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Everything posted by Jess123

  1. My 16th BirthdayWhen I got my Drivers LicenceWhen I got A JobWhen I First Went To SchoolWhen I met my first friendFirst KissFirst LoveMy 10th BirthdayWhen I won a sports match
  2. I have a big and sorta safe neighbourhood! It out in the city and is near alot of traffic so it can be a bit noisy at night and day...There are some people with big rich houses next to us, also a couple of shops and a sports ground just across the road and even a pub just a couple houses down! Even though it has pubs and stuff I don't think it's that bad living there as far as I know there haven't even been any murders at all...
  3. I watch anime but not many! Anime such as Naruto <3 my favorite anime, sailor moon, pokemon, dbz when I was younger! Now a days I only watch Naruto, Bleach, Love.com and FMA! Those are some of the best animes I have ever seen in my life^^ But sometimes it can get so boring or it may get boring so I just leave it and maybe go back to watch it 3 months later^^
  4. I don't really read comics or watch many animes but I'd have to say Anime! It's better and much more interesting then comics! Also the same with Manga, manga can be quite boring because it sometimes very boring to sit there and read a black and white comic! Soo yeah I'd have to say anime beats comic^^
  5. I love travelling always have and always will, I've been to so many place in my country or even overseas! Place such as Italy, France, India, Japan, Fiji and Canada! This year I may be going to Japan again, well I'm saving up for it and am so excited! I really want to visit China, Germany place like that it seems really nice to live there cause we'll I have heaps of friends from them countries!
  6. Well I wake up at 7:30 on weekdays! Weekends 8:00, I go and bruch my teeth and have a shower! After my shower I have some breakfast and if it's a school day then I usually pack my stuff and leave but on the weekdays after breakfast I go to work or go out for a run that always help since I love sport so much^^ If not walking maybe go out and feed my pet dogs or visit my friends that's usually very fun and yeah that's how I start most of my days!
  7. I haven't had anything that pianful happen to me but i rmember a couple of years ago i stood on a knife
  8. I don't think it's a waste time or money. I actually find high school very useful!
  9. I really hate my schools blocking system! It really annoys me becuase they block everything even those site that aren't atleast that bad...
  10. I loved some of the subject and the fact that I got to hang out eith my friendsI didn't like some of the teacers though
  11. How often do I exercise, i never exercise..lol Nah I exercise everyday except for wednesdays. I play soccer which takes up 4 days and for the other two days I just run around doing laps or at school doing sport!
  12. Well I guess it kinda does, I really hate homework becuase they give you tons of it. And for some of the subjects they teach you the same crap week after week after week and it get boring. But some classes like sport or langauge can be fun!
  13. I don't hate it or love it! There are friends there which make going to school sorta fun but then those teacher, students, test, assignment, subjest and all those other crap that doesn't want to you to go to school!
  14. Well I've skipped 1 or 2 classes by accident. I didn't know where I was going and got lost so for the hour I walked around looking for my class..
  15. There are heaps of cliques at out school. Chess NerdsVideo Games NardsNerdsComputer GeeksEMO'sMusic PeopleStuckup B****h....heapsTroublemakersNormal not liked or hatedThink there cool people..also heapsCool PeopleStudent Form Other Countries
  16. I'm at my last year for school. I'm so exited but sad that's it the last year!
  17. I'd have to say Invasionfree. It easy to use and and easily customisable. For seconds I'd say PhpBB!
  18. I more of a dog person then a cat person. I have lived with my pet dog for 5 years and he is really loyal.
  19. I more of a dog person then cat. I have had dog as a pet for most of my life and I kust love em!
  20. My favorites kind of pet would have to be a dog it's the only pet i've ever had^^
  21. I love playing and watching soccer. I have been watching/play it ever since I was small. MAN UTD are the best^^Also tennis, i can't play it very well but i sure do love watching it
  22. My favorite email service would be hotmail. I find it easy to use^^
  23. I had AOL email but now I use hotmail. I find it really easy to use but I think Gmail is a good email service kinda sorta better then hotmail.
  24. The's amazing! Computers singing songs, they sound a bit weird but still it awesome^^
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