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Everything posted by Cezve

  1. There are too many scam or at least "shady" websites out there offering to help you earn money online. And unfortunately, the ones that actually pay are paying shamelessly low. I've tried more than a few so far. Most were the same. Recently, I've been trying out Amazon's Mechanical Turk. It's ok, if you don't mind getting paid 2-3 $/hour (though, sometimes there are occasional good paying jobs). The way I see it, it's an ok (but awfully boring) way to get some extra cash with your free time. A better way to earn money online would be through ads on a website with decent amount of visitors. Or , I haven't tried this one yet but, there are sites who assign works to freelancers. So if you're let's say, an engineer or a web designer currently unemployed this might be a good option I guess.
  2. True, Marcelo Garcia is a great grappler. I'm a big fan. It's really fun to watch him compete. Never a dull moment with him on the mat. Also I suggest checking out Damian Maia. He's a very technical grappler. And he also started doing MMA and doing very well so far.
  3. What do you guys think about grappling arts? Anyone practicing BJJ, Judo etc? I've recently got introduced to BJJ. And I'm totally hooked. If nothing else, it's a great workout. But also it demands some thinking to be done and attention to details. Although there are dangerous stuff like chokes, armbars, cranks etc included, it's quite safe to practice if you're careful. And after your first class you realize how clumsy you actually are. Like a fish out of the water.
  4. I gotta agree with Lovecraft. I love the "creepiness" of his stories. Other than that i'm a sci-fi junkie and I've a more than a few favorites in the genre. For example, Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land, Alfred Bester's Tiger Tiger and Dan Simmon's Hyperion stuff.
  5. We all know what happens when a ship uses that technology, right? It comes back with something evil. *hint hint* Event Horizon. Joking aside, I think Arthur Clarke said something like "It's likely that an advanced society's technology would looks to us as magic". I don't think there will be that kind of magic-like techological breakthrough in humanity's future. I mean no fancy jump drives, worm holes or 4 dimension. It's a little bleak look but humanity would self destruct before getting to that point. And we're pretty much stuck in our solar system. I guess the most likely way that humans can colonize outside solar system would be by some kind of generation ship.
  6. Alcoholic beverages aren't always used for supressing feeling or "partying". I don't see any problem with drinking as long as it's done in moderation. There is nothing wrong with a glass or wine three times a week or cold beer after a long day. Some people drink for the sake of the taste. In fact, it has some health benefits. For example, red wine with it's high ratio of antioxidants is considered good for your hearth health. Actually, if I'm not mistaken alcohol in general has some benefits like increasing good cholestrol etc. That being said, drinking at 15 isn't appropriate at all. Whether you drink cause you enjoy it or just want to get drunk. Drinking enough alcohol to get drunk puts a lot of pressure into the body. It would lead to serious health problems in future if it becomes a habit. I say keep getting drunk if you aren't that attached to your brain or your liver.
  7. Fallout 2, Baldur's Gate (1 and 2) and Planescape Torment would be among my favorite RGP games. PT isn't very well-known (or well liked) but it's got a great story line and background.
  8. - What is TextPattern then? TXP is a flexible blogging and CMS (Content Management System). Even though there are plugins to integrate TinyMCE, it's not as perfect or easy to use.. like WP for example. TXP supports a markup language called Textile. (It's easy to use and not very complicated. You can find an easy example further down.) And writing articles is mostly done with Textile or by just using hmtl tags. Here is a link to TXP's official site if you're interested. TXP A simple textile would look like... p. Here is the text. This would print out; <p>Here is the text</p>This is why I suggest using a simple application called Texter to make writing articles faster and more efficient. The application is also great for coding. You can find some information about it and it's basic and advanced usage >> here It basically turns shortcuts you assign to full text. Here are some shortcuts I use with TXP or HTML coding. There are two important attributes to use with it. %c : inserts whatever text you've got copied in clipboard. %| : moves your cursor to the place you want in inserted text by Texter. Here are some shortcuts I use with TXP or HTML coding. <img src="%c" />It'll insert the image link in the clipboard and will print out. Similarly it can be used with links or for just simple HTML tags.. <a href="%c" >%|</a> <p>%|</p>An example for TXP tags. The following is for a plugin I use for embedding videos. The tag's originally used like ; <txp:the_video from="" id="" />... where "from" is an attribute to decide which video site (g for Google Video etc) it'll be. And the "id" is for video id. (Last part of video links. "6IH8CGohTh0" for a youtube video for example) And the hotstring for it would be ; <txp:the_video from="%|" id="%c" />So, by writing "//vid " (which activates the assigned hotstring) , copied video id will automatically get inserted into id="" and the code will be printed out with the cursor at from=" ". It's quite basic stuff but it really improves things. I hope this will be helpful to the coders ad bloggers out there.
  9. I noticed that having an active forum improves things a lot. If you have a clan with a large community, like a raiding WoW guild etc, it's not hard to have an active forum. In small communities, you can encourage activity in forums with forum games, trivias and quizzes. They could be related to game lore etc in case of MMORPG's. You can give in game rewards to winners. You could do weekly lotteries and many other activities depending on your clan type.And in general, I guess you could just make forum/clan site activity mandatory if you're really serious about it. Afterall, being a part of a clan isn't just about logging in the game.
  10. Thanks for the welcome guys. That was just a bait for the first part of my evil genius plan to lure out and make a list of potential members to blackmail for trappist beers. And you sir, are marked! [insert evil laugh]
  11. Hey trappists.Years ago, I used to do some really amateur web design work. But it turned out to be just a phase. I lost my interest in PHP coding, messing with SQL tables etc. Though, recently I've been meaning to start a blog and a training log. So, this first lead me to WP and then to other blogging softwares. And finally to a search for a decent free host. (Yes, I know I'm cheap ^^ )I've heard good things about Xisto and it's hosting service. MyCent seems like an interesting idea. So, here I am. Hopefully my stay here will be long and fruitful.
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