    I always shied away from using the bitmap tools unless I had to. However, they are probably the best way of creating 3D digital images, which I like and many other people like to see on websites. Now, select the Brush Tool. Change the size to 12 and the colour to #FFFFFF. If this hurts your eyes, then no pain = no gain. Start by scribbling from the centre outwards in a linear function, like the image below.

    Posted Image

    As you can see, the lines arent exactly straight. This is the whole purpose of using the brush tool. When drawing the splash make sure to double back on the line you are drawing. This will save a couple of seconds. Your image can be more uniform or messier than the one above.


    Step 4:

    Now change your brush to size 5. This is thinner and will be the backbone of most of the explosion. Also change the Edge to 80. This will make it less blurry along the edges of the image. Then when you have finished it should look similar to the image below.

    Posted Image

    There are also diagonal lines from top left to bottom right and bottom left to top right. You do not need to include these lines, but you can if you wish.


    Step 5:

    We are now ready to make it into an explosion. At the moment your probably thinking, well it isnt fire explosion looking. That is the beauty behind this model. If you make it any colour you want, it suddenly becomes more than just a fire explosion. It can be a new background to an object, such as a car or just another digital image. To make the image look more like an explosion were going to add a blur to it. Firstly, select your bitmap and go to Filters > Blur > Zoom Blur. Have the amount at 100 and quality 100.

    Posted Image

    Please note that you should only use the filters menu when working with bitmaps. If you try to use it with vector, it will change your image into a bitmap. To use filters on vector shapes, use the Effects component in the Properties panel. Your image should look similar to the one below.

    Posted Image


    Step 6:

    This is mainly the experimental step. To change the colour of your new object, add effect of Adjust Colour > Colour Fill.

    Posted Image

    Change the colour to whatever you like. I personally chose to go with a marine colour and then added a little fish to the image and some text to come up with this:

    Posted Image


    Step 7:

    Still not finished! We now need to put that rectangle into action. I told you that it would be useful soon enough. Now, select your bitmap, object and text and group them together. You can press Ctrl+G in Windows to quickly achieve this. Then cut the image (Ctrl+X). Afterwards, select your rectangle, go to Edit > Past Inside. Then your image will re-appear inside the rectangle.


    If youre wondering what that was about, then this is the answer. When using this explosion for web design, and you are creating the layout directly in Fireworks (like I do), then you will often come across the problem of overlapping. Now, by pasting one object inside another, the overlap disappears and the problem is solved. It keeps the design of your site clear-cut. However, retro sites are to stay away from this, as they survive by using obnoxious, but effective, layering.


    Stay tuned for more tutorials.


  2. Emplanting a micro chip into the brain wont turn us into robots and it wont certainly make us think like computers.The idea is not to make us any better, it is to make computer access better. The brain is most powerfullest computer in known existence. So, by linking one mind to the world network of computers, everyone would have the power of at least 5 super computers. It reminds me a bit of Star Trek com panels (lcars). They are very quick and are all linked. Perhaps that is what it will be like in the future. If there was one person who gave themselves up to become the human computer, then our technological advances would triple if not more. Given the chance, I would sign myself up to become one.And foremost, CANCER IS NOT A DISEASE. Why do so many people not understand that we all have cancer. In some people it activates, mutating the organs on a molecular level. In others it stays inactive. I don't believe that anything causes cancer (lifestyle wise). Any links are purely coincidental and are made as a rouse.If people are unwilling to go forward in life, take risks and do something that so many are scared of doing, how are we ever going to progress.Our space is only invaded if you want to percieve it that way. All these theories and conspiracies against the government are total bull. Why would the government be interested in such "rif raf". What purpose do we serve to them? We fight there wars, we feed them and there young? We are basically servants to the government.And how would having a chip inside you limit your activities? If the government are already "watching" us then what would be different from having a chip? Seriously, some people are so caught up in narrow limits they can't see beyond FICTION.Finally, who said that this is a government thing? I thought it was scientifically funded by private share holders. If it stops crime, wars and stupidity then I am all for it.

  3. 2 Computers, soon to be 3.Anyway, the first one is mine, and that is in my bedroom. It is VERY OLD 333MHz (400 when I overclock) 19.6Gb HD, 196MB RAM, 8 MB Gaphics Card, no Internet (yet), Windows 98SE (with adjustments).The second one is here in the living room. It is Windows XP Pro, 32Mb Graphics, 256Mb Ram, 80Gb HD, 1.8GHz Processor (AMD).The new computer is going to have Windows XP Media Centre + Windows XP Pro (for compatibility reasons with games), 120Gb HD (1), 20Gb HD (2), 512Mb Ram, 3.2GHz Processor. It will be all mine. whahahahaha.

  4. Go to: http://www.anim8or.com/
    Or Google: "anim8or"

    It is a very good program for beginners. I thought the community that used it was small. Anyway, I found it too restricting when it comes to exportation features and importing. For example, I do a lot of modelling for games, and most of them require file extensions that anim8or doesn't support. However, it is the perfect program for creating complex 3D chaos maps (e.g. The fabric representation of the Chaos theory).

    I remember the first object I made with that program was a missile, took me 2 hours to make lol.

  5. Stupid woman. She needs to crawl back under the rock she came out from under. Seriously, hippy days have gone. People should be moving forward, making progress. Not stopping themselves due to personal restraints.One question to the American's, why in life, do so many sad and dilluded pople have to sue? I mean, there has even been cases against farting in public. What next, suing the Sun because it is bright, or ice cream because it is cold. Seriously.

  6. I heard that microsoft were not releasing any more IEs. They were just going to make "patches" and updates to advance the one that they have now. As more browsers are released, W3C have to come up with more stringent rules of which us web designers "have" to follow.Firefox will always stand strong, unless some unseen virus wipes it out. This is because of the openness of it. With being a community project, people can take ideas from the likes of IE and adapt them to Firefox.The bad reputation that IE and Microsoft are developping will have unpredictable events. It may boost their prestige, or it could do the direct opposite. The problem with Mr Gates is that he is trying to hard to make money and delve into people's lives and way of living. If he were to sit back a little and watch the market, he would do a lot better.

  7. Sounds impressive. First a solar power tower in the Australian outback, creating 2Megawatts of electricity, or 100,000 homes. Now there is this. Who needs atomic fusion. As great as this is, there is one big problem. Corruption and greed. Such a way of producing free energy will not go down well with so many companies and government. A lot of money will be lost because of it, and the governments and electricity suppliers wil be outraged. Therefore, not in the forseable future, we will never actually obtain this technology in our homes.How much electricity does this device actually generate then? Is it enough just to power one home, or can it power a full city?

  8. i've been in this forum for a long time just for the hosting, then I finally get 30 points. Then i apply for the hosting. Rejected because I spammed post. Where did I freakin' spam?


    Exactly. You aren't going to get an account becuase of that attitude. This site isn't about the hosting. It is about building a community of people of all creeds, sex, race etc. Just posting for the sake of getting an account is a misuse of the site aims.


    If you read the rules properly, then this would have never happened.


    NOTE: For all people hereafter, please remember that the hosting service provided by OpaQue and the team is a sort of grattitude to your contribution to the community. Posting for the sake of getting a hosting account will get you no where.

  9. Snil was only doing his job. If you can not accept this, then that is your problem. So far the moderators have been right about all decisions, and I expect them to be the same in the future.As said before, the time frame does not apply. IF you clearly breached the rules, then whatever consiquences come at any time are your just deserves.

  10. I have no real like of a particular brand or brands. If the clothes look good to me, then I buy it, whether it be a bran name or not. I prefer brands as they usually have better quality and design.Theadstarter, although the options to format text are given, that does not mean you can blind us all with the obnocauxiosly large and colourful text. :rolleyes: So, we are generally all the same, not fussy. All these politicians complaining about inequality.

  11. Getting music from the web freely, if otherwise stated, is illegal. You must pay (if subjected to) the amount needed for each single/ album. However, there are plenty of "free" sites that do let you download the music. However, they clearly state that the music must be deleted within 24 hours, so they are not breaking any laws. If you do not delete that music within those hours, the company providing it can not be sued, it is the actual person who downloaded it.


    Is an example of one of these "free" sites. They do have free mp3s to download, but still warn you to delete them within 24 hours to avoid copyright infringement.

    And there are such things as free. If there wasn't, then it would not exist.

  12. It depends really. I personally prefer phpbb because of the huge amount of features and ability to expand it to become an almost paid-like forum software. But, if you do not know any PHP or SQL, then you may have a few troubles trying to mod it. SMF/ YABB has a built in mod installer that finds latest mods from the servers and downloads and installs them for you. However, the control panel on SMF/ YABB is not that great.The current features of PHPBB 2.0.15 far out way SMF/ YABB, only when several mods are put into place.If you want something that has an extreme amount of oppurtunity to become better, then go for PHPBB. If you jst want a forum to make up a simple community for your website, then go for SMF.

  13. Try something like Bravenet.com or as said before, Google it. If you are unsure as to how to get a good set of results from Google, here is the link to go though the current guestbooks:  Please note that there are suspicious words within that URL, e..g "Porn". This is part of the exclude list, which means that all sites with "porn" in will not be showed. --mik

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