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Everything posted by Xboxgamer1200

  1. Wow, well I start complaining when gas prices are above $2.20, and the people in Chicago would most likely be lucky if it was that low.
  2. I listen to music through my sound system that is also hooked up to my TV/Xbox. I prefer it over headphones anyday because I just love filling the basement with sound.
  3. It is hard to say which will be better overall, although I have a feeling PS3 will be better. I personally will stick with the Xbox either way.
  4. Religion is the practice of belief, worship, and traditons. You are right, there are a lot of religions that will not allow a female priest, but this is not all relidions. Since religion is mostly based on traditions, it may take time before women are fully allowed to be priests. In the U.S., there has never been a women president before, should we abandon the democratic system or just wait until the day a women is finally made a president? Likewise, should we abandon religion because of its traditional beliefs, or wait to let it take its course?
  5. Source is such a great game! I do not own it, but I constantly go over to my friend's house to play it.
  6. My sister bought DDR for my Xbox. However, I only play it when nobody else is around. I thought it would be a pointless game, but I have fun playing it.
  7. I agree, UT is really awesome, but I would have to say I like Halo 2 more.
  8. Maybe you could play something like Raven Shield? My friends and I play that often when we have lan parties. (Though we are all big Tom Clancy fans) ...One of the best parts of lan parties would be junk food...
  9. This is correct. Depending on the version of your Xbox you could have an 8, 10, or 12 gig hard drive (so I read in forums), but Microsoft "locks" the hard drive so that you may only use 8 of it. The reason the hard drives may differ is because different companys made the hard drives for each version of Xbox. I would assume they locked the hard drive so that all Xboxes were uniform and had the same 8 gig. I have no idea how many blocks equal a gig, in fact I have never even went below the 50,000+ mark. I assume this must be more of a warning level or something like that.
  10. Well stated, I agree with you 100% there. Yes, your mathematical equation makes perfect sence to me. However, I still do wonder why upper levels of math include letters and other crazy stuff. I was fortunate to get a B in Precalc this year, but AP Calc will be a new story next year... Alright, back on subject... A few years ago I denied the idea that games could ever cause teen violence. I felt that it was mostly parents trying to put a label on the cause of rising teen violence these days. I recently am starting to believe, as I stated before, that each individual kid may be affected differently. Video games can be frustrating or even cause a lot of emotion at times (may be evident when I am playing Halo 2 with friends), so it is my new belief that video games could be the spark for the fire with some kids. Although this may be the case for some kids, I personally feel that video games can be a good way for me to vent strong emotions a times.
  11. I personally use Norton Antivirus and Internet Security, but if you do not like that I would take a look at an antivirus program called Panda Suite. It is usually used for businesses, and yes it is a little more expensive, but people have told me that it is far better than Norton.
  12. That is a very good insight, and my heart follows that concept, but does anyone remember the Vietnam War? After the U.S. pulled out of South Vietnam it was not long before the communist North Vietnam took over the South. Although I really feel that our work there is done, I believe we should somewhat stick around for a while to insure that Iraq's government does not fall to a dictator.
  13. The United States has one of the best military forces in the world. The idea that China would win by pure numbers is feeble and weak. Take a look at the numbers of U.S. soldier losses compared to Iraqi Resistance losses. Although they have their cowardly terrorist roadside bombing tactics, the comparrison of losses are still overwhelming. Numbers mean nothing...training and weaponry is the key.
  14. I personally feel that gaming cannot be labeled the main cause of teen violence. I believe that people felt something needed to be blamed for the rising of teen violence lately, and gaming took a blow for it. Why would it have to be games that cause teen violence? Why not movies or music? What about shooting sports such as paintball or airsoft? There are many other ways kids could be influenced to cause teen violence, so I feel that each individual kid may be influenced differently by different things.Please feel free to make arguments to support your vote.
  15. I believe they should be called Native Americans. Either that or we could just call them "Those whom were here first". I personally believe that would be a better choice since there would be no discrepancy with the terminology and nobody could argue with that.
  16. I had thought that that Xbox 360 picture was one that some foreign country was trying to put out. I figured Japan was trying to come up with their own Xbox 360 or something. I did watch the MTV premier of the Xbox 360, and I must say it was the biggest waste of my life. I believe there was about 5 minutes of the specifications and engineering of the Xbox 360, and the rest was worthless. I especially liked how the band "The Killers" apparently had to do something with the Xbox 360 since they took up about 8 minutes singing some songs. What about the Pimp My Ride Guys showing their pimped out Xbox? Definatly does not have to do anything with the Xbox 360. I was extremely dissapointed with that premier.
  17. To get the saves off of the xbox and on to the computer you want a thing called Action Replay... Mine came with an xbox memory card a device that allows you to hook up that memory card to your computer via usb. I got my Action Replay at a GameStop store. I did a quick search and found it on ebgames.com... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ With Action Replay you can transer the games to the pc, and you can also download saves from sites such as http://uk.codejunkies.com/ and transfer them from the pc to the xbox. I still think it would be easier to just buy a memory card and transfer it to your buddy though.
  18. The Xbox is simply the greatest console because of these 8 reasons... 1. Halo (enough said?) 2. It has the best graphics of all of the consoles currently out. 3. Halo 2 (still not convinced?) 4. It has a built in hard drive so there is no need for memory cards. 5. Xbox Live (oh yeah!) 6. Yes, the original controllers were quite massive, but the S-Style ones are more manageable. (any critics of the design of the xbox or the controller should visit this site to gather more support information or a laugh or two... http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=xbox_suckit) 7. An Xbox Jewel that takes up 25% of the surface area so that you do not forget what system you are playing during loading screens. (just for added kicks) 8. If you really want to you can rip music onto the hard drive. (I still prefer my iPod over the Xbox for portable music playing) You see, the Xbox is the ultimate gaming console as of right now. If you do not have an Xbox, you should get one.
  19. I mostly use Photoshop for stuff that actually matters and paint to mess around with.
  20. Well I did use default for a long time, but about a year ago I started playing Max Payne, and did not attempt to turn off the invert. When I went back playing Halo I could not use default anymore.
  21. Well I honestly do not even know how to check how many credits I have.
  22. Well this was very interesting to learn about. I do not believe this idea that McDonalds has will attract as many "young and tech-savvy" as they hope. I have seen restaurants everywhere that have free wireless internet access, but it makes me wonder how many people actually are lured into the restaurant just because of the internet access. I could be wrong, but I highly doubt anyone will choose to go to McDonalds over some high class restaurant just because they can download ringtones there. This reminds me when I was in Chicago once and it was the first time that I saw a McDonalds with like 4 registers so that the customer could make up his/her own order. Apparently after you completed punching it in, the kitchen would get the ticket and start making it. The younger people seemed to have it easy, but the elderly did have a problem with the new technology. McDonalds employees had to assist people constantly with these registers, so it kind of defeated the purpose of having the customer punch in the orders. Also, I figure if they are going through all of this work to make these registers, why don't they just have an instructional video playing that shows everyone how to make their own burgers?
  23. I must say, that is one interesting design for a console. The Xbox 360 will be a really nice gaming console, since it will basically be a smaller version of a computer. I am looking forward to getting it when it is released, and I am also looking forward to getting Halo 3 when that comes out.
  24. I am involved in our school's Key Club (service projects), Science Club, I play the trumpet and euphonium in concert and marching band (hope to start guitar soon), I am an Eagle Scout, I have gone to a few airsoft events, I play xbox and pc games a bit, and I work the rest of my free time.Brainless- Its nice to hear you are involved with debate. If I did not work as much as I do I would have considered doing the speech or debate team for my school.
  25. I would have to say that white chocolate macadamia cookies are my favorite.
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